[Course Forum] 5000 most common French words by Ciccero aka Chartalegna

Hi @Olaf.Rabbachin are you a Contributor or by “working” do you mean learning?

I have updated the thread title to avoid confusion (hope you don’t mind).

If you (or anyone else) is a Contributor, please could you add the name of all contributor to the Course Description and are they visiting this thread and able to respond to questions?

Cc @MaxineDownunder @chartalegna @JoThelan @Vlarya @fanny_sta


Are you still here? So far people have been unable to contact you - I’m told.


The creator was last seen here in 2017. One can see that on their profile. No one seems to be working on this course.

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I’m just learning. But I can of course also contribute to resp. administer the course, if @Lien, @chartalegna or whoever else so desires.


@JoThelan, @Lien: no replies received yet RE my offer to act as a contributor …?

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Hi @Olaf.Rabbachin - if you haven’t already, why not ask to be a contributor to what seems now to be an abandoned course by both the creator and another contributor. It’s now three years since @JoThelan was a contributor.

This is an interesting post.

Cc @Vlarya @chartalegna @ciccero


Done. See this thread:


Hello, I will check on this thread in upcoming days. Adding a new active “contributor” to this course would be reasonable indeed - “creator” is a different role though. As of now I can only see michael_z as contributor.


@chartalegna: I don’t think there are any problems presently, so if you are still active and show up here every now and then it should be OK. That said, feel free to add me as a contributor any time if you’re inclined to do so.

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does anyone know if/how we can turn on the option for listening skills?

Could someone please add a note in the description of Ciccero’s course saying there is a MCQ version available (and give the 6324770 reference).

But at least people will now be aware of it, if they find this forum thread.

I’ve changed your link (if you post it on a separate paragraph, it’ll look like it does now in your previous posting.

However, I’m not sure as to whether it would be appropriate to change @L-I-E-N’s original posting and add Ian’s version there as well …?

Just want to ask a question, why does this course decided to use the “un/une” article instead of the usual “le/la”?

Almost certainly to avoid noun gender ambiguity with French nouns beginning with an ‘h’ or a vowel (that use l’ as the definite article).


oh well if that’s the reason then okay, I personally find it easier by remembering with le/la article, rather than un/une, because the latter basically has the same pronunciation.

I’m pretty sure it doesn’t in French, but I could be wrong.