Android bugs

@MemriseSupport, @MemriseMatty: I’ve just added these two new bugs:

  1. While, during a review session, an audio test comes up, the audio only plays once and can not be repeated, so you either have to guess or turn off audio tests
  2. Leaderboards within courses always throw an error when accessed; the board appears when reloading via tapping the reload icon underneath the error message
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In regards to my previous comments in this thread:

a) Scroll bug is partly fixed, sometimes it works, sometimes it don’t. All in all, there’s still a job to do.
b) Learning algorithm is the same, false alarm.

In July I’ve reported a problem with settings for number of words in learning sessions (see Decks thread), which the app is refusing to save after the first login. Well, it’s still persists.

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… I’m pretty tired of doing this. Not a single one of the bugs I already listed has been fixed … in over 5 months. Not exactly motivating …

At least you got some feedback from “them”. I was never so lucky. Keep this thread alive, please, as a reference.

It’s obvious that development is in progress, the system definitely generates profit, and at the same time the response to bug reports is next to none. No excuse not to fix minor problems within a month.


Added 22. and 23. 19. seems to have been fixed (updated).

@frabcus and @JBorrego: how about dealing with at least a few of those bugs! :nerd_face:


Be aware, we are always monitoring and we are looking at this post in particular. We are looking at some of this stuff, will keep you posted


The difficult word bug is back, so I “reactivated” #19.

Also, it seems that this bug now also appears on the web, see this thread (Chrome on Mac).

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  1. seems fixed by version 2.94_17117 :slight_smile:
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Jep, noticed that as well! :slight_smile:

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Here’s something that I noticed earlier this morning: the overall count of words learned varies between the data as shown in your profile (left) and the infobox that pops up when you access your own user within a leaderboard (right). Interestingly, the Memrise website shows the same count as on the right in the screenshot below.

@JBorrego: the difficult word bug has almost been fixed with 2.94_17085. The only thing that still remains is that you cannot unflag a difficult word whilst in a session. It also doesn’t matter as to whether you initially flagged the word yourself or whether it was flagged due to having been answered wrongly.

The leaderboard bug (#21) seems to have been fixed as well. The only issue that remains there is that you have to manually update the board (I. e. by pulling down from the top of the screen) to update after you scored points (haven’t listed this one)

There’s a new bug now: while learning sessions (community courses only) with 3, 5 and 10 words work as expected (two sessions to complete the planting process), the app behaves strange when learning 7 words. In this case, the first session will cover all 7 words, after the second though you will be left with 5 words not completely planted. If you then learn 5 (instead of 7) new words, you’ll be left with 2 words after the 5w session. And if you then start a 3w session, each of those two remaining words will have to be answered once to complete the planting process. I’ve checked this twice, in different courses. Pretty awkward!
Added as #25.

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I have noticed that too. And I was wondering whether this could simply by design, though I don’t understand why they would design it that way.

I don’t usually learn 7 words (5 most of the time), so this could have been like that for some time, but I’m quite sure I would have noticed it before.

I have noticed the same problem for a while but it hadn’t aggravated me enough to write it up yet. I always learn10 new words and I noticed that some were not done by the 2nd round. I do not hope this is not by design because I really liked the previous one where the new words selected were completed.

@GabrieleCramer-Knebe, @Olaf.Rabbachin

By all appearance, I’ve earlier also encountered this and reported somewhere, and it was because of another bug* when accidentally switching to a 7 words learning session.

*Memrise app has a hard time with memorising your learning settings after new entrance into it

thanks again.

a- Cool, that is a small regression from that flagging @DW7 issue. we will look into it :slight_smile:

b- interesting that leaderboard thing, ill pass the feedback see if we can autorefresh that leaderboard screen.

c- thanks all for your feedback on that 7 words issue, I will investigate a bit more and let you know what happened


@JBorrego, @clvnb: it seems that the DW-bug has re-surfaced. I’ve noticed that several words that I flagged during a regular session didn’t “survive” the session.

Also, the app seems to have become quite laggy over the past two weeks. On the dashboard, I’ll often have to scroll up in the courses list to make the course that I have just worked on move to the top of the list. And sometimes, after having finished a session and that session’s overview is being presented, I can’t even check whether a word got added to the DW-list as the buttons are irresponsive, the only thing possible then is to go back to the dashboard.

@JBorrego: I think the problem with the difficult words is simply a timing problem. That is, it takes too long for your database to set/unset the flag.
I’d assume that, under the hood, this really is an asynchronous request and should thus result in the flag being changed no matter whether or not it shows up in the app right away. But as it seems, the app seems to need a fair amount of time to actually send the request. If anything happens during that time (such as un-/flagging a different item in the recap, or moving on to the next item during a session), the request obviously isn’t sent at all, resulting in the aforementioned problems.

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Thank you Olaf, we will be looking at this when the full team is back starting next week. Let’s see if we can close that one for good soon.

On the sluggishness, I hope it has got a bit better? if not, could you let us know?



It might have gotten a bit better (hard to say really), but it’s still painful at times. The newest issue I observed was that, after a (speed) review session, the app was sort of locked up - all you could do was change the DW-flag or return to the home screen, but you couldn’t tap the three-dots-button.

See also this thread.

@jborrego Seems like someone shortened the number of words in speed reviews. Now it’s only 50 items to review. I thought the whole idea of speed reviews was to glance over as much items as possible, and if you can not reach 100, it’s your problem, try harder to remember. Another screw up, guys. :frowning:

Besides, red wave thing has become more distracting than earlier. Not sure if it’s a good thing or bad. And if you have audio, with the latest update speed review is about 50% longer. The first impression is that it is now slow review mode for some courses.