Course Creator's Wish List

How do you all cope with bulk add if one of the columns has a photo/ picture?

23) I don’t think one can bulk add with pictures, so does it all go wrong?

A simple solution would be nice.

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@DW7 I haven’t tried "Control + Z’’ I’ve had a couple of bulk adds go wrong in the past, so now I do all my bulk uploads on a test course first :sunglasses: but if I will try the “Control + Z”.

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@leggi - I haven’t tried "Control + Z’’

It certainly has helped me out of problems when I have inadvertently deleted an entry in a data field which I wanted to modify but it was highlighted and I’ve deleted everything.

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24) It would be great if when we went to edit a data field it showed as it displayed, ie all the text, rather than as a small slot window which only showed a few words. This makes it slow and hard to find say one word to edit and even harder if part of a larger phrase has to be changed. (It’s almost as if it’s only been set up for single words as in a language course rather than a long phrase or description.)

There are ways round this (eg copy and paste to a text or word file) but that is laborious.


25) It would be great to be able to control the display size of the text in both columns.

I have some courses where a phrase is used and when presented with the text when learning, it almost fills my screen.

Then in tests when offered 6 or 8 alternatives, one has to scroll down a lot to read them all - even if one knows the first bit of each answer it’s hard to find the right answer in the time.

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26) This is @nukemarine’s suggestion


On the MemRise learning area, it says this about Contributors:

Adding a contributor grants them full edit access on this course (except only the creator may delete the course). Contributors can also add/remove other contributors.

As many of us have pointed out this is not the situation.

27) It would be good if Contributors could rename columns

28) It would be good if Contributors could turn off typing and tapping

29) It would be good if Contributors could delete superfluous columns

30) It would be good if Contributors could add additional columns

Perhaps @lien could ask the MemRise team to investigate if they could increase Contributor’s rights and privileges in line with their statement.


Tapping only works with three or more words in a definition. There are occasions when one would like to turn off Typing but allow taping for two (ie a pair) of words.

31) It would be nice if tapping was allowed on TWO or more words or we were given the option to lower the number from three to two words.


32) It would be good if courses now listed as by “deleted” could be re-assigned to the active Contributor who has in fact become the Custodian or Curator (my words) of the course.

Unfortunately courses listed by “deleted” could put people off trying them as they think they will not get any support.


33) It would be nice if there were a way for non-contributors to see a list of all contributors to a course, not just the Creator (or Custodian or Curator if 32) were implemented).


Hi @A_User Re “33”, On all the courses I support I acknowledge my involvement (in the course description) together with a date of the last update.

On larger courses like the Easy Academy ones, I have listed all the contributors so users can PM one of us or use the [Course Forum] for that subject, which I’ve set up.


@DW7 Yeah, that’s one way to do it. But it would be really nice if it were automatic, not all courses are going to have that by a long way.

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34) It would be great if the MemRise team could add a symbol to the course photo (or description) for courses with a) Audio, b) no Tapping and c) no Typing.

This could best be achieved by linking the action to the testing tick box for b) and c) and either checking the audio field for data or having a tick box that the creator could activate.

35) This would allow another wish for searching for courses that either include audio or exclude typing &/ or tapping.


Hi DW7 I tried control+Z after a bulk upload, it didn’t do anything… which leads me to:

36) Bulk delete of items from the database and levels.


Indeed! I’m mostly working with 2-5 words - it must be a nightmare editing sentences. I kind of hope now that Memrise has it’s official courses they’ll appreciate the faff it is to create and maintain a course!


37) Being able to share entries/levels between my courses. A pool of the entries I’ve created over all my courses would be nice, but to be able to copy a level from one of my courses to another would be fantastic.



to be able to copy a level from one of my courses to another

I assume you know you can duplicate levels and I then amend the testing method or columns in a higher numbered level. In other words I do it within the same course.


@DW7 When reviewing courses, if I’m typing - I want to type, or doing MC (Multiple Choice) then just to click. I don’t like them mixing.:relaxed: I’m also adding entries as I come across them, so it’d be nice to create a level on one course and then transfer it to another course when it’s ready. (keeping a ‘clean’ database on the second course.)

The majority of my courses have been prompt with English - type in Bulgarian, which has taught me a lot of vocab. - give me the English and I’ll give you the Bulgarian! (and how to type in Cyrillic :sunflower:).

I hear/see Bulgarian words with an ‘‘I know that’’ feeling, but I’m struggling to come up with the English in some cases, but for one Bulgarian word I’ve multiple English words, so typing isn’t a good option with a Bulgarian prompt.

Multiple choice is much better for my ‘‘read the BG’’ courses I’m working on at the moment. I’m just having to transfer the data via a spreadsheet . . .


That’s what I was going to suggest. This comes back to our desire to download a course so we can then upload it onto a new course and make variations.

This leads on to another request/ wish (which I don’t think we have listed yet)

38) The ability to duplicate columns so one set could be for ‘matching’ (MC) another set for ‘tapping only’ and another for ‘typing’ by preference.


39) I’d like to be able to see my all my database on one page (useful for proof reading, looking for items missing attributes etc.)

Especially since the number of entries shown per database page has been reduced (which makes me think there’s no change of getting more on a page!), it’s time consuming to check each page. For example: 66 pages for a course with 1300 items. I’m glad most of my courses are under 2000 entries :sunflower: