Ziggy is now live!

lol. the userbase dares to disagree with the product manager!?? how dare you :rofl:
to quote the product manager lorkmoophy: “an overhaul of something that is near and dear to a lot of people’s hearts.”


… 28 mil points to Level 17.
I was really hoping this wasn’t real (because on the iOS Beta app it was still showing as the next rank up to be at 50 mil until today).

Sigh… just when I was about to get 50 mil points and finally advance to the next rank, they do this… :weary:

I was really looking forward to becoming a Memperor. :pensive:


I’ve never played Farmville but I remember when I found Memrise first time. I found it in an article, something like “10 sites to make you more efficient” - usually these list articles are collections of bullshit tips so I didn’t have high expectaitons.

But l looked at the flowers and it all made sense. Plant memories - water memories, like they were flowers. Looks like these guys know how to make me remember things. Good, I’ll try out later.

Then one year passed or two, and came back to test this site. I still remembered it thanks to the flowers theme. I came back just to see how it works in practice. I picked Spanish, no particular reason, didn’t really care about the language, I just needed a language I don’t know a single word and…
…I accidentally learnt 5000 words of spanish because Memrise was so addictive and their algorithm is well designed.

And that’s what makes Memrise unique. Every other site says “learn X language we know the best method to teach language”. I always struggled to learn languages, I’m an anti-talent, no thanks. But Memrise didn’t want to teach me a language, it just said “we know how you can memorize stuff. Flowers, mems, planting, watering, see? That simple. Plant stuff and water stuff, you won’t forget. You can start memorizing your local phonebook, but here’s a bunch of languages to try out”

So I guess if Memrise should strengthen the “memorize whatever you want, science bitch” image. That makes Memrise a separate category.


That’s really tough @sherrin. So near and now yet so far!

I don’t think they thought this through properly at all.


Please return old ranks. I am desperate. I worked so hard to achieve membrain and now i can’t get it ever. Old ranks were so interesting, inspiring and imaginative. My family is sad and angry. Pleaseeeee!!! :sob::cry::cry::cry:


YES !!! I completely agree. I think changing the rank system and adding little creatures was a dumb move, and if not modified or changed back may cause a number of us to just quit Memrise. ARE YOU LISTENING?


I was Memperor and now I’m degraded!:disappointed: I hate it!:unamused: We need shorter distances between the levels and not even larger!


Ok, I was really disappointed about gaining numbers instead of real levels. When I have worked hard for about 5 years to reach level 18…it sounds like a good thing only if you remember to tell everyone that there is no level 19.
Memperor and Overlord sound like “heavy hitters”.
But now Ziggy…I wan’t to be a cute bunny (like my picture) or Kitty or something that gets people into good mood.
Not some slimy and possibly toxic thing that crawls or floats in water that makes people scream when they see it.


I agree that Memrise is your business, but you do it for and through us, the students. We all loved Memrise and spent a lot of our time with it. That’s why, the opinions of students should interest you. Make a simple survey to see if students like Ziggy, or are horrified by him!


What’s wrong with exponential growth of points also between the higer levels like you have at the first ten ranks? That would be natural!

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As a teacher I recommend Memrise to my GCSE and A Level pupils. The new ‘Ziggy’ malarkey isn’t really for their age-group and will likely put them off. You have a wide number of courses targeted at teenagers/ older learners - the previous badges were more encouraging for them. The new ‘Ziggy’ is condescending.


@myahcat Totally agree. I teach adult learners - those changes make using memrise pretty much no-go for my students.


Bisher hatte ich 177 Tage…nun habe ich level 14 ? Was bedeutet das? Ich bin im Level viel höher?

Approx translation (please amend or delete):

“So far I had 177 days … now I have level 14? What does that mean? I’m much higher in the level?”

Indeed ziggy is terrible!!!:sob::frowning: :frowning:


What to say about new system?..
Childish. Infantile.
It feels like Memrise GO.


What would you say if someone dear to you (like Memrise to us), one day suddenly change his face with a weird, ugly one? How would you feel? Happy? Neither us!


I agree so much with the other posts… I won’t cancel my pro-account right now, but I’m not sure at all I’ll renew it next time. I will continue to use Memrise, despite of “Ziggy”: not sure it’s the right mood to learn though…
Maybe you should develop a child-version of Memrise and use Ziggy there. Many of us are grown-ups, and this ridiculous toon is almost insulting.


I still don’t understand why Memrise is trying to appeal to small children. Most preschoolers are busy trying to learn their native language, they don’t have time to pick up a second one. It should be obvious most of Memrise’s userbase is adults, young adults and older teens.


For everyone in this thread, if you aren’t comfortable with scripts but have Adblock installed, you can:

  1. Right click on your avatar
  2. Hover down to Adblock -> Block this ad
  3. Scroll one over on the bar. Ziggy should disappear and your avatar remain.
  4. Rejoice.

Everything is ok now! Follow the instructions of TheFour-GatedDanzig and Ziggy will disappear!