[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

And to be honest, the continuing downfall of Memrise makes me wonder if I should start working on something like the 2015 version of Memrise, with improved content creation, maintenance, sharing as the number one point of focus.

It’s a shame as there’s so much hard work gone into creating a course like this. The pronunciations really make this one as it’s great for shadowing. I found your link on the other thread. Thanks for that!

Hi – I noticed a discrepancy between the audio clip’s pronunciation and the written card for “lute,” “λάουτο” [sic]. In fact, the correct stress I’ve found in dictionaries matches the audio version, “λαούτο.” One source even gave a couple of alternative versions, all with the same stress: λαβούτο, λαγούτο.

Another little buggy thing: “Cretan” requires the user to type “ο κρητικός,” with the article preceding the noun.

And last, for now – there seem to be a few words like “κρεαπώλης” [sic] where the speaker clearly pronounces “κρεο-” rather than “κρεα-,” although the card reads “κρεα-.” If these are actually misspelled, as I believe, could they also be corrected?

This is my first post on the forum; please let me know if I’ve breached any protocols or needed to check somehow for needless duplication here. Thanks!

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Sorry for the delay and thanks a lot for the reports; I’ve sorted your issues.

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The 2 English words may well be synonymous in certain contexts (in AE and/or BE), but πεζοδρόμιο and πλακόστρωτο don’t appear to be. The former being any kind of pedestrian path (not sure if it necessarily needs to be roadside), while the latter is any paved surface. At least that’s my understanding after breaking down the words and looking at pictures on google.

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Hi – Noticed that “to remember” only permits θυμάμαι in response; θυμούμαι is not permitted as an alternative.
Best, Paul

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It is now :wink:

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Another alternate form not (yet) accepted: ξυπνώ for ξυπνάω…

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Taken care of.

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I’ve uploaded a new version of the worksheet for those interested in having it. I’ve complete a level and I’m in the process of adding a new level as well as straightening out the level numbering in the worksheet to correspond with what actually is online at the present time.


New worksheet uploaded. Level 207 completed, 208 added (in progress).

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More words added to Level 209 (almost complete). New milestone - 5,375 words now in course. New worksheet uploaded to Google Drive.

I’m still finding a lot of basic words not in the ‘course’, so I’ll keep adding them. Updated worksheet is on Google Docs (link above).

I am planning to upgrade my Mac to the new OS (sometime in 2020) and none of my Microsoft Office tools will work any longer. I plan to use Mac Numbers in the future, should be able to export easily enough to MS Excel format. If anyone wants a copy in Mac Numbers format, I’d be happy to post that as well.

The first and main meaning for δυνατός should be strong, loud is a secondary meaning. There were also some other words that could also be fixed a bit. Λίπος can be changed to body fat instead, so you can more easily tell it apart from χοντρός. Πουκάμισο can be better translated as button-up shirt. The audio for βεβαίως is for βέβαιος, if my ears don’t fail me. Γεγονός can also be translated as event. Σύνδεσμος is conjunction but it’s more commonly encountered as link. Δεξιός should be specified as (political) right to avoid confusion. Σημείωση is the text of the note, σημείωμα is the note (paper) itself. Σκληρός should be specified as hard (material). Instead of έλος a more common translation would be βάλτος. The main translation of βιάζομαι would be better as hurry. Γυρίζω should also accept γυρνάω. Μεταθέτω would be better as relocate. Γλιστράω as a main meaning should have slip. Πνεύμονας should also accept πνευμόνι. The common meaning of περικάρπιο is something you wear around your wrist, this is a link as an example:
Στοιχείο should have clue/evidence as a main translation. Δακτύλιος should also accept δαχτύλιος. Θέση would be better as seat/place for the main translation. Instead of γκρίζoς make it γκρί. Γωνία would be better as corner.

Βρώμα, βρώμικος should be βρόμα, βρόμικος as that’s the correct form. Βρώμα is an exact sounding word that means food.
Source: https://www.schooltime.gr/2015/04/13/lekseis-pou-diaxazoun-orthografika-dmeros/
I also recommend that lentil is changed to lentils as that is the most common form you’ll find it in.

I agree with many of your suggestions, with the follow corrections/clarifications:

“δεξιός should be specified as (political) right to avoid confusion.”
To avoid confusion with ‘what’? It means ‘right’, on the right side, to the right, politically right, you must consider the context.

