[Course Forum] Duolingo Norwegian

Ahh, indeed. It is in Level 3: Phrases (with vi snakkes). My mistake.

My experience with verbs has (clearly) been largely limited to Verbs: Present 1, but I absolutely understand not including all alternative matches. Sorry for the false correction … and thanks to everyone for putting the course together!

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I just checked several dictionaries, and they all show “instrument” as neuter.

instrument - translation into English - dict.com dictionary | Lingea?
instrument in Norwegian - English-Norwegian Dictionary | Glosbe
Translation of instrument in Norwegian | English-Norwegian dictionary

A huge thank you to Shane and the volunteers for this course. It’s been an instrumental companion for the Duolingo Android app, since the Duolingo app deletes offline units as soon as they are finished (and a connection is established), eliminating the chance for offline review.

If there’s any way I can help with the 2.0 tree please let me know. I’m up to the “Music” row in Duolingo.

Level 17 - Colours
lille - purple
The best I can tell, this should be spelled with an ‘a’ - ‘lilla’ rather than ‘lille’ (little).

In Level 64 (Music), the English definition of tilhører says “audiance”. It should be “audience”.

I’m seeing at least one dictionary saying lille and a few other saying lilla. For now I’ve changed to accept either spelling.

Fixed. Thx.

In Level 50, the definition of “ei opplysning” says “en enlightenment”. This should be “an enlightenment”.

Got it! Thanks. I must of had a bit of trouble switching back to English when I entered this one the first time. :slight_smile:

Level 103
It should be å sette punktum for instead of å sitte punktum.

Spelling mistake in level 79: “dissove” should be “dissolve”

Fixed both!

In Level 66, I believe “en nødbremse” should be “en nødbrems”, based on my dictionary ordnett.no.

In Level 66, the definition of “nødvendig” uses the word “neccessary”. This should be spelled “necessary”.

Typo in level 83: “uggliest” should be “ugliest”

On the topic of the same word, since “eklest” is in the Food 2 unit, wouldn’t the preferred translation be “grossest” or “most disgusting” instead of “ugliest”? (I’m not sure, just wondering)

In Level 67, “å samle på” is defined as “to collect (smth)”. I believe this should be “to collect (something)”.


Both are correct. I’d add en nødbrems as an alternative.

A few typos:

In level 95
hatefull - hateful, spitefull: “spitefull” should be spelled "spiteful"
smakfull- tastful, elegant, tasty: “tastful” should be spelled “tasteful”

In level 97
en jøde - a jew: “Jew” should be capitalized

In level 100
"abscence" should be spelled "absence"
smakløs - tastless, flavorless, insipid: “tastless” should be spelled "tasteless"
en håpløsheta - hopelessness, a dispair - “dispair” should be spelled “despair”

Thanks for the feedback everyone, keep it coming.

Both are in as valid responses for now.


I’ve wondered about this one myself. I haven’t come across “eklest” in a Duolingo review session for a while now, so I’m not 100% sure either. However, I am getting the sense that “ekkel” is more often used as “foul/nasty/disgusting” and “slem” is more often used as “ugly”. Though I am seeing some cases where “ekkel” is used as “ugly” as well. But for now, I’ve changed the “leading” translation (i.e. listed first) of “eklest” as “most disgusting” with “ugliest” listed second.








FYI, I’m starting to take some full audio sentences/phrases and use an audio editing tool to pull out just the word or parts of words that match up to our Memrise words. It’s harder than I thought it would be to get the just the sounds that we want.

Please feel free to post a reply here if you come across these and find them to be more problematic than helpful. (For the other course editors, feel free to replace these with better audio clips as you find better options.) Personally, I’m finding that Norwegian listening comprehension is my weakest area. I’m hoping adding these additional audio clips will help myself and others who are trying to get to the point where we can understand native Norwegian speakers!

Here are a few examples of what I’ve put out so far (all on level 69 - Health):

  • I took ‘et øyekontakt’ and pulled out ‘øye’
  • I took ‘helsestudio’ and pulled out ‘helse’
  • I took ‘en blodigle’ (a leech) and pulled out ‘blod’ (isn’t it a bit insane that I can find an audio clip for “a leech” easier than I can find an audio clip for “blood”?)

I found a typo (not sure which lecture):

en prinsesse / ei pinsesse - a princess

Should be ei prinsesse