[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

Agreed, done!

OK, all are added as Alts, and I even put ΚΚΕ in there as a bonus just for you :slight_smile:

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I’ve just completed another round of edits and fixes and the number of words is now at 3,862 :checkered_flag:

An updated worksheet is here:


Still working on the dupes and I have some more new vocabulary coming soon. Feedback is welcome.


Thanks Neal, much appreciated as always!

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Hi Neal! Just a small one - τελικά Level 61 and επιτέλους Level 88 could do with disambiguating or cross-alting.

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Why? Here is how they are currently defined:

επιτέλους = finally, at last, after all

τελικά = ultimately, finally, eventually, in the end

I’m not sure of even how you would disambiguate them. I don’t think cross-alts are appropriate here. To me, finally/at last are not them same as ultimately/eventually in English, or in Greek.

No worries, I thought the primary for each of them was finally.

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Uploaded a new worksheet:


G’day Neal! Just a few small suggestions, all for Level 107. Feel free to disagree!

  • καταραμένος - this might be a bit easier to learn/remember with a primary definition of 'cursed '(adjective) given that κατάρα (curse) and καταριέμαι (to curse) have already appeared in previous levels
  • εν τω μεταξύ - can you please add an alt of this without spaces? I’ve seen it unspaced before; there’s even entries for it on both the En and El Wiktionaries
  • γυψοσανίδα - I don’t know if ‘wall board’ is how it’s referred to outside the UK, but certainly from a British point of view, I think ‘plasterboard’ would be a better primary definition (and it chimes better with the previous word)
  • τελάρο - Might ‘embroidery frame’ be a better primary? ‘Art board’ makes me think of easel or palette, when as far asI can tell, τελάρο isn’t either of those things
  • μουσαμάς - I also think tarpaulin might be a better primary here too

Thanks and have a good weekend!

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A few more:

  • Level 108 κηδεύομαι. Might this be better defined as ‘to be buried’, given that it’s passive? It’s not deponent; the active is κηδεύω
  • Level 108 τέφρα. We don’t see the secondaries during testing, so it might be good to change the primary for this to “ash (cremains)” so that we don’t mix it up with στάχτη
  • Level 57 παλιός and Level 104 γέρος could do with cross-alting or disambiguating


Level 108 βαφτιστικό. Would it be possible to add alts of βαπτιστικό and το βαπτιστικό?

I think it may be slightly more correct to spell with a phi rather than a pi, but I think both variants are in common use. Plus, we’ve already learnt βαπτίζω in Level 71. βαφτίζω could also probably be added as an alt to that, too.

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καινούργιος, Level 88. An alt of καινούριος would be good for this - I’ve been coming across it without the gamma quite frequently.

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Level 45 τετράγωνο and Level 110 πλατεία are both primaried as ‘square’. Can you please change to something like “square (geometry)” and/or “town square”?

Level 110, τροχόσπιτο. Would it also be possible to change the primary to “trailer (caravan)”? In the UK and Australia, a trailer is something you hitch to the back of your car to throw tools and rubbish in, not something you go camping and travelling in.

All these, all in Level 110, need unarticled alts, too:

  • πλωτό σπίτι
  • διάβαση πεζών
  • ερωτική φωλιά
  • πλαγιά
  • γιουρτ
  • λεωφόρος
  • πλατεία
  • τροχόσπιτο
  • πολυκλινική
  • παιδική χαρά

Level 111 words which need an unarticled alt:

  • πυροσβεστική
  • σχολή χορού
  • τροχαία
  • αυτοκινητόδρομος
  • παιδικός σταθμός
  • πεζόδρομος
  • φανάρι
  • αεροδρόμιο
  • αστυνομικό τμήμα
  • βενζινάδικο
  • γήπεδο
  • γκαράζ
  • γυμναστήριο
  • δημαρχείο
  • εστιατόριο
  • ιατρείο
  • κολυμβητήριο
  • λούνα παρκ
  • μνημείο
  • νηπιαγωγείο
  • πάρκινγκ
  • πεζοδρόμιο
  • περίπτερο
  • πολυκατάστημα
  • σινεμά

(Which I think is every word in the level)

Thank you! On to 112…

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Here’s what I’ve got for Level 112.

