[App Feedback] My thoughts on the New App Layout

I have seen the current results.
I must say that I am surprised. My vote is the one that it did not impact on the functionality. I can’t say that it didn’t, but not that much that I would day that it definitely did. I am more concerned about the bugs that make trouble!
Here, everyone hates it. How do we explain the results?
Or is it too early to judge?

I am really disapointed with the new GUI on both iOS and Android - if the target audience for this app is under 5years old kids then well done. Otherwise whoever thought this is a usable interface should be banished to from coding/designing for life.
I have now switched to web only learning as I find the apps unusable and frustrating. It is a shame that users are not given the option to switch to the old interface.
Memrise should focus on adding functionality to the apps not redesigning perfectly usable interface.


Hi Memrisers,

Many thanks for the constructive feedback. Your comments have been incredibly valuable to help us improve the new interface.

In the next update we will implement a few fixes and tweaks to improve the dashboard’s usability for heavy users.
It will solve the scrolling problem for those of you with lots of progress.
As a temporary solution the goal indicator will be displayed in the course selector popup, until we are ready to release the permanent solution.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on these improvements (which are due for release very shortly).

Best wishes,



Thank you! I’m looking forward to trying the update as soon as it is available :slight_smile:



I think that Memrise can not come out and respond. They’re damned if they do and damned if they dont.

Cursed for not answering and hassled and harassed if they do. Every poster would respond to them and it would create more negative feedback.

I hope they try to respond with a solution that would satisfy everyone @utopia


(Didn’t they just respond?)



'll teach me for answering before scrolling all the way down :wink:


Hi @sircemloud and @jamus,

You may have missed my reply above.
I’ll try to keep you updated of future improvements to this issue.

Best wishes,



I thought this design was only currently in the beta.

I’ll throw in my 2 cents. The new layout sucks. I’ll be going back to the old version thanks.


As far as I know this new interface was rolled out to the beta testers a while back (and as an aside it seems several including myself reported potential problems with it) but at this point it has been rolled out to everyone as a standard update. Therefore, no it is no longer currently in beta. However, let me say it is very good to hear from @Lien that memrise has taken on board some of the suggestions and is planning to implement improvements for heavy users given that it is they who seem to be most troubled by the new interface.


New design is terrible!!
There’s no way to get an overview of my progress on individual levels.
Scrolling is so stupid idea.
I’m so angry on Memrise as much as I’ve created forum account to share with you my opinion.


My app just updated and now it doesn’t move so much anymore. I can live with this. It’s still kind of fiddly and I’d prefer to see everything at once, but the main thing that was bothering me was the animated zooming stuff.

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Agreed, it’s absolutely awful. As I have mentioned in my review on Google Play, with the previous interface I could see which courses need reviewing but this one, I need to pull down a drop down list in order to see. Also this new update fails to show the number of starred words I have for each course UNLESS I open up each course and click on the arrow that brings up the menu “review, speed review, difficult words”, etc. And sometimes I’ll go into a level to un-star a word just because I accidentally tapped the wrong choice during review session and the word gets added to my difficult word list when I already know the word like the back of my hand, but this new update is making it hard to do so since it keeps scrolling back to the top. Memrise was already fine before, there was no need to make it even more childish.



I don’t seem to have the planet thing on my update. I use the app on my android phone. I did think something was strange about 10 days ago when half of my streaks were erased. Then yesterday, I got an alert saying that my daily goal had been changed to number of new words rather than points. There is a rocket, which turns yellow when you meet the goal. It then told me I’d met my daily goal and then this morning my streak was 0. It’s kind of disheartening when one day your streak is 136 and the next 0, even though you’ve never missed a goal. The system doesn’t seem to know the difference between the new and the old daily. When I finish a level, I get the ‘daily goal achieved’ alert like I always did with the daily points goal. However, the rocket some times does and some times doesn’t change colour.
I know for a fact, I haven’t broken my streak, I wish they would give it back to me :disappointed:

So I I updated my version of the app after my old version started having some problems. First impressions, yes they seem to have fixed some of the issues (as described by @Lien) but some of the same problems remain. I can now see (mostly) whether or not I have achieved my daily target for any given course though a bit like @KatrinaRozel the new app seems to have problems recognizing and updating streaks with discrepancies between courses and the global streak badge; ‘shrug’. The scrolling doesn’t seem to be so much of an issue. However, I really still can’t say it’s an improvement over the old format.

I can see that the spaceship screen could be nice for language courses because they let you know the title of the level (what specific thing you’re learning) next and so forth. In addition, the grouping of the setting, info and account details in one screen is quite nice.

The biggest problem to me remains the drop-down (slide-out?) menu for the courses. The old home screen had all the relevant info available, it filled the whole screen (important on smaller devices) and by being a proper screen it was easy to scroll through what you were learning having returned to it by default at the press of the back button (yes I use android). Why can’t we have the old home screen as simply another of the horizontal swipe screens?

Looking at the quick quiz set up by @Rodyzi the results are 37 to 9 in favour of the old interface. Not huge numbers I know, but that still suggests that 3 people would rather use the old interface for every one who prefers the new. Surely to justify such dramatic changes you’d need the large consensus to be that the new one is better?

I could say more, and probably will as I use the new app in the coming days, but mostly I would request for the return of the old style home screen. If you must keep the spaceship I can live with that though it it could still be made better with more than two levels at once. If you want to make the return of the old home screen an option in the app rather than a default I could understand that as well. Regardless, this update still seems to have been a step backwards for functionality and I am looking into other apps to see if they might be a better alternative. Are there any that people might recommend?


New interface is so horrible I changed to a web version. I don’t see any usability improvements, only stupid animation that will probably start annoying after couple of days of scrolling? I use memrise around hour a day, and have 5 to 10 courses to go through. Showing me the course that is completed on a dashboard is stupid, I don’t need to see levels I want to review them. Previously, I could see which course I have to review and by one click go to the process, now it takes 3 clicks, checking very small notifications icons to find if I need to do so.
I had paid my subscription just cause I loved app as I don’t use paid account benefits, I might probably quit as it takes too much of my time.


I think we should get more customization options as paying customers. Turning off animations would be a start. Anything that slows down my pace, such as showing that “congratulations” screen when I’ve finished a level, is something I’d like to turn off.


The reply from Memrise simply isnt good enough. There needs to be the option to have the old, formal layout as opposed to the current, childish and obstructed one. Please consider implementing this option as soon as possible.


I notice that Memrise seems to have gone dead quiet.

I was invited to Beta test and we haven’t had a Beta update in nearly 3 weeks.