When are the course leaderboards reset?

When are the leaderboards reset for the individual courses? Thank you.


Normally, the leaderboards are (or should I say WERE?) set at the start of the new week (weekly score) or at the start of the new month (monthly score).
However, at the end of February beginning of March 2018, the scores for SOME people were carried forward but for others, were put back to zero.
Memrise suggested that it was the problem with an APP which I don’t have!

Today, 26th March 2018, the weekly leader board was not reset for some but not all members.
I have no idea what is going on here. Please see my post and some replies:


Also see… Course Leaderboards 'Buggy' Today (Monday 26 March 2018)


Thanks, that’s unfortunate. It’s fun to have a little competition as incentive. Hopefully they work it out.


The week normally starts on Monday morning, my time, but when I checked a couple of hours on my courses it was still last week’s scoreboard.

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It’s 27 March and the leaderboards still haven’t been reset. It’s frustrating. I’ll check back from time to time, but I’m not going all out until they’re reset.

Yes, worrying. The new month starts on Sunday, 1st April. I am wondering if we’ll face the same problem as at the beginning of March when the monthly scores were left for SOME participants but put back to zero for others. Really annoying. I wonder why Memrise cannot get their act together and sort this out.

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I do not pay a lot of attention to the monthly scoreboard, but I do check on the weekly one a lot. And it has still not been renewed on any of my active courses at any rate.

Last day of March, we wait with baited breath to see what happens to the leader boards on 1st April. Will the weekly and monthly score boards be reset or will Memrise be playing April Fool’s Day with its members, by re setting the score boards to zero for some but not all of it’s members.
_Memrise please play fair!