[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek


I thought that might have been the case for μόνος, but I’m still pretty new to this whole Greek thing :wink:

OK, a couple more. First, we still have:

ο φοιτητής for ‘university student’ in Level 87
η φοιτητρία for ‘university student (f.)’ in Level 91
η φοιτήτρια for ‘student’ in Level 101

I think the Level 101 spelling is correct. If so, could you change the spelling on the Level 91 version and excise the Level 101 version? Ta.

Also, κινηματογραφικός, Level 98. This still has the audio for κινηματογράφος.

Thanks again Neal!

Newly-spotted primary English dupe.

For ‘to celebrate’, we’ve got πανηγυρίζω in Level 62 and γιορτάζω in Level 82.

If you could tweak or cross-Alt, that’d be super.

…and for ‘coat’, we’ve got παλτό in Level 31 and πανωφόρι in Level 16.

I’m forever getting tripped up by that whole παλτό/πανωφόρι/μπουφάν trilogy!

I think for πανωφόρι, overcoat might be the best primary definition though. That’s kinda what the Greek implies, anyway (over-wear).

I think the primaries for παλτό and μπουφάν are optimal as they are.

  • OK, I think I finally have this better. Removed 87 and 91, kept 101. It now is: η φοιτήτρια/ο φοιτητής with all the possible Alts. Turns out we don’t have ‘other’ types of students, but that will have to wait for another time.

Fixed the audio for Level 98 κινηματογραφικός

[quote=“spdl79, post:226, topic:817”] πανηγυρίζω - γιορτάζω [/quote] - this is a bit complicated in Greek. I’ve simply cross-Alt’d them. γιορτάζω is the general sense of celebrate, like a birthday, etc. but πανηγυρίζω is more specific to religious and village type celebrations. See: Πανηγύρια της Σίφνου for example. But in English both would be translated as celebrate.

[quote=“spdl79, post:227, topic:817”] παλτό/πανωφόρι/μπουφάν trilogy! [/quote] - I think you might have παλτό and πανωφόρι backwards. μπουφάν is simply ‘jacket’, generally short, like a leather jacket or a ski parka, where coat and overcoat are longer. πανωφόρι is coat, but παλτό (same as the Russian пальто (pal’to) which I learned many years ago!) is overcoat. Google all 3 words and look the images page for each and you’ll see what I mean.

Thanks for the fixes. Yes, I see what you mean, and thanks for the advice. Would you be able to cross-Alt παλτό and πανωφόρι though (if you haven’t done so already)? Makes it a bit harder if it asks for ‘coat’, and then I enter the wrong one, and get marked incorrectly, and get even more confused :wink:

While you’re at it, τόπος κατοικίας in Level 93 could do with an unarticled Alt too. Thank you!

[quote=“spdl79, post:230, topic:817”]
τόπος κατοικίας
[/quote] - Fixed.

[quote=“spdl79, post:230, topic:817”]
cross-Alt παλτό and πανωφόρι
[/quote] - I’m not sure that this makes sense. They are not the same as far as I know, and you should be prompted for either coat or overcoat where παλτό is overcoat and πανωφόρι is coat. But, in the spirit of true scholarship :slight_smile: I am dispatching this note to my teacher:

Ποια είναι η διαφορά μεταξύ παλτό και πανωφόρι; Τα ίδια; Αυτό είναι λίγο σύγχυση. Διάβασα στο Βικιλεξικό:

Παλτό είναι βαρύ και ζεστό ένδυμα για τον κορμό, μάλλινο ή γούνινο με μανίκια, που φοριέται πάνω από τα υπόλοιπα ρούχα.

Πανωφόρι είναι ρούχο που φοράμε πάνω από κάτι άλλο (π.χ. ζακέτα, παλτό κ.λπ.)

Έχω μεταφράσει παλτό με το overcoat και το πανωφόρι ως coat (more generic term). Είναι σωστό; Ή μήπως αυτή η προς τα πίσω;

See post below for a copy of the worksheet containing all words in the course.

Notes: on the ‘list’ page the group of words in red are still TBD, and the ‘cognates’ page has just under 400 potential words to add, although some may be pretty obscure so will need to be reviewed. Any volunteers to edit the list of cognates?

