[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

Sean, not sure what might be wrong. It did have only 24, so I moved παντού from the last level to 70.

When you go to the screen showing all of the Levels, does every single one of them have a green check mark? If not, then that will identify any level that is incomplete. As we’ve moved a lot of things around and changed things it may mark the level as incomplete. So, check your status level-by-level.

Removed from 17 and moved το φλάουτο from 76 to 17 to fill the ‘space’.

αll should be fixed now

reordered the words to match the audio, Alt is the inverse.

Thanks so much for that Neal,that totally did the trick - once you did it, I was able to close off the level.

Probably just a Memrise glitch to start with - my Mems sometimes don’t save correctly, so I imagine it’s a similar thing.

Thanks again. One minor request though: φλάουτο requires an article to be marked as correct - can you amend at some stage? Thanks!

Thanks so much for all the other changes, too!

Yes, probably. There are certainly a few :open_mouth:

Fixed.[quote=“spdl79, post:108, topic:817”]
other changes

Certainly! I continue to be amazed at how many small issues there still are!

Well, it probably doesn’t help matters that I manage a team of quality controllers and that I’m paid to find this sort of stuff in English writing, databases and setups :wink:

Seriously though, awesome work! There are way fewer errors in this course than any of the other Greek ones on Memrise, and what’s more, you correct them!

One more for when you’ve got a moment: For the pronoun ‘who’, we’ve got που in Level 46 and ποιος in Level 73.

As I’ve said before, I’m still pretty new to this and I could be very wrong, but I think ποιος is an interrogative pronoun and που is a relative pronoun. If so, to differentiate them, would you be able to change the descriptions to something like ‘pronoun (interrogative)’ and ‘pronoun (relative)’?

Have a good weekend!

Also: ανθρωποκτονία, Level 74, currently requires the article to be marked correctly.

Also: Dupe issue for awake, adjective. We’ve got ξυπνητός in Level 44 and ξύπνιος in Level 74. Can you please differentiate the primaries?

I’ve added your suggestions to the descriptions, but also to the english translations as well. If you’re prompted in English you’d need to be able to distinguish which (no pun intended!) who is being asked for. [I was tempted to write “what who was which” or “which who was what”, but I didn’t :slight_smile: ]

Fixed.[quote=“spdl79, post:110, topic:817”]

This was harder to resolve, and I’m not entirely happy with it. It really is not a dupe from my reading of it. But I’ve changed ξυπνητός to ‘conscious’/‘awake’ and ξύπνιος to ‘awake’/‘alert’/‘sharp-witted’/‘smart’.

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Thanks heaps Neal.

On the last point, totally agreed that it’s not a dupe per se - I was struggling to find that much difference between the two when looking them up in dictionaries this morning - but it was a dupe in that I was being marked incorrectly for my correct answer for ‘awake’ :wink:

I find with Memrise that when I get marked incorrectly due to duping - there are a lot in some of the other courses - my spelling/retention of both words tends to deteriorate! I start trying to second-guess which version I’m being asked, and somehow end up creating hybrid words out of both versions.

πίστη, τιράντα, and κάπρι, Level 74 - currently require an article to be marked correctly.

αρακάς and άφιξη, Level 75, also currently require an article to be marked correctly.

Sorry for bugging you with all these article requests - I tend to use them for -ος and other unclear endings, but often drop them if the gender’s obvious from the ending. Although, having said that, I’ve almost caught up with the course, so no more requests then! (At least until you add some more words).

Yeah, sure :slight_smile:

These are all fixed now. I must have been asleep at the wheel when I did some of these later levels! Thanks for feedback.

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Hi! Going through the course tonight, when my review session brought up ίσος and ισοϋψής, which are both marked as “even” as an adjective. Problematic for the obvious reason :slight_smile:

Phew! All finished, for now! I’ll finish reviewing the other courses I’ve done - that might take me a while - and then start on ελληνικά ρήματα. So you’ve got my feedback on that to look forward to :wink:

The only outstanding dupe I’ve got is for this course is for φαγητό and τροφή, Levels 17 and 31, both primary defined as ‘food’.

I’ve made them synonyms of each other.

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This is odd, I don’t see ίσος in the database at all. Can you tell me what Level you “think” it might be in? Usually the database search is the easiest way to find/fix these things, but in this case I don’t see it.

I can’t see either unless I only search for ίσ and ισ. They do have different translations now though. Have you fixed it already?

No, I haven’t. Let’s wait for @ImmortalSirNZ to reply.

I’m seeing it in level 36

Edit: I had a brain fart, they’re different, equal and even. Sorry for that.