What do you think about President Trump's win?

I’m not American or anything, but i’m just laughing my arse off haha all that massive amount of money that was donated to the Clinton campaign, all the expectation that Clinton was going to win, all the massive massive effort made by msm, all the superpacs and rich doners, all for nothing. Just imagining their reaction, the look of their faces when they realised that Trump won, just makes me laugh.

As for what will happen now, I really don’t know. What do you think is going to happen with a Trump presidency? My prediction is that maybe he’ll work with Russia in Syria, he won’t be building that wall, hhe won’t “drain the swamp”, he won’t be blocking Muslims or kick out illegals, and business as usual will continue. I predict that him ignoring his promises is going to cause huge backlash from his supporters, and he’s going to be very unpopular come 2020 election.

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right now I am just thinking that Russia is not the only place in the world where opinion polls don’t tell the truth…

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opinion polls “tell the truth”??? since when? (I have some academic training in statistics :grin:)

I have in fact no idea about opinion polls in Russia, but if then, why only Russia? see the UK, Germany (Breixt, Landtagswahlen 2016) - and the list is probably much longer

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The answer is in the question.

I have no feedback on Germany, but it is the case in the UK, at least

it’s a bit like what happened with the UK referendum, just with the presidency (is that a word?) :smirk:

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media outlets were oversampling demographics. That is why the polls were favoring Clinton. I don’t know if they did it intentionally or not, but man what an election.

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Well, this is indeed the first explanation the PEW offered (http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/10/25/oversampling-is-used-to-study-small-groups-not-bias-poll-results/), but I am not sure that is enough to explain the phenomena (oversampling is too vague an explanation, sorry, and permits both directions - and not only media outlets conducted opinion polls…i.e. oversampling might be one (necessary) condition, but definitely is not sufficient as well)

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Trump, and the GOP to a lesser degree, has incredibly ignorant and backwards views on climate change so that’s my biggest worry.

On polling:


Is it allowed to have political debates on this forum?
Nether of them were sympathetic to me. I don’t think that the president of the USA has that much influence as it seems. I haven’t been following the campaign much, but for me Hilary is an image of snobbism and Trump of Show business. I think most people just vote on a first look and not interested in the details of the campaign or the politics of the candidate. I am a little afraid that America chose a Super Star, but on the other hand, he seems to be close to an ordinary citizen…

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Is it allowed to have political debates on this forum?

I assume so, I originally posted this in general discussion, and a mod moved it here to off topic. Anyway I followed the election a bit. As a libertarian, I fully supported/hoped Rand Paul would win. When he dropped out, the election just became an entertaining show with Trump. Really, what an election this was.


With how the country voted, it really feels like Brexit 2.0 at the moment. We’ll see how this goes in the future, but at the moment Brexit feels like a mistake.

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Yes hahaha until the Supreme court is filled with nutcase judges rolling back peoples rights over the next forty years with no way to get rid of them until they die. Seems really entertaining to me.

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how would you know that?


Because majority of the people is not politically educated, unable to analyze the consequences of their political choices, nor have time for it, motivation… I think that’s the way it goes everywhere. We are just buying what the sell to us in the campaign.
My image of them is purely based on that, I admit it. I am watching the news, and just now I am hearing what had been Trump promising.
There is the reverse possibility that his campaign managers successfully overestimated what the people of America want , and then he knew what to offer.
Or maybe voting for Trump meant voting against Hilary.

It is a good win, the people have voted and had enough and want a change, they have had enough with political correctness and being labelled as they cant say whats wrong with the country. Other countrys should take a chapter of whats happening there, for examples all of europe.

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you misunderstood what this topic is about: it is not about our political preferences, but about what we believe about Trump winning/a president Trump.

(That aside, I personally dislike profoundly both Clinton and Trump; and: you’re wrong: the main problem of Europe is not political correctness)

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I’m glad we are not going to war with Russia.
Hillary kept talking about attacking them and i was getting a little worried

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And where would that war take place? :unamused:

Fair reminder. We seem to keep it pretty level headed and not too political.

It is interesting as we are among learners of languages, which takes a certain degree of education and open-ness to other cultures and people, I make that broad assumption, to have a view on what seems to be the election of someone promoting the opposing views of isolation and conservative (non-progressive) thinking.
Our idea of the world would be different from his ?

We are surely not a representative sample.

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I’m pretty worried, considering that there is also a Republican majority in the Supreme Court, House of Representatives, and Senate. We can kiss goodbye abortions and birth control.

It has, however, motivated my language learning so I can get out of the US asap…