[Course Forum] Duolingo Norwegian

Apologies. I hadn’t seen your previous offering.

I have given you contributor privileges. :slight_smile:

Another mistake:

Level 38: et firkant - a quadrilateral
Please replace it with: en firkant - a rectangle
The article seems wrong and rectangle sounds much more natural (although I haven’t checked the official Duolingo translation)

There is still also the bug in level 36 mentioned above. Am I the only one experiencing that?

et firkant should be en firkant already. Also, I believe that en firkant can mean both a rectangle or a quadrilateral.

I tried the suggestions to fix level 36, but it did not appear to have any effect. The level still displays 61 words in the word count.

The article was wrong - I’ve added ‘rectangle’ as a more common alternative, but left ‘quadrilateral’ as it is the Duolingo’s translation and makes it clear the word has a broader meaning (including all the shapes with four straight sides, regardless of the angle between them).

I’m trying to separate and arrange the words according to the new levels, but I think it is going to take some time to figure out all the changes, so for now some words will appear in several levels. Mostly Memrise recognizes duplicates so it should be ok.

I’ve also noticed some of the words have double entries in the database (for example å ønske - to wish appears twice), with some minor differences in the description columns. Does that mean Memrise recognizes those as different words (at different levels)? Is it possible to somehow merge them to avoid the confusion?

Yes, they are technically “different” words. However, I believe Memrise recognises both when testing. It’s possible that I accidentally added them when initially creating the course.

Ok, if it recognizes both then it’s not really important if there are several entries.

There is a problem. I got the multiple choice question (Level 46):

an agreement, unity, accord, concord

  1. ei enighet
  2. en enighet

I chose ‘en enighet’ which was marked wrong. So you need to merge those at some point to make the course work as a whole. However if I had the free text answer the engine accepted both.

Error in level 46:

et blikk - a look, glance, tin, glare, regard, can, view
mystisk - mysterious

exist two times.

Lv. 46. fixed

I noticed that ei enighet is in our course database twice (note that database =/= course levels).

I have deleted one of the entries. Hopefully this fixes the issue.

I’ve tried both of these suggestions for level 36 as well, but was still showing the same issue for me.

In the end I went ahead and added a ‘dummy’ word to level 36 and then deleted it before saving.

It seems to be fixed for me now showing 60 words everywhere for level 36.

Let me know if you still see any problems.

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Not sure about the level but “ei avis” should be accepted for “a newspaper”.

Good morning from Germany!

Level 36 is fixed, thanks. But here is some more work to do:

article missing (a curve), Level 39:
en kurve - curve

Level 46: Mismatch in word count, I counted 38 words, it shows 40 (Same issue as Level 36). Probably from your edit deleting the two double entries I mentioned above.

fixed “curve” to “a curve”

Level 46 should now be fixed as well, it’s now saying “38 words” for me after doing a quick edit.

“ei avis” now accepted for “a newspaper”

Level 46 looks fine now, thanks.

So, as I get further into editing the course, I’m still torn on the best way to handle feminine (“ei”) nouns.

I’ve been using the following as my primary reference. I’ve used a few others, but this seems to be the most complete (including phonetic spelling, if we ever want to start adding this consitently).


Unless the above dictionary is just plain wrong, I’m coming to the conclusion that there are quite a few feminine nouns for which the feminine article is rarely used any more. Duolingo introduces these using the masculine (“en”) article (en/ei opplysning, en/ei melding, etc.).

At least for now, I’ve been adding these with the feminine (“ei”) article as the primary answer, but then making sure that we accept and display (i.e. no underscore in front) the masculine (“en”) version as well.

Let me know if you have thoughts on how to handle this.

Unfortunately, being a non-native speaker, I don’t have the knowledge yet to know if a feminine noun tends to be used in everyday language with the masculine or the feminine article. I’m in Trondheim right now for about 5 weeks and am starting to give the sense that this “gender preference” may vary by region in Norway as well.

I got an answer from a friend from Bergen. Sounds like en/et is more common than en/ei/et:

‘‘I never use ei, I only use en and et. Think you are allowed to use it in Bokmål, but it is mostly used in nynorsk. So after reading a bit you can use ei in bokmål also, but I have learned a bokmål version we call “moderate bokmål” (I know Norwegian is confusing). Here we mostly use Felleskjønn/Utrum). In addition my dialect also mainly use felleskjønn. So have no clue which words are female. Moderat bokmål is the most common version. The other version is “Radikalt bokmål” which is more similar to nynorsk and the dialects (See also https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utrum)’’

I think it’s still better to primarily display ‘ei’, with ‘en’ as an accepted (and displayed) alternative. It won’t make that much of a difference to people who only use en/et, they can easily ignore it and write ‘en’. If it is the other way around, you are making it harder for people who want to learn the difference between masculine and feminine nouns.
It’s better to leave the option for each individual to chose for themselves.

“ei skilpadde” should be accepted for “a turtle”.