[Course Forum] All Courses By LarBoylan

For courses by LarBoylan

Please post feedback and suggestions on the course content and any errors you may find.
Please indicate which course and level the feedback refers to.

My current courses can be found here. My Courses (full audio)

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New course: DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 1 available now.
DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 2 to follow.

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Basic to Intermediate Spanish, level 29

el torre - the tower
should be feminine.

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Well spotted - I have now corrected it.


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New course: DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 2 available now.
DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 3 to follow.

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New course: DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 3 levels 1 to 5 available now.
currently adding audio to levels 6 to 10.

DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 4 to follow.

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Basic to Intermediate Spanish

level 29
la estaciĂłn de ferrocarrĂ­l - railway station
There should be no accent in ferrocarril.
Is estaciĂłn de tren an accepted alternative for this word?

level 30
el tazĂłn - mug
It seems that bowl is a more common translation.

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Yes you are correct there is no accent in ferrocarril.
I have added to the ‘similar word’ attribute for both “la estación de ferrocarril” and “Ia estación de tren” to show the other translation. This is to aid the learner in knowing that there is a similar translation - just as in English (train station & railway station).
You are correct about el tazón - a more common translation is bowl, so I have changed the English text to “bowl , large cup (mug)” and added to the similar word attribute “el cuenco , la taza”.

Thanks Lar

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That is quick, thanks.

Do you maintain a database outside of Memrise to keep track of all the similar words?

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I have the data stored on excel spreadsheet but to be honest it is not updated with many of the changes I have made.
So I usually do a search of the memrise database when I know of a similar word and enter it there.
For instance just now on changing the definition for “el tazón” I also did a search in the database for “cuenco” and added “el tazón” as a similar word for it.

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New course: DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 3 now available

DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 4 to follow.

New course: DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 4 now available

DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 5 is in progress


About Basic to Intermediate Spanish

level 18: ya - already, still
I don’t think that the translation “still” is correct.

level 29: la ĂĄrea
It should be: el ĂĄrea, las ĂĄreas.


You are correct on both and I have modified the translations and audios.

I have added a note to the attribute on “area” - área is a feminine noun but takes ‘el’ in the singular form and ‘las’ in the plural (just like ‘el agua:las aguas’)

Many thanks.

New course: DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 5 now available

DuoMem Spanish Phrases Part 6 is in progress

Hola de nuevo,

Basic to Intermediate Spanish

level 23
el cereal - cereal
It seems this word is mostly used in plural: los cereales

level 26
el bufalo - buffalo
should be: el bĂșfalo

Hola duaal,

well spotted,
I have corrected buffalo to el bĂșfalo.
I have also added cereales as a possible answer for cereal and put a note in the attribute column
"often used in the plural e.g.: cereales = (breakfast) cereal , cereal = cereal / grain"


Hello Lar,

About Basic to Intermediate Spanish again.

level 23
amargo - bitter (taste), sour

Should that not be “amargado”? It seems that “amargo” just means bitter.

level 47
interasante - interesting

Hi duaal,
Thanks once again for reporting these.

I have corrected the typo for “interasante” to “interesante” and checked the audios - they were fine.

I have always thought of “bitter” as being the same as ( or very similar to ) “sour”, and indeed reverso also shows this. (http://context.reverso.net/translation/spanish-english/amargo?utm_source=reversoweb&utm_medium=contextresults&utm_campaign=resultpage)
as does Spanishdict.com http://www.spanishdict.com/examples/amargo?pageSize=25&page=3

but as it may be more misleading than helpful and may also be a less used meaning I have removed the reference to “sour”.
I have changed it to “bitter , tart”


Just reporting some doubles in Basic to Intermediate Spanish.
Levels 10 and 22: la hora, la semana, el año, el mes.

And a typo in level 30: el grifo - tap , facucet