[Course Forum] Duolingo Norwegian

I agree - fixed

I am not a native English speaker but:

in level 42 there is:

engelsk - English

sometimes I got the multiple choice answer ā€œenglishā€ which was marked wrong. Actually I think this word doesnā€™t even exist in English. Maybe you can check the database where this extra ā€œenglishā€ comes from and fix it. Maybe ā€œengelskā€ is in there twice?

In level 15, I believe ā€œwithoutā€ should be ā€œutenā€, not ā€œuten atā€. Thank you!

Level 32 and 34 have the word-count mismatch problem.

In level 13, ā€œen bukseā€ has the alternative ā€œei buskeā€. This should read ā€œei bukseā€.

Level 34, 46 and 56 have the word-count mismatch bug.

Also in level 56:

solbriller - sun-glasses

The audio says ā€˜en solbrillerā€™. Can you adjust that? Itā€™s confusing.

Word count mismatch bug level 25, 27.

Hi. In Level 28, for ā€œen adresseā€, ā€œei adresseā€ was not accepted for me.

Is en adresse a feminine word? I checked both of my Norwegian textbooks as well as a couple of online dictionaries and they all listed adresse as en.

Well that is interesting. Because I just searched a bit and found only references which list it with ā€œei/enā€.

I looked at these three until now:


ā€œei dameā€ is also not accepted.

same issue with ā€œen/ei prinsesseā€ and ā€œen/ei frueā€ :wink:

I noticed a minor typo in Level 72 Science: the translations of ā€˜superficialā€™ seems to be ā€˜overfladiskā€™, not ā€˜overflatiskā€™. Nothing really serious, but still worth correcting.

From what Iā€™m seeing in my primary dictionary, both spellings are acceptable. Iā€™ve set up the word to allow either spelling for now.

superficial adj
1. (views etc.) overflatisk
2. (on the surface) overflatisk, overfladisk

All three are fixed now.

Iā€™m finding this listed as a feminine word as well (dict.com). So, at least for now, Iā€™ve added ā€œei adresseā€ as an accepted alternative.

Level 64:

et instrument - an instrument

sound says ā€˜en instrumentā€™. Very confusing can you please check that?

Level 9: Verbs: Present 1
to speak - Ć„ snakke
the conjugated ā€œsnakkerā€ is not accepted as it is for (all?) other verbs

Iā€™m not sure what level ā€œĆ„ snakkeā€ is a part of, but itā€™s not a part of the ā€œVerbs: Present 1ā€ level (currently #9). (Memrise doesnā€™t give us a good way to find what level, or levels, a word is in other than opening and searching each level individually, one at a time.)

In general, it takes extra effort to add alternative allowable spellings, in this case conjugated verb forms. So with hundreds of verbs in the course, we chose to only include the conjugated form of present tense forms of verbs in the ā€œVerbs: Present 1ā€ level. For all other levels, our intention is to allow just the base/inifintive form of the verb (with or without the ā€œĆ„ā€).

Hopefully that makes sense and doesnā€™t hinder the learning process to much. Maybe as time goes on weā€™ll have the bandwidth to do more with the various conjugations of every verb (including past and participle forms). But for now, weā€™re still trying to get 100% coverage with the vocabulary in the Duolingo course (weā€™re probably about 90% of the way there now) as a higher priority.


Iā€™ve removed the sound for this for the moment. Given that these sounds are from a native speaker, Iā€™m now questioning weather ā€œinstrumentā€ is a masculine (en) or a neuter (et) noun. I canā€™t find any definitive answer at the moment though.

Let me know if you find any convincing evidence one way or another.