[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

Right (entitlement) works awesome. I haven’t gotten it wrong since.

φουτμπόλ has audio of ποδόσφαιρο.
And why is ποόδσφαιρο eliminated completely as an alternate? Is it just not commonly used anymore?

I have added (αμερικανικός) in parens because, according to my teacher φουτμπόλ is only used for american football. ποδόσφαιρο is what Greeks call soccer (in the US we do NOT call it football). But, is this wrong? Even natives in Greece can be wrong. I read this online “με τον όρο αυτό στην Ελλάδα ενοείται το ποδόσφαιρο”. And so, with all this in mind I removed ποδόσφαιρο because if this is all correct, then they really are not the same thing and even if a Greek understood you, s/he’d likely be thinking, oh s/he probably means “soccer”. So, I’d prefer to stick to the Greek word rather than the cognate. Confusing, huh?

τροφή and φαγητό both has definition as “food”. what’s the difference?

Hey, I noticed that ίδιος is in 2 levels at once, causing me to do some weird jumping around when hitting the learn button. It’s on Level 41 and also 74.

OK, thanks. I’ve removed the dupe in 74 and replaced it with a word from 75 to keep the number @ 25.

In level 42, I think νησί is wrongly marked as a feminine noun, rather than a neuter one.

No, it is not marked f., it is marked n. as it should be. But the article was η where it should have been το. Now fixed.

I’m hearing some weird audio on Σε in level 43. Not sure what is is, but it doesn’t sound right.

το μανάβικο has 2 audios, one of them is not this word

delete μανάβης pronunciation

G’day Neal, hope all’s well. γάντι, Level 59, could do with an (optional) definite article placed in front of it. Cheers!

Also, now that you’ve finished reviewing the course, do you have the database of all words available?

Conversely, αστική τάξη, Level 60. Gets marked as incorrect unless the article is used. Could you please amend? Thanks!

Dupe issue: For ‘To return’, we have γυρίζω in Level 16 and επιστρέφω in Level 28.

If you could differentiate them or cross-Alt them, that’d be much appreciated.

[quote=“spdl79, post:72, topic:817”]
[/quote] - Fixed.

[quote=“spdl79, post:73, topic:817”]
αστική τάξη
[/quote] - Fixed.

[quote=“spdl79, post:74, topic:817”]
[/quote] - now “come back”, “return” - in that order.

[quote=“spdl79, post:72, topic:817”]
database of all words
[/quote] - post your email here (which you can then delete after I pick it up) and I’ll send you a copy.

Thanks Neal, much appreciated. It’s [email protected].

Dupe issue: For ‘razor’, we have λεπίδα in Level 18 and ξυράφι in Level 11.

I think λεπίδα was originally ‘blade’ but was changed in the recent review to ‘razor’.

Can you please cross-Alt them or differentiate the Primaries? Thank you!

File has been sent!

λεπίδα is primary ‘blade’, so the Alt is razor blade.
ξυράφι = razor, safety razor, shaving razor

Many thanks for both of those Neal, much appreciated.