[App Feedback] My thoughts on the New App Layout

I’d actually be really curious if the usage of the app has changed since the interface overhaul. I for one know, that I don’t use the app nearly as much as I did before, and I definitely don’t do any learning on it, only reviewing when I’m on the way, and I lost my motivation to participate in the beta testing program as well–

even though I’ve learnt to live with the planets and rockets and all the shiny-scrolly gadgets and without having any kind of overview about my progress.

People don’t like change, that is a fact, but after some time they will accept just about anything (as one of our ex-Prime Ministers said, “let them protest, they will get bored, it will start raining and then they will just go home after a while.”) But what I’d - once again, personally - expect for a Memrise app would be to SEE in one place what needs to be reviewed, which goals are met, what courses have difficult words (which we mostly have now, even though a handy opening screen would still be nicer than this side-screen) and to REACH these functions without scrolling, tapping, searching and trying too much (which is questionable, I think it is still quite a hassle).

(But then again, I still mourn the loss of the gardening terminology from the website, so probably I’m not the best judge of anything.)

And just to be positive: I like the colour changes, that there is no bright red flash after every fifth right answer that I used to panic for a second about. And that the prompts come faster now after answering. And that the font size issues are fixed as well.


I wholeheartedly agree.

I’m not adverse to change but it has to be good change and the changes to the app have not been good.

Prior to the whole “planets” thing, I was a heavy user of the app. After the change, it significantly dropped off.

The whole planets things needs to be dumped. It’s completely unnecessary and quite frankly juvenile.

We need a scrollable table along the lines of:

Click on the number in the Review Box to Review.
Click on the number in the Difficult Box to Review Difficult Words.
Click on the Goal to change/set the goal.
Click on the Course Name to see the levels.

If the planet theme must be retained, do it by putting a faded theme picture in the background of the table.

THIS is what users need to be able to take control of their learning.

It’s a lot more functional because we can see the status of our courses at a glance and can determine which need immediate attention and which don’t.

At the moment, we must click on each and every course to get this detail.

I want to spend time on learning my chosen courses, NOT working out how to maneuver around the app.

The trouble with programmers (I was formerly a programmer) is that they’re rarely users of the programs they write.

The app should reflect what USERS want, not what the programmers want.


It could be worse… they could sell it to Rosetta Stone, and then memrise would end, just like great Livemocha was ruined… so we are still good :slight_smile:

I use app coz my phone is always on me.

Many people use it for points. As you know you get more points for learning and reviewing on your phone/tablet than on your desktop… so for some strange reasons some people like to be at the top of the leaderboard, like that is the point with memrise… so yes… android app will live another day :slight_smile:


[quote=“poggi, post:166, topic:530, full:true”]
I’d actually be really curious if the usage of the app has changed since the interface overhaul. I for one know, that I don’t use the app nearly as much as I did before, and I definitely don’t do any learning on it, only reviewing when I’m on the way, and I lost my motivation to participate in the beta testing program as well-[/quote]

I second that - it would be interesting to see how this has changed, maybe broken down by number of words/courses/levels that a user their courses use? The new app functionality is greatly geared towards beginners with few words, and short courses with few levels; so memrise might be losing their ‘heavy user’ segment who have been chipping away at learning for a while, and who are using large courses…


I am not sure how new app layout is connected to the length of the course? It is not like someone forces you to use “memise made” courses. I take courses made by other members too.

Layout of the app might be silly, but that won’t steer me away form my goal: learning new language.

It is not like they can make app layout everyone will agree on. People like different things. But I believe the method is good.


oh, I use courses made by many people, including by myself.
And you’re absolutely right, it is difficult to come up with something which suits everyone.
Nevertheless, I’m a heavy user, with loads of courses, loads of words learned, and courses with very many levels, so I’m not happy if the design changes and is now aimed at users with very few and simple courses.
It has affected my usage pattern, and I suspect it does for many others, especially long term heavy users, who also are more likely to be pro (ie paying) users.
In the end it is about learning, and if this becomes harder due to the changes in the environment I do less here and more somewhere else

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I’m also a heavy user as you say it. I don’t mind at all the new layout. It has not made my learning worse. I also do multiple courses with multiple levels every day. I don’t know any better learning app. I have tried some (5-6 I think), they are just not good enough. If someone (not you) wants to complain they always find a way.
I can only say, apart from recent app bugs, it (memrise app) has improved a lot


At this moment I am taking 19 courses. I had to scroll before, I have to scroll now.
And about being paying user. It is not about perks. I was completely happy as free user, but those people had good idea and I turned pro to support hard work they put in this.


Exactly @ramajana. And I don’t think 26 € per year is that much of a money for pro account. One coursebook at bookstore costs 33 € or more, abd this is only 1 book for one language. Here I learn 10, plus geography and music. And I can do my own courses.

I had to scroll a lot and now even more, it’s no problem. I’m doing over 30 courses a day, have not counted.

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@Lien why does the new version of the android beta app require location services? Are memrise wanting to spy on users now?


I wholeheartedly concur. The app already correctly advertises the local currency for the pro mode - for what possible reason does it need this functionality? :confused:

The new update of the app has change the entire look for the presentation card. And its bad. It used to have good images to help you memories the words but somehow they disable it now until you make mistake on the words.

In my opinion this slow down my process to learn and i began to dislike this app. Just got my pro account to support the apps but turn out the latest version is so bad.

Has anyone else noticed that on the IOS app there is no way to see total amount of items to review? It used to be one big number on the app. Now it’s nowhere - not even on the site, because the site breaks the number down per language/category in the drop-down.

On the app, the only way to see “items to water” is by scrolling down that list! You could have 100 courses each with one word to review and you would have to access that list 100 times!!! Not effective and not user-friendly!

Please help me petition for a REVIEW ALL “ITEMS TO WATER” BUTTON and ONE MAIN SPEED REVIEW BUTTON FOR ALL “ITEMS TO WATER”!! On the apps AND the website!!


I’ve decided to give the current version of the app another go, as it’s been several versions since Memrise updated to ‘utterly useless’. I find that it still performs the pointless scroll through planets, but at least this is now quicker; and I can now see which courses are in which language, which is progress.
Can somebody point me to how I can see which courses have difficult words which need working on? Or is this simply still not being displayed?
oh, I use the Android version, I guess that makes a difference

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It will only be displayed when you access the course. You wont see it in the main courses view.

And then, you will not see the total, unless you tap on the four colored dots

apologies for thread-mining, but I was wondering if anyone had found a way in the current app version to force the use of the full keyboard instead of the list of letters (which frequently gives the answer away)? I find it quite annoying having to pick this every time I open a course for revision or learning

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It looks decent in my opinion

With the new update, the speed review has a twist. The offered answers are alike. I like it!

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I personally love it! It feels more “Open” and “Spacious” to me, if that makes sense, and it kind of reminds me of Duolingo, only the courses go in the opposite direction, and I think the whole planets thing is kind of cute. Overall, the new layout has actually made me use the app more!

Although I do hate having to scroll through all of my courses, a search function or better yet a filter to only show courses with words needing reviewing would be nice!

Also, I love the new decoding feature, kind of like roleplaying and putting a new language into context! I think it’d be awesome if users could create their own versions. I would love to do the decoding thing with languages that don’t have official courses, like Scottish Gaelic or Simlish!


you are right bro,scroll is irritating a lot, better to place a pointer/scroll bar to scroll and i also think of night mode option in the app particularly as apps are handy these days many prefer to use when ever they are free.Also app crashes frequently