[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

No, I haven’t. Let’s wait for @ImmortalSirNZ to reply.

I’m seeing it in level 36

Edit: I had a brain fart, they’re different, equal and even. Sorry for that.

No problem.

Hi Neal,

In Level 74 of this course, you’ve got vomit as κάνω εμετό.

In ρήματα, you’ve got it as κάνω εμέτο.

Are both forms correct, or does the stress need amending in one of the courses?


Thanks. It should be εμετό, so I fixed all instances of εμέτο to εμετό in ρήματα.

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Neal, I am not 100% happy with the definitions of χώρος (place), διάστημα (space), θέση (position), εμβαδόν (area).

I understand the terms (based on what I’ve looked up online) like this:
ο χώρος - area, space
το διάστημα - gap, interval, space (probably only interstellar)
η θέση - place, position
το εμβαδόν - area (in a geometrical sense)

What do you think?

G’day Neal,

Hope all’s well.

όλο, Level 26. It’s attributed as ‘adverb, adjective, preposition’, which is fine.

However, would it be possible to have όλος and όλη as Alts, seeing as they’re the M/F of the adjectival form? For this course, I’m used to providing adjectives in masculine, so I’m forever getting marked incorrectly on this one.

εφοριά, Level 73.

I could be wrong, but I think the accent should be on the iota and not the alpha - that’s certainly how the Forvo sounds (it’s an ‘ee-ah’, rather than a ‘yah’), plus Google and Wiktionary seem to have the accent on the iota.

γιός, Level 66 and σόρτς, Level 74.

I’ve started encountering these elsewhere without any accents. As far as I can tell, both the accented and un-accented versions are correct.

If they are, would you mind adding γιος and σορτς as alternative correct answers?

@spdl79, fixed all of the above.

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Thanks nphx! Much appreciated.

Thanks - been away for a few weeks! :slight_smile:

το νέα, Level 56.

There’s an old mem - backed up by Wiktionary - saying that νέα is always plural, as per the English. So, should the article be τα?

φακοί επαφής, Level 70. There’s no article associated with this - would it be possible to bung an οι in there as an Alt?

Your wish is my command.

Thank you!

Hi again, I have a real question I can point to this time. Κρασί on level 55 does not have an article associated with it. Is this intended?

μωβ, Level 63 - would it be possible to have μοβ as an Alt?

I believe both forms are correct.

το κρασί, μοβ, τα νέα added.

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Thank you!