[Course Forum] All Courses By LarBoylan


I have added these as alternative answers.

Once again Many Thanks

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Hello @LarBoylan,

First I’d like to thank you for your DuoMem courses, you filled the gap between Duolingo and Memrise, really good to have them here!

I found this problem in DuoLingo 6, could you make it clear that I need to choose the female one here?


Thanks for the report.
This one should have worked with both male or female friends.(I had the other acceptable answers hidden)
However there is another entry in the course for male only friends (tendrĂ­an mĂĄs amigos) and I think this may have been where the text (for the incorrect answer) in your example was pointing to.
So I have modified the entry to say “female friends” as you suggested and removed the hidden male acceptable answers.

Many thanks for the report.

Edit: I just discovered that the other entry for “male friends” was not in any of the course levels but only in the database so I have completely removed it.
It should not now even come up in any tests as a possible answer.

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I need some minor fix here (D6L3):

"perdĂłn, estaba perdida en tus ojos
excuse me (sorry) I was lost in your eyes"

Could you please add perdĂłn, estaba perdido en tus ojos as an alternative?

Yes I have added the above as an alternative answer.

Many thanks


these dulolingo people don’t seem to really know the eficaz - eficiente difference…

gracias por tu explicación has the attribut “formal singular” please correct

many thanks for your work!

Hola Lar,

Basic to Intermediate Spanish

level 18
enfrente - in front of
delante - in front of, ahead
Could you maybe add something like “across” or “opposite” to the translation of “enfrente”?
And I think the Spanish words both need “de” added.

level 22
el extremo - extreme
The audio is extremo instead of el extremo.
And would you please add “end” as a translation for this word?

level 23
el panqueque - pancake
This seems to be the Latin American word, https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortita
In Spain “la tortita” or “el crepe” is used.

level 31
el pomelo - grapefruit (Spain)
The pronunciation by the male voice seems slightly off.

level 44
conseguir - to acheive, to get , to obtain

I have made all the changes that you requested with some minor differences.
It seems that it can be “el crepe” or “la crepe”.
Also "la tortita - pancake (small)"
The male voice for “el pomelo” may have been stressing the first “o” so I have deleted it and added a new one.
Sorry for the delay - I had no PC access for the last 2 weeks.
Many Thanks


I have changed the attribute to "informal singular"
Sorry for the delay as I had no PC access for over 2 weeks.

Many Thanks for the report.


In the same course.
Âżson estos zapatos de cuero? - are these shoes (made) of leather ?
I seem to always get that one wrong. Can I ask you to add as alternative Âżestos zapatos son de cuero?


Yes, it is always good to have these types of alternative active.

Many thanks

many thanks!

Hello @LarBoylan

DuoMem 6 Level 1:
we could eat fruit
podrĂ­amos comer fruta

Could you indicate that here we expect conditional verb form? (podrĂ­amos instead of podĂ­amos)


I have added “conditional” to both the attribute and the English phrase.

Many Thanks

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me again

would you add “los carros fueron detenidos” (http://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/guayaquil/10/nueve-carros-fueron-detenidos-en-el-primer-dia-de-operaciones-de-uber)

as alternative to “los coches fueron detenidos” (3)



I have put in “los carros (latin america) fueron detenidos” as a visible alternative.
The course will also accept “los carros fueron detenidos” as a correct answer.

Many Thanks

(many thanks - do not want LatAm, but somehow coche did not come yesterday :slight_smile: ))

Hello Lar,

Basic to Intermediate Spanish

level 22
el ingreso - entry, admission, income
this translation is somewhat confusing, income = los ingresos

level 32
ayer a mediodĂ­a - yesterday at noon
ayer al mediodĂ­a I think

I have modified both entries.
for “el ingreso” I have changed the english definition to “entry, admission, income (singular)”.
This is because el ingreso does mean income but it is more frequently used in the plural “los ingresos” to mean income(s),
for ayer a mediodía - yesterday at noon i have modified the entry to “ayer al mediodía - yesterday at noon , yesterday at midday” but I also have and accept a visible alternative “ayer a mediodía” as I have seen both used.
Many Thanks
I hope this helps.

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Hi Lar,

About some details in Basic to Intermediate Spanish

level 23
la servilleta - napkin, servillete
is that an English word “servillette”? should it not be “serviette”?

freir - to fry
missing accent in “freír”

level 14
los gemelos - cufflinks
From the two different pronunciations for this word it is again the male voice that seems to stress to the wrong syllable.