Welcome to the “official” topic of the most popular Greek course on Memrise. Please use this topic to report errors, post suggestions or anything related to the course. We’re always open to feedback.
This is not a basic Greek course, but will help you build your vocabulary along the journey to acquire more Modern Greek. Please participate in this course Forum with feedback, corrections and additions as we plan to grow the course over time beyond 1692 words! This course was based on the original work of Harry Foundalis, but has been significantly enhanced and expanded.
This course was originally created by Memakiano, but became abandoned soon thereafter. Towards the end of last year, however, @neal.p.carey “inherited” the course and added @nphx as a contributor a bit later.
Current status
Current Word Count: 5,001 - we have changed the Title to reflect this milestone. And, it is worth noting that there are a number of words that many would not consider as the most important. But our philosophy is that all words are important.
Compared to the original state of the course:
- All words have audio and Parts of Speech are labeled (noun, adverb, etc.)
- Nouns have articles - answers with and without articles are correct when testing
- Adjectives are presented in all 3 gender forms
- A number of entries include alternative spelling (i.e. ρακέτα - ρακέττα)
- Many English translations and definitions have been adjusted, enhanced, fixed
- 3,308 words have been added on top of the original 1692
- Many words include a label with a sentence using that word for context and understanding