What IS it? New design happened too fast

“Change for change’s sake” sums up Memrise over the years pretty well I think.


There is also this bug in course creation. In order to save changes you have to hover over the top left corner of the button in order for it to work.



Thanks/ Grazie (?) @RobertaSpiga00

That one was originally about the app though

Thanks - perhaps it should have said “New Design of App”.

It is confusing as it seems it now applies to both - but only to both MemRise options and not the Decks. I was trying to link all the threads.

Hello everybody.
The new look is ok for me.
It is important for me that I can create courses for myself.
I have been doing this for 2 years. My courses have their own audio recordings. If I can continue this, then everything is fine.


I first thought memrise was hacked by some North Koreans, but it is apparently an “improvement” in the UI design.
Sorry, but it looks terrible. There is no consistency in the design, and it has bugs, like user icons displayed at 1/5 their width in the score list. I use a laptop PC with Firefox, but I guess other browsers on other platforms experience similar problems. Please, give us a better design, or a return to the old and trusted nice design.


Thank you for posting this info.

I went and wrote a comment on that post. Its awaiting moderation, but even if they will delete it, I do hope my voice of disapproval will be heard ))))


Сайт стал просто ужасный. Какой-то бред. Неужели нельзя сделать индивидуальные настройки для каждого пользователя

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The new Memrise design reminded me of this video about what a “STOP” sign would look like today if it were designed by a modern corporate committee…


I too hate this new redesign. I paid to use Memrise for one year and would have liked to option to keep what I had. Between these changes and the ones Duolingo just made, my French progress is in serious jeopardy. PLEASE bring the old Memrise back.


I don’t want to be too optimistic, but put the other fucked up stuff aside, at least the colours look a little bit toned down.

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I think its a little bit sad that the Memrise team is spending time and resources on an image-based look with their apps with various themes (gardens, spaceships, alien beings, blobs of yellow) when all they needed was one unique (Material) look palette that is nice and clean. And spend the time and resources on fixing bugs and adding new learning tools.

Well, at least we got the Decks standalone app so I should not complain so much.


Maybe this is better. The problem seems to be regarding contrast and balance imo… Still working on more edits, particularly with the light blue. That’s a bit of a hassle since I have dodge texts and suns, so I will post it later when 100% done.

at least it’s not comic sans xDD I don’t care about the colors as long as the interface is user-friendly. And right now it isn’t.


Classic, and yep, now I can finally see how they came up with the new design. In fact, we should be grateful there aren’t corporate sponsorship logos, trademark symbols, random pop-up advertisements and legalese sprinkled all over it really.


BTW Google spent a lot of time defining color use with web/mobile apps in their Material design spec. It’s worth reading for anyone interested in balancing colors and how to use colors properly with web design:


This is a new theme from the creators of Ziggy. They have no shame!

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Agree to most users here - new design is really discouraging :-(( Please, bring the old one back!..


Wow this is a change, fast and big!

1.Guys my issue is if I start a speed review I can’t see the speed bar, the new bar is very small and not good to see .

  1. For the next time maybe you ask 1000 users for the new design or you give the user the ability to make a choice and monitor the real usage.

Please give us the old UI and make smaller improvements for the users.

Best Regards


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I wrote a fairly negative reply to this redesign on the Memrise blog post that they emailed out to people the other day. To no ones surprise, it is still awaiting moderation and I doubt it will ever see the light of day.

I want to preface this by saying I am a design lead in a related industry and have managed design projects worth hundreds of millions of dollars over my career. I just say this to lend maybe a slight air of credence to my opinion (though this is the internet so I could be a yellow unicorn for all anyone knows).

This is genuinely one of the poorest redesigns of a UI/UX I have ever seen. Previous posters have hit the nail on the head. If you read the blog post it is clear to me they are facing some backlash to this design and for reasons unknown are continuing headstrong with this new design.

I think this will be an extremely polarizing design. I really hope they have some statistical data to back up what they are doing is the right thing. It’s polarizing enough for me that I don’t even want to put my eyes through the pain of having to look at it.

Oh well, all the best Memrise, it was nice knowing you.


Oh, if you’re looking for a way to learn (or teach) a language with someone in person maybe check out MNTR (getmntr.com).


Haha totally. Looks like bad student project I’ll add.
They should fire the one Who made that !
Even a kid would have done à better job.