Hi guys, I feel I should put things into perspectives. All that free community spirit has to get into perspective.
Any app, with such an image and such growth has to become professional and have a business plan. It is acceptable I trust to understand that after the free development years, at loss or on the back of personal or financial investments, an app needs to reach an economical level. The Pro membership is Memrise’s future. It is a choice against advertisement, and personally I prefer it.
It is a shame that for teachers, we can not encourage our students to revise all the time. But they can practice at home or so many public places… I decided months ago to pay my subscription to encourage Memrise in its development, I regret it took some facilities away from all to reach its economical viability but I accept it. I guess we are not enough Pro members to make it viable.
Now I don’t believe that this group of people is money driven, but I do think that they want to keep their baby alive. This baby is now walking and growing, has reached a certain age where it needs more food and more care to carry on. One can not chose teaching or encourage teaching/learning as a mean to great wealth. It is a duty driven ambition, a giving rather than a taking thing. So I keep faith. (Until they sell the app to G**gle or Yahoo…
and prove me wrong, at least)
So maybe the conversation would be more constructive, on another thread, if we were to discuss what we are willing to accept to carry on with Memrise in our life. We have done a lot of taking from the app these last years/months. Some are lucky to have arrived early and have some privileges (like free download) and are surely grateful.
Gratitude can be so underrated nowadays.
I feel, I am OK because I am Pro, I have been with the app a long time and I don’t get frustrated by the new layout. So I could just keep out but I feel also I need to give some perspective to the less patient ones.
So here is the question :
To have free downloads, what would you accept?
I would cringe at the idea personally but some users are used to it and could accept it.