Added alt of this without spaces for εν τω μεταξύ.
Changed καταραμένος to cursed, with darned as Alt.
τελάρο primary is now frame. I’ve added embroidery frame as an Alt, as well as Art Board, Stretcher, crate, etc.
γερός - clarified as old (of a person). They are not equivalent.
το βαπτιστικό - Added.
βαφτίζω added as Alt.
καινούργιος already has καινούριος as Alt.
τίποτε added as Alt for τίποτα
ρε. I have added an alt of βρε, but I’ve always understood they’re not exactly the same and ρε was more impolite.
Level 17 τροφή, Level 31 φαγητό - I’ve added foodstuffs as an Alt for τρόφιμα, but left food as primary for both because they are heavily cross-Alt’d. Also, I cannot remember the last time I encountered the word foodstuffs (at least here in the US).
τα μύδια - should have been mussels. I had always understood it to mean clams, which are definitely not the same as mussels. Perhaps the Greeks use the translation somewhat loosely. At any rate I’m substituting the word αχιβάδα (clam) for αεροδρόμιο in Level 114 to remove that dupe. Interesting that I’ve seen conch and quahog for αχιβάδα, but clam, conch, quahog are decidedly different things. I went quahogging years, they are like hard-shell clams but much bigger. And we’ve even eaten conch down in Florida (as I recall), or perhaps in the islands somewhere.
ψωμί για τοστ has been chucked in - this came straight out of my book which is why I used it in that form.
τα γαλακτοκομικά προϊόντα - εντάξει
λαχανικό - fixed
εκείνη now has αυτή as Alt
στα δεξιά and στα αριστερά - both added as Alts
Level 113 ανθοπώλης - silly me I had ‘_ ο ανθοπώλης’ as the Alt! fixed.
Fixed typo in Level 113 ‘model (photographic)’
το χαρακτηριστικό - agreed, changed to characteristic
συμπληρώνω τα κενά - yes, of course. fixed. Took it literally as the instruction I encounter in one of my texts.
That’s all for today. I’ll keep working through your lists, may take a few more days!