One third and half learned items

It’s a part of the mobile experience.


O wei…

for the same amount of reviewed words, takes twice as long as before - for someone with my amount of learned items, a disaster…

for the same amount of learned words, as fourtimes as long as before
(not to mention again the question with the “edit” button, which in my opinion is a clear sign that user content shall be deleted soon)

how is this learning conducive???

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Length is the same, but the session is divided.

App learning session: 10 words х 3 reviews + 10 words х 3 reviews (then words marked as learned).
Web learning session (as it was before): 10 words х 6 reviews.

But you are right, you’ll spend more time because now you have to start your learning sessions two times more (these seconds and clicks to open it again).

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In the app there’s a strange behavior with 7 items learning session. Such session is divided into four parts. In the last part you go through two repetitions only - you answer these two words just one time. If you ever see such strange session it means that desktop version is migrated to the mobile app, that they use now the same code.

it’s not only that, the lenght of time in transition from an item to the next one in review is now like… 3 seconds? add that to each and every item plus the insane number of clicks and other waiting times…

Well, what can I say. It’s another ancient bug. You’ll find it on my bug list as #25. See the last paragraph in this posting:

Shall I add that I reported this more than 2 years ago? :roll_eyes:

What do you think about this adaption of the desktop version to the mobile app?

Can’t really say all too much about it - I use the app like 90% of all times.

FWIW, the design is a true PITA, for reasons already stated by many (colours, waste of space, loss of features, and of course the sloppiness that has become so very familiar).

Once they remove the Mems I truly doubt that they will ever make it back. They just don’t seem to be able to get anything right. I’d so much like to see their code, this has to be a true nightmare (and I have seen many of those already!).


ウェッl,Olaf, the

sorry, Japanese IME

the web version was fast… really fast.

… maybe on the small screen looks differently, but personally I find this new UX absolutely horrendous for a laptop screen. It is not made for learning…

one should not ask to a web designer to design a task which she would never perform herself. The devs who made this never used the memrise website for learning a language

to see if i find someone to help with new user scripts, otherwise i shall also leave memrise this time


personal record - for memrise, not for me

for one batch of items today - three learning sessions! three!

this is a bit much, dear devs, even for a site with such reduced funtionality

How many words did you have in this pack?

It definitely sounds like web learning sessions migrated to the app engine.

  • learning sessions divided into several parts
  • total stats is on a separate page
  • session stats is unavailable
  • difficult words repetitions are alike app algorithm
  • course editor is unavailable

@James_g_memrise would you like to comment on this?

Yes we use a shared software library to manage session logic.


Actually the same happens on the web. I just came to ask.

WTF is this nonsense? I’ll forget the words till tomorrow.

Another trouble is that if you are going to review several levels you have to make additional moves - you should come back to a course dashboard and choose your level. Then repeat it again and again. Earlier it was possible (after your session is finished) to click “next level” and do your review. Also, there’s no option to speed review a chosen level.

@James_g_memrise Any chance it could be amended?

my conclusion after trying to get along until now with the new UX

multiple losses in functionality, paired with a clumsy, ugly, slowing down interface

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What is the reason for forcing “new words” to be two (or more) sessions? It makes no sense. Pretty sure you only get a third session if you got errors in your initial learning.

also, the images from my courses, they are gone, gone, gone

in some of my courses - which are now mostly “unlisted” - i had explanatory images, added in a separate column. these are gone now, all of them??? was this announced? @James_g_memrise

i lost track of all that is lost…

also, is there a way to get rid of this question relating to setting a goal? i have been answering “no” several times, for the courses i can review, and it still pops up. I do not want goals. I said no , but to no avail. @MemriseSupport


Hi @Hydroptere, I agree, 100%.

A request for this has been created, thanks for raising this.

Can you confirm which courses this affects and add screenshots if possible?