Ziggy is now live!

So this is what memrise works on now? Instead of working on new memrise features they are downgrading their website from the wonderful garden theme to a bland looking website with weird avatars and reduced functionality. I want new features, not new looks, thanks.


(i sent you a PM)

I’ve only been a paying member for a month but as many other others have said, this this new update really feels to have discouraged me. Of course I don’t do this for the ranks but having the funny “memocrat” or other word play as a rank cheered me up a bit even on those days when I was way too tired to play and still did my daily learning.

I was also about to “boast” to my friends that you know what, I’m Memocrat in this app Memrise. Now all I could say is that “yea, I’m level 12”, which sounds neither funny or interesting. The old system was playful and fun where as this is just another boring level up thing.


I am very disappointed. Memrise is slowly but steadily moving away from its original philosophy and its respect for knowledge which was reflected in the names of the ranks. Is the knowledge not important anymore? Should the users concentrate on the game and not on the wisdom they can get with help of the game? Very discouraging.


The new update (Ziggy) is terrible, please return the old one or give people a choice…


Workaround uBlock origin (and adblock) solution: How to disable specific graphic website elements from loading with uBlock Origin [and with a userstyle, in comment #5]

Another recent solution stylesheet thread: "do not show the ziggy" userscript

That makes sense. But even after Farmville died, the garden and flower theme was part of Memrise’s charm and was iconic to the site. Even now they still use the planting and seeding and watering terms for “growing” words or whatever. I haven’t used any of the apps, so I dunno if its different on there where the space theme has been around longer, but if they changed all the flower/garden themes, then are they gonna change the theme of watering plants and stuff? Are we now gonna land on a new planet and excavate our words and then reviewing them will be called…collecting taxes on your colony? Idk. Its just weird to now have a mash-up of gardening and space haha.


Ziggy is cute! Is there a list somewhere with all the Ziggy rankings?

Ziggy is bloated, ugly, and infantile. I loved the more mature style Memrise had prior to this update.

If you are really that determined to keep this mascot around at least consider:

  1. Making him take up less space on my profile (Why is he covering my profile picture ffs)

  2. Clicking on my profile brings up information about ziggy and his level rather than my profile information. Don’t bury information under multiple links just go you can show off this hideous character design.

  3. Make streak count public again. It was always fun to check everyone’s badges and compare them with yours. It was largely motivating to keep that badge count high.

Memrise is a great SRS system and I would hate to have to switch platforms to something more usable and to the point like Anki instead of this bloated mascot garbage you and duolingo seem to be pushing.


Anyone using Adguard can use the following custom filter to remove the awful new Ziggy mascot from their avatar:



I don’t like it. Honestly, if we could at least keep the streak badges, that would be great… It was the main thing motivating me to study everyday. I think I can get used to Ziggy replacing the old ranks but please bring back the streak badges.


Anyone know if there is any way to delete the new creatures associated with the new rank system? Streak badges would also be helpful to bring back. Once again it seems Memrise is tending to get a lot of users needlessly upset.


I’m going to miss the old system, ranking, badges, icons & names as well. I never thought I’d submit feedback as Memrise was a clean, professional, near flawless site, though when I saw ‘‘Ziggy’’, I thought it was a joke. Who is your target audience, young teenagers? Rhetorical question, obviously it is, but perhaps whoever’s in charge ought to think about the older audience as well, give us an option to revert these changes.


It would be nice if Memrise spent time on fixing the iOS app (still has lots of bugs) and add more features to it and the Android app. That and introducing new learning workflows and improvements to class creation. That would increase the usage compared with cute icons.


Absolutely hate it. Looks childish. Would expect it on a primary school education website. Not an adult (or all ages, i guess) education website. Who in their right mind thought this was an upgrade?

Kinda weird but I really liked the old system. Loved the old badges AND the streak badges. Kept me motivated to keep coming back every day.


What a stupid idea, honestly. I don’t want a little pink space maggot sniggering over my profile picture. And the removal of badges was a real bummer. What were you thinking? Do you even have any evidence that what you are wasting your time on is what users actually want?


They don’t care what we want because they want to move b2b to bulk sell this pink space worm product to schools, hence the childish changes and arbitrary removal of features. There could also be pressure from their venture capital overlords to do that.


Not a fan.


Just spotted this ‘improvement’ to the site. I have to say, it seems like the guys at Memrise must have nothing better to do than change things just for the sake of it. Have you ever heard of “if it aint broke, don’t fix it?”. The previous ranking system was great, you could see where you were and plan where you wanted to go, and hope that some day you might become an Overlord. But that’s all gone, to be replaced by this childish looking emoji. And where’s the daily streak medal gone? You seem determined to turn this site into shit.


Seeing all the time such a horrid creature, gives me a bad mood.Please, I don’t want to see Ziggy anymore!