[Course Forum] Duolingo Norwegian

“ei skilpadde” now accepted

“a baby / et spedbarn” + “en baby”

“to present, introduce / å presentere”
“å introdusere” should be also accepted here.

Level 38:

flertall - plural

should have an article (‘et flertall’ is already in the database somewhere, so just need to be added there)

I’ve set up “a baby” to accept both "et spedbarn’’ and “en baby”. (I think that was the suggestion, correct?)

“both / begge” + “både”

Word count bug in level 36: It says 47 but I counted 46.

Same in level 38: 23 vs. 24 words.

Last thing: “en badstue” should also accept “ei badstue”

best regards

I’ve added å introdusere as another option.

Do you know where you came across the use of “å introdusere”? I’ve checked a few of the Norwegian dictionaries I’m familiar with and it only came up in one of them.

For my own learning’s sake I’m curious how recognized this word would be if I dropped it into a conversation myself in Norway.

Just curious if you happen to know.

Here’s what I’ve done so far based on my understanding. I’ve left both “et flertall” and “flertall” in the dictionary and Level 38. The first is labelled now with a part of speech of “noun” and the second is labelled with the part of speech “plural noun”.

Based on my understanding so far, this word takes on a slightly different meaning when in the indefinite plural form as follows (I don’t think the standard translation of “majorities” would really work here, to be honest I’m not sure that “majorities” is even a valid word in English):

Så nå er det ikke om lederen lenger, det er om dem, flertall.
translates to:
So, now it’s not about the leader anymore; it’s about them, plural.

Let me know if you find anything to expand on this or suggest otherwise.




I’m trying to decide how to handle this one…both words do obviously translate to the English word “both”.

However, in Norwegian the words cannot be used interchangeably from what I’ve learned so far. Here’s a link to a description on the topic (in Norwegian):


I’m also asking myself the broader question of what the best purpose of our Memrise course should be. Should we label begge and både with different parts of speech to help differentiate the appropriate Norwegian uses of these words? Or should we use Memrise only to learn basic translations and leave the teaching of appropriate context of words to other places (like Duolingo)?

Open to thoughts and ideas on this.

I’ve fixed the “Numbers” (now Level 37) and “Amounts” (now Level 39) levels.

I think these were the two that were affected, but I didn’t take time to count the actual vs. reported number of words. So let me know if there are still problems.

“ei badstue” now accepted as well

I think labeling is better (maybe even a short explanation in brackets, since labels are easy to miss) - if two words are not actual synonyms, they shouldn’t be treated as such. There are several word “pairs” that translate to the same word in English but have clearly different (albeit similar) meanings and uses in Norwegian and are not interchangeable - this should be made clear.

It would make this course a better companion for Duolingo (or any other course), since Duolingo generally doesn’t explain the new words in much detail, leading to confusion in some cases. An example that comes to mind is ‘experience’ = ‘erfaring’ (accumulated experience) + ‘opplevelse’ (one time event). I find explanations like these really helpful since they are exactly the kind of thing you would ask your teacher, that online courses tend to skip (so you have to look through the comments and/or ask in order to figure out whats wrong with your answer).

As long as the amount of additional information isn’t so huge that it would cause a clutter and actually make the learning more difficult, I think all extra tips about the correct meaning and use of the word are more than welcome.

I noticed a spelling mistake in the “Time” section (#20).

en framtid should be en fremtid

Thanks for creating such a great course!!!

Level 2, the narrator says “en bok” (which is correct i think) but it will only accept “ei bok”.

On the vocabulary list it is also down as “ei bok”


Fixed ei/en fremtid.

en bok should be an accepted alternative to ei bok.

Side note to all: Levels may be appearing as having one more word than they actually have. The reason for this is that I am deleting duplicates/unnecessary words that I find as a go along (reset my course progress not too long ago and am doing it from scratch after a long break).

Thanks for all your effort already to improve the course! I have one more thing today:

Level 39 Amounts has a 24 word count and only 23 words in it.

Should be fixed now.

In level 46, I believe “ei instilling” should be “ei innstilling”.

Levels 9, 23, and 34 also seem to have a word count greater than the number of words. I cannot complete these levels. The most annoying part is when I use the “Learn new words” button on the overall course, it takes me to Level 9 but does not show me any words to learn.

All are fixed now.