Is anyone still maintaining this course?
I thought it would be a good idea to finally beef up my French vocab but I’m finding it a somewhat frustrating experience.
The root of the problem is that Memrise cannot cope with the fact that there is not a one to one mapping between words in two languages but many to many with multiple alternates and synonyms on each side. So, when, for example “work(n)” in English could be translated as “un travail”, “une œuvre” or even “un ouvrage” - Memrise cannot accept one of these words where it was expecting another.
Thus we get entries like (from michael_z’s post last May).
153 travail nm work –> + [not “oeuvre” / “tâche” / “ouvrage”]
331 oeuvre nf work, task –> + [not “travail” / “tâche” / “ouvrage”]
887 tâche nf task –> + [not “travail” / “oeuvre” / “ouvrage”]
1740 ouvrage nm work –> + [not “travail” / “oeuvre” / “tâche”]
I see why this has been done but it isn’t terribly helpful when learning the vocabulary. Also I think I got given just about all of these in a multi-choice entry for “work”, during a “speed review” no less and it really is impossible to pick the right one in the time limit.
Unfortunately this has been a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to the underlying Memrise problem and has not always been done as well as it could, making the problem worse.
I haven’t finished all 50 modules yet so I can’t see all the possibilities but to pick just two (to start) could I propose that:
“chacun” is rendered in English as “Each one” or “Each person” as it has a distinct usage to “chaque”.
“tâche” is taken out of the travail/work mess and just translated as “task”. Neither of my go-to dictionaries (WordReference or the online Collins-Robert) provide any English (or French) synonym other than tâche=task. (NB, stain is tache, no circumflex, so does not come into this).
Agreed many are going to be difficult to resolve but I think a few at least could be disambiguated in a way which will be more meaningful to a learner.
Oh, apropos “quinze jours” [VincentOostelbo Jul '17] the best English translation is going to be “Fortnight”.