Android bugs

We’ve provided unlimited hints to everyone, the hint number on the button has been removed since it’s no longer necessary.


I actually really liked the use of limited hints because I always tried to stay at 100% and not get hints to guess the word correctly. For me it was an incentive to really learn and know the words by keeping the hints high. This is too bad that this was removed :sob::sob:

As @Hombre_sin_nombre said, please bring the limited hints back.


I have to be the black sheep here but I hink unlimited tips is a good idea. I just wish I had space to update the app, I’m still with limited tips, and lately I’m running out of them (usually I keep it at 100 or almost but lately I’m learning too many hard and very long words). And if you run out of tips you can only mark that word wrong, which doesn’t help learning much.

Thanks for the clarification. I don’t like the change very much as I think it’s a good thing to restrict the tips. I tend to use them as rarely as possible. I often make use of them in courses with thousands of words and very lengthy “not x, not y” questions. But again, to me it was a good thing to see their count going down and restrict myself.
However, I can of course live with the change.

What I do wonder about is your priorities. Instead of dealing with the (host of!) problems you keep on adding new things or changing existing ones. At the same time though you seem to treat most bug reports as being lesser problems and/or state that there is no timeline for a fix. This is really irritating and frustrating.

Also, I haven’t noticed a single fix in the last version of the Android app. I would very much appreciate any type of release notes and/or history as the play store contains no usable information.
The forum would be a great place if you can’t or don’t want to post to your Blog (or whatever other location you see fit).


Very good point Olaf. They keep changing what isn’t broken and is working fine and that no one has asked to be changed, without fixing any of the many things that are broken or that users have asked for. Why?


Ok, now that I ried the infinite hints I changed my mind, I also don’t like it. It takes away, as others said, the carefullness of trying to keep a balance, and the achievement when you can manage to keep the number high, or bring it back up after it went down a lot. Now it just feels like you can build a whole word with just hints every time, and that is not pleasant.
And I surely have to agree about the resources direction, we’re swimming in bugs but things that were perfectly fine as they were keep getting changed.


Yes, the amount of bugs that go unaddressed for months (or longer) is getting to be quite a bummer and degrading my enthusiasm for this app.

To add insult to the whole situation, I cannot even log into the app for two days now… (there are at least three threads about others having this same issue currently at the top of this forum)

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I previously mentioned this bug in a separate message but since it hasn’t been fixed I thought I’d add this to the list of Android bugs:

Memrise is the only app on my phone (Nokia 7 Plus, running Android 9) that doesn’t respect the rotation lock setting. Makes it quite frustrating to try and use the app while lying in bed, on the couch etc.

I suppose this really has been done on purpose …

How on earth can not respecting a standard setting on Android be considered a feature?! The rotation lock setting is there to give the user the choice between rotation and no rotation. So noone loses when that setting ‘works’ (which it does in EVERY other app on my phone). It is just lazy programming to ignore it.

@Joshua @kevin5284

Guys, this white button (Saltar = Skip) in classic review and difficult words sections appeared in the last update of Memrise app; it’s been yellow before. I’m wondering, what makes you think that white button on grey surface is a good choice of colours? I think there’s no need to be a designer to understand that this colour scheme is bad.

And again, you have so many requests by users about improving your app, so many bug reports, and you keep on changing colours. Has anyone complained about this particular button? :confused: I’m freaking speechless.

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I hadn’t even noticed it, I had to check after reading this. It’s really ridicolous, and in the meantime the bugs not only don’t get fixed but keep increasing.

I know I should add those bugs you folks report here to the list in my OP, but … guess what … I’m pretty tired of doing this. Not a single one of the bugs I already listed has been fixed … in over 5 months. Not exactly motivating …


So, you didn’t like the patronizing way MemRise found to incentive users not to skip words by making that button did not stand up in the screen? Me neither.

#19 added to the list - I guess I’m still hoping for the better!

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If I’m not mistaken, scroll bug (6th in this list) has been partially fixed in the latest update.

Hi @Hombre_sin_nombre - Regarding your post:

Learning session has become shorter, now they are consist of five rounds, previously it’s been six (not counting the first, introductory card). …
@DW7 saw it in official courses -

This is the thread/ post (where I mentioned it - it’s a web issue not Android):


Thanks for the link. It seems like they’ve also changed learning algorithm in some user created courses. Need more experiment to do to be 100% sure.

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It seems that the difficult words bug (adding/removing them, see #19) has been fixed. Can anybody else confirm this?

@MemriseSupport, @MemriseMatty: I’ve just added these two new bugs:

  1. While, during a review session, an audio test comes up, the audio only plays once and can not be repeated, so you either have to guess or turn off audio tests
  2. Leaderboards within courses always throw an error when accessed; the board appears when reloading via tapping the reload icon underneath the error message
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