How to reorder attributes?

Hi, how do we reorder the attributes?

I’m creating a small Decks course first before a larger one so I can iron out the confusing bits.
It seems there are definite gaps and flaws in the software, but hopefully the benefits & tricks outweigh them.

I’ve read up on how to add fake answers, so I’ve added a heap of them to my database.
And then I discovered that Memrise/Decks uses the attributes to pick which answers to suggest, so I added a few attributes to the real & fake answers in my database.

But then I’ve realised that it gives priority to the attributes in the order they appear - it’s more likely to show “possible” answers which have a matching 1st attribute than a matching 3rd attribute.

I’ve already discovered the disappointing information that for many things its best to reupload the whole course from CSV, but I’d be interested in whether there’s a way to rearrange the attributes without deleting the whole database and re-uploading.

I’m surprised I couldn’t find discussion about this already, but maybe not everyone uses the system this way.


I’ve managed to find some discussion of this in Sep 2016, but that was 2.5 years ago.

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Hi @translucence!

I have been investigating the platform and also their competitors, creating test courses and so on.

I’m sorry to let you know that the columns can’t be arranged. What is more, you cannot transform an attribute column to non-attribute and vice-versa. If later you may want to add additional columns, its content should be inserted by hand, you won’t be able to upload a CSV for a single column.

I have reported this limited behaviour as an issue in the Feedback forum. If you think the course management is limited, please heart this topic:

My advice:

  1. Think about which non-attribute columns and attribute columns you need, and how to order them.
  2. Audio and Image columns can’t be populated by CSV.
  3. Planify carefully and complete ALL the course you want in Excel/Numbers/Google Sheets.
  4. Download all the images and audios in your local computer before even creating the course. Organize yourself this resources by folders.

Then, you can start on Memrise. If you fail, I recommend to delete the course and start again. Hope this saves you time. Good luck!

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I would make your course on memrise for the time being, course creation was disabled on Decks because of a bot attack. For now, Decks and memrise are running two almost identical parallel websites and course creation seems to be easier on the memrise website, from what I have gathered.

Oh, I’ve already created my smaller course on Decks and have been modifying it there.
I’ve not used Memrise before but from the documentation, the course creation seems identical - as I’d hope!!

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Thanks @Diana.Learning

Yes, as I’d mentioned it seems the standard solution for many Memrise problems to create and modify the course in a spreadsheet (Google Sheets for me), delete the existing course then reupload the whole thing. That feels pretty crappy, but if it’s how Memrise is supposed to work …

(also I do see that that only works for courses without alts, images and sounds)
(I’d probably only need alts)

I believe I’ve seen you post that in several places. You got it wrong, it’s actually the other way around. That is, it’s the Memrise website where you cannot create new courses and it does work on Decks!

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Oh yikes, I am really sorry about that!

I wish you had put me right sooner, though :frowning:

Anyway, better late than never, I suppose. I will try to pay attention better and read things properly. It is so easy to just “überfliegen” things when you read them on a screen, I really have to try harder to read slowly and carefully.

Do you know where I can find my posts on the forum, @Olaf.Rabbachin so I can delete the ones with the wrong information?

Sorry, I was simply abroad for a couple of days. Odd that no one else noticed it though.

You could do a search for postings where you used the word “bot” (or something else)

Hi @amanda-norrsken,

Go to your forum home page and then click on “Activity” and you will be taken to a list of your forum posts in date order. If you then click on the relevant post(s), you will be taken to them.

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No need to apologise! It’s me who should apologise for assuming you were able to access the forum 24/7 and that you would even want to access the forum 24/7 :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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Good to know! Thanks for giving me that info.

No worries! :smile:

Err, I’m confused? I’m new here, what am I getting accused of?
I just wanted to ask about making courses.

Sorry, we went around the houses a bit, I suppose (a typical problem in forums). But anyway, nobody accused you of having done anything!

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