[Course Forum] All Courses By LarBoylan

Hi and thanks
I have updated all three entries.
I somehow created a hybrid between serviette and la servilleta to produce servillette which I have now corrected.
I missed the accent on freír but have now corrected.
los gemelos - I have added 2 new audios and removed the original male audio - I hope they sound better.

Many Thanks

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Intermediate Spanish Tenses: L24: ¿adonde estaba él yendo?

Could you add an accent to the adonde please?

By the way, thanks for the course. It’s been very useful.

Thanks for the report.
I have added the missing accent to the phrase.

Many thanks

Hi Lar,

About Basic to Intermediate Spanish

level 23
la carne de res - beef
is this not the Latin-American word?

level 25
la natacción - swimming
la natación

Thanks Duaal,

Yes I have changed both.
Beef is now the Spain version ‘la carne de vaca’ ( but still accepts ‘la carne de res’ as a hidden alt)
‘la natación’ has been corrected.
I have also added new audios for both

Many Thanks

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I have just opened 2 incomplete courses that i am working on.

The first course is complete but i am adding better audios.
The second course is incomplete ( no audios) after level 8 , but i am currently adding these.
I have opened these because of the recent changes announced by Memrise concerning community courses.

Duolingo Phrases Part 2 is now complete with audio up to level 17.

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Hello LarBoylan, I have a request for you. Do you mind if I use your courses as a template to build a course for another language? I really like how your courses are structured and, since I’m working alone, it would save me a lot of time

Of course you can use any of my courses as a template.
Good luck with your courses.

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Thank you very much


Basic to Intermediate Spanish
Level 26
el rio - river
It should be with accent el río .

Well spotted. I have now added the accent.

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Me parece que hay aún otro acento perdido en “Basic to Intermediate Spanish”.
En Nivel 26 otra vez.
el delfin en vez de el delfín


I have added the accent and it now says “el delfín”.


Hi, a few more possible minor typos in Basic to Intermediate Spanish (and these are the suggested corrected versions):

36 el veterinario = vet (animal doctor); el veterano = vet (mil), old hand (familiar)
41 un cortaalambres
41 el cúter o el cutter
50 el andén
50 el claxon
51 Fahrenheit
52 eléctrico
52 el rompecabezas
55 la artritis
58 el contestador automático
58 oír el tono
58 los videojuegos (could just be regional variation)

Hi Ian

I have corrected all as suggested and also added new audios.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Lar, a few more possible minor typos:

Duolingo Phrases with audio part 1:
16 mi abuel oestá en el banco con mi padre = my grandfather is in the bank with my father

Duolingo Phrases with audio Part 2
20 Vacacion <- heading should be the English: “Vacation” ?
23 ¿por qué no ecoges unas frutas? = why don’t you choose some fruit?
23 los padres no ecogen a sus hijos = parents don’t choose their children
24 hoy no hace calor/ no hace calorhoy = it’s not hot today
24 ellos empiezzan el día en la playa = they start the day on the beach

Hi Ian
I have corrected these and added audio.

I have no audio yet for levels 19 to 28 on “Duolingo Phrases with audio Part 2” but hopefully I will start adding them soon.
Thanks once again.

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Basic to Intermediate Spanish, Level 43 - Household 3:
nail polish , nail varnish should be el esmalte de uñas instead of el esmalte de unas

Well spotted.
I have changed the text and the audios.
Many Thanks