As there is no topic on Finnish here yet, I’m interested in both Memrise courses and outside resources.
I started out by taking Suomi Monostyle (Level 1, Level 2) here. I like learning the grammar through sentences, so it suits me well, but unfortunately these courses are abandoned now. There’s a level 3, but there are many mistakes in it. The first two are fine. In addition to that, I picked several vocabulary courses.
There’s also a course made by University of Helsinki: A Taste of Finnish. It has lessons with reading/listening material, grammar explanations and quizzes. I haven’t seen all of it yet.
Here are some links to free on-line resources. Some of them are from my bookmarks and others have been lifted from individual course forums on Memrise so that they are not lost after 1 July when Memrise removes those forums. They are not in any particular order. Feel free to add any of your own:
Ymmärrä Suomea! is a complete course in Finnish online. It’s an excellent course, but the website is entirely in Finnish, so it might be difficult for beginners. It has vocabulary lists, grammar, reading selections, and short tests. I think it is the best online course, but I’m not sure what level it is. It is produced by the Finnish National Board of Education.
Link: Ymmärrä Suomea!
Vilma This site is intended for immigrants to Finland and contains a lot information about living in Finland. The site is entirely in Finnish but it’s structured to help people learn Finnish as well. It starts out with Finland’s geography, which I find easy to read.
It hasn’t. But you can’t search for user-created courses on the app now. You need to go to the website, find your courses, start them, and then they will be available on the app too.