[App Feedback] My thoughts on the New App Layout

If you get a word wrong 3 times in a row it will grow angry and move to difficult words


No Grobble? Favourite words?

I noticed that too
 but angry to have lost “ignore”. I hope it is just transitional.

Ideally : 1 “favorite word button”, + Scroll down from the flower with “ignore on/off” and “difficult word on/off”.
And the favorite word buttons brings more repetitions and no special separate learning like difficult words.

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those flowers look terrible
 like from a horror flick for kiddies
 (please God don’t bring that on the web version, please :anguished:)

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Where is the ignore button in Beta?

it’s gone! :scream:

Oh my! Am I the only person that likes the hairy angry flower? :laughing:
That hilarious! It even has teeth! :joy:

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It’s back :wink:
Better wait on those things @Andrea_Mo3 and not scare everyone with what is tried on the Beta.

I almost had a stroke. :angry:
It’s a serious thing. Sometimes I have to ignore thousands of words.

NO I think that was a great progress to see that a word was ready to get angry with us !

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: General chit-chat for Beta testers mainly

I see nothing here that entices me to go back to the (current) mobile version, It’s a shame, really, for a while it looked like Memrise were onto a winner, with both their web and their mobil approach.
Tempus fugit, I guess

This seems to have been brought over to the official Android version in the latest update. It took me 3-4 times as long as usual to do my watering sessions today :sweat:

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you were lucky then
very irritating
 you pic the correct answer and then wait for 20 seconds to see the new one

i had to wait for that long, thats way I took time. if there is 50 words to reviw it really puts your patience on test

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Correct answers are appearing now, and I think the pauses are shortened. Though I do not remember. I cannot learn or review anything because it freezes immediately and won’t unfreeze unless quit the session. :persevere:

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I have found that if you swap away from the memrise app (even just to the recent app selection screen) and then back again it continues to the next item directly. That is my workaround until this bug is fixed.

This conversation should be split to a new topic under #AndroidBugs

It’s fixed! :grin:

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Can I trust the apps downloaded from this to not contain malware?

And what version do people like?

The latest version available on the Chinese HiMarket app store is 2.7_3719252_develop, from 2016-02-14, which gives me garbled non-latin characters. So maybe also there is a better app store to use that isn’t Google Play?

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Today I cancelled my Pro membership.

The change to the app (I use the ios version) has been a retrograde step and has reduced it’s ease of use and functionality.

It has become far too childish and it appears that the Memrise folk don’t care what we think.

I’ve gone back to using the desktop version more and more.

As they say - money talks - and if enough Pro members do the same, maybe the Memrise folk will start to listen.

So sad they ruined a good app!


I’m so unhappy about that.