“σημείωση is the text of the note”
Per my teacher this is ‘notes’ like you take in a class, so I’ve made the answer ‘notes’. And σημείωμα is a note that you write down, like a post-it note. I will add this word as it currently does not exist.

“σκληρός should be specified as hard (material).”
No, I disagree, it should mean ‘hard’ in general, like a hard object, or someone being ‘hard’ (harsh), tough (hard) to chew, etc. But not just ‘materials’ being hard. Context is critical here.

I don’t find έλος anywhere. Do you know what Level it is in? Memrise search is really horrible and often cannot find things.
But, the more common word for swamp is βάλτος and έλος (scientific) is an Alt for it.

“Μεταθέτω would be better as relocate.”
Per my teacher has to do with a job and it is currently transfer, but I have added (a job) in parens and you can answer transfer, and it also currently accepts relocate as an answer, but not primary, which is transfer. To me, it is exactly the same in English. You might say relocate where I would say transfer, but they mean the same thing.

“στοιχείο should have clue/evidence as a main translation.”
Element is primary definition per my Greek teacher (native), but evidence, data, lead and clue are all alternatives.

“Instead of γκρίζoς make it γκρί.”
Both are adj. for the color, so where a shirt or pants is γκρί - a gray sky is γρκίζος ουρανός. This is more difficult so I will have to come up with a way to deal with this. Currently you can answer γκρί or γρίζος. Most probably I’ll make γκρί the primary and come up with another entry (word) for γρίζος. Note that the context example has always been “Στέλνει κίτρινα λουλούδια όταν ο ουρανός είναι γκρίζος;”

η φακή = lentil, οι φακές = lentils - both are in the course, so I really don’t see a problem with this. Perhaps you just haven’t come across φακές yet?

I will swap the spelling of βρωμικός and βρομικός - they are equivalent, but ο is usually more common than ω these days for a lot of words. Both spellings are acceptable however.

Please try to tell me which Level the words you report are in as Memrise does NOT make it easy to find. There is no cross-correlation between the database and the Levels.

To avoid confusion with ‘what’? It means ‘right’, on the right side, to the right, politically right, you must consider the context.

Right can be right (correct) = σωστός, right (direction) = δεξιά, right (attribute or political) = δεξιός. These are separate words.

No, I disagree, it should mean ‘hard’ in general, like a hard object, or someone being ‘hard’ (harsh), tough (hard) to chew, etc. But not just ‘materials’ being hard. Context is critical here.

I asked for specification for σκληρός because it can be confused for hard = δύσκολος.

I don’t find έλος anywhere. Do you know what Level it is in? Memrise search is really horrible and often cannot find things.

Έλος is in the 12th level.

η φακή = lentil, οι φακές = lentils - both are in the course, so I really don’t see a problem with this. Perhaps you just haven’t come across φακές yet?

I had only encountered φακή until that point I think. Nonetheless, no other word has multiple cards for singular/plural so I didn’t consider the fact that there could be another one.

Both are adj. for the color, so where a shirt or pants is γκρί - a gray sky is γρκίζος ουρανός. This is more difficult so I will have to come up with a way to deal with this. Currently you can answer γκρί or γρίζος. Most probably I’ll make γκρί the primary and come up with another entry (word) for γρίζος. Note that the context example has always been “Στέλνει κίτρινα λουλούδια όταν ο ουρανός είναι γκρίζος;”

Γκρί is gray, γκρίζος is gray-colored.

The reason that I asked for the default translations for some words to be changed is because, at least in my opinion, I have heard/seen that version used more and Memrise only shows you a single translation when you are reviewing/learning new words.

Kόρνα on level 13 should be specified as (car) horn.

The sentence for σκοχεύω in level 30 is wrong, σκοπεύω and στοχεύω are different words. Σκοπεύω is aim as in intend to do something , while στοχεύω is aim as in point gun/have a life-long goal to like aim to be rich.

I responded to the query “STILL” with ακόμη rather than ακόμα, just tonight, to see if it’d be accepted; it wasn’t. Is there really any distinction to be made between the two?

A sudden change has appeared; “note” has unaccountably become “notes” instead, even though the correct answer is still given as σημείωση.