Perfect, thanks for all that Neal. And thanks for getting clarification from your teacher! Although I do like the equivocation at the end :wink:

As for cognates, I would be up for this as some stage in the future - I need to get cracking with my own stuff and Duo at the moment, but I’d be happy to mine this once I’ve caught up with everything I want to learn (which may be a good while though).

[quote=“spdl79, post:233, topic:817”] clarification [/quote] - Ναι, πανωφόρι είναι generic. Πανωφόρι can be παλτό: http://balloonstockclothes.gr/images/stories/virtuemart/product/palto-roz.jpg
or μπουφάν: http://www.cougarsport.gr/media/product/b6/emerson-andriko-mpoufan-stylemr1450n-tt610-royal-ef.jpg

Είναι και για άντρες και για γυναίκες.

And so, for πανωφόρι it now says “coat (generic)” where acceptable answers are “coat, overcoat, cloak” and παλτό is overcoat, with coat being acceptable as an answer, but is not shown as a second meaning (i.e. it is _coat).

If you get to a point where you have time to help work on cognates please let me know first as I may just plow ahead and so the list will constantly change.

Learners in our course “Most important words in Greek” would likely be interested in a “Transparent Language” blog series written/posted by my Greek teacher from Athens (Ourania Kyrkintanou). Ourania is a wonderful teacher and works through iTalki, another great place for language learners. If you aren’t familiar with iTalki you should also check that out.

We got there in the end ;-)[quote=“neal.p.carey, post:234, topic:817”]
you have time to help work on cognates

Will do. Won’t be for a while, though.

Also, I have to say, for a course with so many users, the community here is rather passive (present company excepted, of course)[quote=“neal.p.carey, post:235, topic:817”]
If you aren’t familiar with iTalki

Thanks for the link - I’ve read a few of her blog posts before and they’ve been very interesting. Once we start formal classes next year, I may look into taking extra lessons with iTalki if I feel that we could do with more learning time.

A new primary English dupe: for ‘however’, we’ve got εντούτοις in Level 19 and όμως in Level 2.

If you could redefine the primary for one, and/or cross-Alt both, that’d be super. Ta!

η περιεχόμενα, Level 77.

Should the article on this actually be τα περιεχόμενα?

I think το περιεχόμενο is the correct singular for ‘content’ and we’d pluralise to τα περιεχόμενα. Although I could of course be wrong.

[quote=“spdl79, post:237, topic:817”]
[/quote] now is “although” as primary. όμως is more usual for however (I think). But both are cross-Alt’d anyway.

[quote=“spdl79, post:238, topic:817”]
[/quote] - Fixed

I highly recommend Rania as a teacher.

Sadly true! I think most users just don’t realize how to get involved or why they should or even realize how much work it takes to build a decent course. Thanks to people like you and @nphx and others we’ve made vast improvements in this thing. The old forum mechanism was much easier as it was tied specifically to each course and when they changed it all they did not create a mechanism to create a link from the course to the blog :frowning: So, the best we can do is put the link (which isn’t really a link) in the description.

I have a few more words I’m working on then I really am going to a break and just focus on learning. Many new words I’m adding are coming straight out of lesson content, so the list is endless!

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[quote=“neal.p.carey, post:239, topic:817”]
few more words
[/quote] - I have added a couple more levels today. We’re at 2,792 words. 2 more Levels to go (for now!).

Awesome, many thanks Neal. I’ll try to work through them over the next few weeks and save all the feedback up for one big post - or would you rather more frequent, smaller posts?

A few posts would be fine Sean, thanks. 1,815 words currently, I have only one more Level to complete before I’m done, hopefully by Thursday.

See below for updated worksheet link!

Hi there,

Just a quick thing to point out - currently ο χώρος (level 3) and το δωμάτιο (level 41) are both prompted by ‘room (noun)’, and I keep getting penalised for guessing wrong! Would be great if these could be disambiguated. Thanks for all the great improvements to the course!

[quote=“silveycat, post:243, topic:817”]
ο χώρος (level 3) and το δωμάτιο (level 41)
[/quote] disambiguated as room (in a house, apartment) and room (space, area), so now you can answer just room in English for either. Thanks for raising this issue. Glad you’re enjoying the course, more material being added regularly!