[Course Forum] Englisch 1 - 7 by Memrise (English for German speakers)

My second note is about course 7 / level 3: “at all” is translated to “überhaupt nicht” but the negation isn’t correct, i think. “not at all” would be the correct form. And vice versa is the translation for “at all” “überhaupt” and “irgendwie”.

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In course 6 / level 7 the sentence “the man whose sister works for the president” got the literal interpretation “der Mann dessen Schwester arbeitet in der Regierung” and translated is it to “dessen Schwester für den Präsidenten arbeitet”. Perhaps it is vice versa?! Literally Regierung isn’t president but government.

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In course 6 / level 10 is “to get along” translated into “sich gut miteinander vertragen”. That are mixed two phrases together: “sich vertragen” und “sich gut verstehen” or simpler “sich verstehen”. “miteinander” (each other) is to much in both cases. So for “They don’t get along” is “Sie vertragen sich nicht” or “Sie verstehen sich nicht gut” enough.

This “miteinander” is also to much in course 6 / level 22. “We should make up.” is translated into “Wir sollten uns wieder miteinander vertragen.” “Wir sollten uns wieder vertragen.” is enough. The english language likes that kind of dubbling, in the german language dubblings seem awkward.

And back to course 6 / level 10: “I don’t agree with you” is translated into “Ich bin anderer Meinung als Du.” That’s actually possible, but closer is “Ich stimme Dir nicht zu.” “Ich stimme mit Dir nicht überein.”

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Sorry for that amount all at once - it’s the result of a longer term :hugs:
In course 6 / level 21 is “to travel the world”; translated into “Durch die Welt reisen.” That is closer to “Um die Welt reisen” and would translated into “to travel a/round the world”. There is a closer translation for “to travel the world”: “Die Welt bereisen.”

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In course 6 / level 3 I found a silimar case: There “she didn’t mean to hurt you” is translated into “Sie hat dich nicht absichtlich verletzt.” Closer, shorter and simpler would be “Sie wollte dich nicht verletzen.”

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The next debatable sentence would be in course 6 / level 18. “a penny saved is a penny earned” has no really common translation. Here it is translated into the most complicated form “Spare in der Zeit, dann hast du in der Not.” But the english version doesn’t include “the need”. There are two alternatives without “need” and closer as well: “Sparen ist verdienen.” and “Wer spart, der hat.”

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A other tiny matter is in course 6 / level 23. “Don’t move an inch.” is translated too close into “Beweg’ dich keinen Zentimeter.” This german phrase exists but with Millimeter “Beweg’ Dich keinen Millimeter.” The language of the country with a great tradition of engineering is a little bit pettier :slight_smile:

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In course 6 / level 13 is another translation a little bit too free to find a easy way in my memory. “This is of the record.” is translated into " Das sage ich jetzt im Vertrauen." A closer version without “say”, “i” and “now” would be “Das ist nicht für’s Protokoll” or “ganz im Vertrauen, …”
In the same course and level is a similar case. “all things being equal” is translated “wenn andere Faktoren keine Auswirkungen haben”. That’s a very free interpretation. There are impacts of other elements, but they remain the same. I would suggest “unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen/Voraussetzungen” or “wenn sonst alles gleich bleibt”.

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In course 6 / level 12 the translation of “you should listen to yourself” “Du solltest dich reden hören” has no natural melody. We would say “Du solltest dich mal (reden) hören.”
And last but not least in course 6 / level 32: The translation of “Let’s hope for clear skies.” is way too complicated “Lass uns hoffen, dass der Himmel klar sein wird.” Yes, in Germany we have only one sky, but it isn’t clear but blue - and the weather is clear. So a shorter form would be “Lass uns auf (einen) blauen Himmel hoffen” or “Lass uns auf klares Wetter hoffen.”

That was it :hugs: I hope it helps and send best regards
Eke Hoehl

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Could the course moderator help @Ekehoehl with the following question:
British English (UK) for german speakers course 6 / level 28 "storm in a teacup".


thanks John,
i found my way here :slight_smile:

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Can you also say, “ich bin nicht deiner Meinung”?

I live in the southwest of Germany (but I am from England) and I don’t always know whether something is local dialect or “regular” Hochdeutsch.

Yes sure, fine, that’s also smarter than “anderer Meinung als Du”. In plural it would be “Wir sind nicht einer Meinung.”?!

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Great comments by the way, I hope that @linh.vu will have time to work on them soon!

She is the German language specialist here, by the way.

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Hello, in course 7 I have a problem with a similiar translation. “Pleasure to meet you” and “Nice to meet you” have correctly the same translation. One is written with, the other without a comma. And both are offered as solution in the same task. In both cases the sense is correct, but if you choose the “wrong” one, you have failed😏 Is there another way? It doesn’t make sense and frustrates.
Best regards

Hello, in course 6 level 27 the man says “because she is the woman of my dreams”, the woman says “because she was the woman of my dreams” and it is written “because she’s the woman of my dreams”. Is the past form also written on this way?

Beim Level 34 vom Kurs “Englisch (UK) 3” werden bei mir 20 Vokabeln angezeigt, obwohl nur 19 zu sehen sind. Das sorgt bei mir dafür, dass ich sowohl im Browser als auch über die App nicht weiterlernen kann und dauerhaft die Fehlermeldung “Konnte die Session nicht laden. Sorry.” erhalte.


Has the problem which @atlan428 reports been dealt with?

Moved from Decks:

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Yes, the problem was fixed. Thank you!

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