What IS it? New design happened too fast

Me too. And I don’t like oval shapes of profile name.
The direction of Memrise changed a little after the ziggy was gone. It was so sad for me.
It is not a theme of space.
In this time, is the theme yellow and black?
Please correct these bugs.



I have been using Memrise for 5 years, and I have been a Pro Member for 4 years. I hate this redesign. I hate it viscerally. I hate it so much this is the first time in all the years I’ve been here that I’ve felt the need to complain. I made a forum account just so I can say I don’t like it. Someone please change it back or just change it to something less ugly.


I am not usually one to complain, but the colour scheme makes my eyes burn. Further, the Memrise logo now looks like something from a 1960’s underground magazine. Please may we have some more soothing and harmonious colours? Thanks.


I love the bright colors! It’s jazzy!

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Right there with you driftingarrow, although one year less on both counts. I never used the forum prior to this terrible “redesign” as they call it…

Edit: Not to be a pessimist, but I fear we fight an entrenched mindset at Memrise in asking that they revert or change this design. I would bet money that the sunk cost fallacy will dissuade the relevant decision maker(s) from acknowledging and addressing (whether by reverting or fast-tracking a palatable design) this terrible, unhealthy, counter-productive design direction they are going in.


Yes irregular shapes makes most people think of graphics bugs. That’s why they are not used at most web sites, excluding kid web sites of course.


Even though I only joined the forums today to express my disapproval of this new design, I think our objections might get a bit lost here. Try twitter?


There is a similar thread here New design

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My Memrise.com home page now has the honor of being the ugliest home page on the Internet.

Awful awful awful.


Yeah, it’s pretty bad. It reminds me of the Cliffnotes website from back in 2002-2004. I have a hard time quickly differentiating buttons and options. There’s also bugs with profile images, etc.

Change for change’s sake is a stupid idea. It’s like they’re trying their damnedest to drive me off the site.


That one was originally about the app though, I personally find it confusing having app design and web design under a single topic, since they’re two very different ones.
(and I love the new app design but hate the new site design)

playfull new design, and the silly “planet after a nuclear calamity” theme disappeared, it seems we are not aliens anymore

dear team,

would you please calm down a bit that yellow (is way to bright, can you make it transparent, or at least pale yellow?), and please make the icons on the left end of the yellow bar a bit smaller? and solve the many misalignment issues (my avatar looks terrible…)?

otherwise, loads fast, ok, thanks

when will you solve the bugs on the Decks site, please??? i cannot use decks yet…


Well at least now we know WHY they haven’t solved the bugs on the Decks site, they’ve been too busy doing this. :unamused:

I loved the garden theme. Not just because that’s what I was used to when I first joined Memrise, but having seen it again today on the blog post it looks so much nicer than what we have now. Clean, simple, and it went with the whole idea of planting new memories and then watering them. It made sense. But we’re clearly never getting that back, the Memrise design team are clearly not on my wavelength, so I’ll settle for bugs in functionality and display being fixed on the Decks site, please.


The garden theme was so beautiful and I think we all, or at least most people, loved it. I’ll never understand why they changed it to begin with. I’ll never understand change for the sake of change when there’s no good reason to, changing something that’s perfect as it is to something unpleasant.


Oh dear, memrise - I wonder who you consulted about the design. I find it terrible.

  1. The blobs for the pictures and your level and name along with the rounded shapes for the learn new words and goal just make it look one messy page rather than separate sections.

  2. On the home page each course runs into the next. It’s hard to see where one ends and the next begins. All the others sections don’t stand out either. Compare that with the group page where each section is visible and each course is clearly separate.

  3. The watering symbol doesn’t stand out. It is stuck in the middle and grey. It’s hard to see the status of each course when scrolling. Putting it on the left would help and in a stronger colour. Likewise the difficult word symbol.

  4. Why tilt the numbers on the leaderboard? What does that add to the page? Change for change’s sake?

  5. Each course section is so large that it takes forever to scroll down all my courses. This was a bit of a problem before as well. Very hard to get to the blog/forum links section at the bottom. I do it now from the groups page.

  6. I’m dreading you change the groups page. This will be my home page from now on.

  • The sections are separate and easily identified

  • Each course section is small so more fit on the page.

  • Reviewing symbols easily identified in blue colour block.
    I don’t mind the colour change in general except for the fact the symbols don’t stand out but not sure it was needed.

Finally a link to decks on the memrise page would be good.

Apologies for the lack of positivity - I am still enjoying all my courses!


Yes. It was more welcoming, too. Entering the site has gone from this:


… to this dark and uninviting wilderness:

… to this eyeball blaster:

I will carry on using the site regardless of these ‘improvements’, though. Hopefully, they will get around to fixing the more important bugs, sorting out all the misalignment issues with the latest changes and applying more consistent use of colours and shapes between the dashboards and course homepages…


MaxLogan6450 is correct.

The colors are terrible. The font looks even worse than Ba Ba Dum, which I didn’t think was possible. I don’t know if the management wanted an ‘edgy’ look but this is just disturbing. Everyone knows that black and yellow are dramatic; its why it evolved in bees etc. It just screams “stay away!!”

How much feedback were you getting that the old colors were wrong?

It is just very disappointing.


Me too, brother or sister, I only joined to express my displeasure with this design. Especially when you contrast it with the blue garden background~ Only now do I appreciate that!


When you see the changes like that it really does look bad now!


One more thing I’ve just noticed. After editing a course the save and continue button at the bottom is virtually covered by the blue curved section at the bottom so it is very hard to actually get it to work.