Ziggy is now live!

HAHA. Don’t forget his tiny hands! wow.

I’m hoping you guys didn’t blow your budget on R & D for this. Because it needs to be rescinded.


That looks even more ridiculous then I expected in the first place.
But at least it doesn’t worse the core functions of memrise, so let’s keep learning and ignore the design.


Eh, the little alien feels kind of invasive and looks derpy. I do like the idea of levels better than the weird mem___ titles we did have, so I appreciate that part. I still don’t understand why Memrise decided to change the flower garden theme to a space exploration theme. Also it seems badges have just disappeared completely? Or at least mine have, but I only had my rank badge and an old streak badge. I never really cared about the badges, so honestly I kinda like that they are gone because they were just unneeded icon on people’s profiles. But I understand people being sad that its gone.

All in all, I don’t mind these changes too much. I’m still advocating for more levels and way less point gaps between the levels. I’m level 15 and I’m dreading hitting level 16 because I know it will take forever to hit 17. So I hope the team is working on creating a better level system (or you can just take my suggestion from the “Coming Soon - New Ranks” thread, lol).


All the preschoolers using Memrise will love you, guys!!!
And YES, it’s true, it is more easy to change the appearance than focus on the functionality.
You can continue like this (as you have the power and will to do this, it seems). I won’t leave Memrise because of its ridiculous appearance, as long as the science behind Memrise works for me…
I never loved Memrise because of the staff’s good taste and cooperation skills, anyway.


Not a fan. I found the streak system made me want to continue and I kind of liked the weird mem level names. This new Ziggy just seems a bit infantile. I was thinking of stopping Pro as I don’t really use it to the full. Now streaks badge etc has gone, mems seem to have disappeared a while back and Ziggy has just tipped me over the edge. Pro subscription cancelled. Will still use but I’ll manage without paying. If things change or I miss the features then I may re-subscribe.


Just a small comment, the mems are not gone for the user created courses (not sure about the official courses).

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Why change things when it was clear your userbase didn’t want it lol


I have been on Memrise for years and reached the level Memonist and was inspired to one day reach Overlord. I hope this new feature can be related to the old ranks somehow because that is really demotivating for me. :confused:


I don’t like it at all. You exchanged the clever mem- names for some weird, worthless crab jellyfish hybrid no one has asked for. Please undo it.


The way it covers up my avatar looks really ugly and sloppy, too. The old system looked alot more tidy, professional and attractive.


Short answer:

When Memrise started their garden theme, Farmville and Cat Videos were the two most popular things on the entire Internet, even though they were actually useless wastes of time. Memrise’s founders observed the addictive, shareable, and enjoyable aspects of Farmville and Cats and planned to implement those features in a useful, educational context. Good plan, but suddenly everyone in the world stopped playing Farmville all at basically the exact same moment, and everyone also decided they’d seen enough cat videos.

So what do you do? Stay with the garden imagery and remain popular with a small cult following, and drift into ancient history along with Farmville for everyone else?

P.S. - This summary may be worth precisely what you paid for it. Send me your Paypal info and I will process a full refund of any fees you have paid to Lurajane.

The new style is really ugly. I would like the old pictures, ranks and also the days with no learning-break back.
The old system was much more motivating.


Oh, that’s bad.

And the streaks and badges are gone too? That’s bad too then. Those things are basically the same thing as the ranks. The ranks could help with long-term motivation, if done right, and the streaks with short-term motivation.

Having an avatar that grows with you is good in principle. The avatar I’m seeing looks okay to me as well. It’s the gaps between levels that are now still shit.


I think the SRS for some of my courses is messed up. I suddenly have over 1000 reviews for one course and 106/107 for another, yet I do not recall ever learning or reviewing that many in one day. Could this update have messed something up?

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The new Ziggy avatar isn’t going to stop me from learning but this continual dumbing down of Memrise and removing useful features isn’t helping. If Memrise wants to keep getting users and growing, alienating a good chunk of their user base isn’t going to help.

Maybe someone can create a userscript so it displays the old levels and ranks or something since it’s something that we all seemed to like.


So this is what memrise works on now? Instead of working on new memrise features they are downgrading their website from the wonderful garden theme to a bland looking website with weird avatars and reduced functionality. I want new features, not new looks, thanks.


(i sent you a PM)

I’ve only been a paying member for a month but as many other others have said, this this new update really feels to have discouraged me. Of course I don’t do this for the ranks but having the funny “memocrat” or other word play as a rank cheered me up a bit even on those days when I was way too tired to play and still did my daily learning.

I was also about to “boast” to my friends that you know what, I’m Memocrat in this app Memrise. Now all I could say is that “yea, I’m level 12”, which sounds neither funny or interesting. The old system was playful and fun where as this is just another boring level up thing.


I am very disappointed. Memrise is slowly but steadily moving away from its original philosophy and its respect for knowledge which was reflected in the names of the ranks. Is the knowledge not important anymore? Should the users concentrate on the game and not on the wisdom they can get with help of the game? Very discouraging.


The new update (Ziggy) is terrible, please return the old one or give people a choice…