We need unarticled alts for:

  • στρατόπεδο
  • αεροσυνοδός
  • φούρναρης

Also a few more general issues:

  • We’ve got three primaries for ‘thin’ - Level 8 αραιός, Level 72 ψιλός and Level 105 λεπτός. They’re disambiguated somewhat on the spreadsheet or via secondaries but the primaries need tweaking in the database. I think αραιός would be good as ‘thin (watery)’, and maybe ψιλός primaried as ‘slender’
  • We’ve got two primaries for ‘quality’ - Level 40 χαρακτηριστικό and Level 132 ποιότητα. I think χαρακτηριστικό would be better as ‘characteristic’
  • Level 80, συμπληρώνεις τα κενά. This is in the spreadsheet as συμπληρώνω τα κενά but is in the second person in the database. The English primary doesn’t specify which conjugation should be used, and I think for the sake of consistency, συμπληρώνω τα κενά should at least be added as an alt, given that practically all the other verbs and verb phrases are in the first person
  • μπακάλης is in the course twice, Levels 69 and 112

OK, new post approaching for Level 113.


Here’s what I encountered whilst doing Level 113.

  • We need an unarticled alt for Level 113 ανθοπώλης
  • γραμματέας is in the course twice, Levels 85 and 113
  • χειρουργός is in the course twice, Levels 76 and 113. The Level 76 version has the tonos on the ypsilon, which I think is slightly more correct, but both versions seem to be, if not legit, then certainly in common use. If you could ditch one, but include the alternate tonos version as an alt, that’d be great
  • Following on from the thin/skinny issues in the previous post, Level 91 αδύνατος is currently primaried as ‘skinny’. I think, so that we don’t end up with four variations on thin/skinny, a better primary here would be ‘weak’
  • Minor typo in Level 113 ‘model (photoraphic)’

Okeydokey, on to Level 114.

Right, Level 114.

  • αεροδρόμιο is in the course twice, Levels 111 and 114
  • Level 114 δεξιά and αριστερά. You’ve got ‘to the left’ and ‘to the right’ as secondaries for these, so it might be worth putting in στα δεξιά and στα αριστερά as El alts

Level 115…

  • We’ve got two primaries for white, Level 44 άσπρος and Level 115 λευκός. I can see you’ve got άσπρος in there as an alt already, but I think λευκός might be better primaried as ‘white (formal/literary)’. From what I’ve seen, it’s not really in common use any more, apart from describing wine, bleach, mountain ranges in Crete, towers in Thessaloniki and so on. I don’t think you’d ever say something like ο λευκός σκύλος though
  • Level 115 εκείνη. αυτή really should be an alt for this as ‘she’ could really be either. Or I guess you could change the En primary to ‘that (feminine)’
  • Level 115 τίποτα. This could do with having an alt of τίποτε
  • Level 115, ρε. This could do with having an alt of βρε

Onwards and upwards!

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Level 116. I’ll keep editing/adding to this post unless you get to it first or until I finish the level, at which point I’ll create a new post.

  • Supermarket is in the course twice, Levels 53 and 116. One version is spaced and the other isn’t. If you could ditch one, but add the spaced or unspaced version as an alt to the other, that’d be great
  • Level 116 καλέσω, I think it might be better to swap the primary and the alt around, given that καλέσω is the future tense, and we’ve tried to primary everything in the present tense. Or, I guess, denote on the En primary that it’s future tense
  • Level 87, μείνω and Level 90 εξασκήσω. We’ve got exactly the same issue here, too. (Sorry - I think these actually came from my course, as I hadn’t yet managed to get my head around tenses when I started constructing that). If you could perhaps amend the En primaries to denote that they’re μέλλοντας, that’d be good
  • We’ve already got two foods in the course (Level 17 τροφή, Level 31 φαγητό), so I think τρόφιμα might be better En primaried as ‘foodstuffs’. I also think this is also a better meaning anyhow

OK, all these are now fixed. I’ll work on the others this week. I’ve been away from it for a couple of weeks.

all three are fixed