What level do the memrise created courses end up at

After you complete level 7 is it an A2 level?

It is rather subjective, but I would say for the most part one would be around A2 level. Sounds reasonable. I feel most people over simplify and under estimate A2 though. I would lean on one being on the weaker side of A2 if anything.

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It’s explained in this thread:


I agree with this.

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If you can’t speak and write you are not A2. You should be able to have a basic and enjoyable conversation with a native speaker at A2. Talking about what you like and dislike and why, what happened during your day, the situation in your country, the good and bad points of your job, your favourite film and what it is about etc. You should be able to use short but complete sentences, not just throw nouns and adjectives at people and make them do all the work to put them together.

So Memrise can’t get you to A2 by itself, it just gives you the foundation that allows you to get to A2 with practice.


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Does offline practising count towards a daily goal?

Memrise courses end up at… Memrise level. I wouldn’t say A1 or A2. The official course is a very good overview of the language. You get a good basic vocabulary, and it demonstrates every important element of the language.

But to have a usable knowledge, you need much more.

Let’s say Memrise shows you 3 examples of a grammatical feature, that’s good for recognising the pattern and understanding that feature. But you might need 30 or 100 examples to master it, to use conveniently in writing or speech.

For me it took approx. 100-150 hours (during 5 months) to complete the official courses but if 100-150 hours would provide fluency, language learning wouldn’t be an issue and the world would be full of polyglots.

In the mobile version Memrise app has a rocket icon like it’s a journey in space… I’d say the official courses are just the first stage of a rocket booster that does the heavy lifting job, reach the altitude, give you a good impulse… but then you need to ignite the second stage to reach orbit (i mean fluency) otherwise you fall back.