What do you think about President Trump's win?

What ever he said, he is not that radical. I don’t even understand how can we put Trump and conservativism in the same sentence.

O, a free election is the strength and betterment of everyone in the world…
that being said, the problematic subcurrents surrounding and trying to diminish a truly free election–electoral colleges? senates? separation of church and state? [the “state” should be so lucky] taxations? overemphasis on constitutional trivia, when declaration of independence and bill of rights words are what are needed-these inhumanly and unnaturally imposed detriments to true humanity, liberty, freedom, and united world effort and attainment are far short of the foundations needed for a true, free election–all one can do is try the best and hope for the same…perhaps write-in a vote and get it to the ballot box somehow…until true democracy becomes our one accepted form of living in the world…thanx be that at least the Democratic candidate won the majority of the popular vote–so “trump” can keep-for-nothing his electoral college magic trick…
yet, the dem runner DID win the popular vote–so, hopefully, we are not far from a true democracy, after all
all the best to you always

She did win the actual vote. The problem with the polls is they don’t take into account all the ways the electoral college system screws democracy.

“The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.” Donald J Trump

BTW he technically hasn’t won yet. That happens on December 12th when the electors cast the votes. And many states have faithless electors, though it is unlikely to happen, they can cast their votes against the wishes of their state population.

I do think he pandered all through the campaign to a demographic who wasn’t smart enough to get that he wasn’t being authentic.

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And those people voted for Hilary Clinton.


this is fun:

“Eilmeldung” on German channels:
"BGH: NSA-Ausschuss darf Edward Snowden vorladen
21. November 2016, 15:19 Uhr

Bisher weigert sich die Bundesregierung, Whistleblower Edward Snowden in Berlin als Zeugen zur NSA-Überwachung befragen zu lassen. Die Regierung muss ihre Blockade beenden, entschied der Bundesgerichtshof. "

for short: the Federal Court decided that the parlamentary commission of enquiry regarding the Federal Secret Services (of Germany) may invite Snowden to testify The government (i.e… Merkel and Co.) fiercely opposed this … the court decided that the govt. cannot do that…

Here in central Europe i don’t think Trumps presidency will make a big effect at all. I am more worried about the possible re-election of Angie in Germany, however, her competitors doesn’t look better, either.

An hesitant American position regarding Russia’s geopolitical ambitions, could seriously impact on Eastern and Central European economies and investment prospects.

It might also lack motivation for European initiatives without the encouraging words of an historical ally.

As far as i can remember, it was the west (nato countries led by the US) , who provoked war in Ukraine, so pushed itself towards Russia. Ukraine was an independent state, but it was russian interest-zone since 1000 years. Same thing happens in Syria, Syria is not some US border-state its near Russia.

And now western press is writing about russia’s ambitions, lol. But maybe Trump can communicate with Putyin more effectively, than his predcessor, and maybe they can make some win-win deal. I really hope it from central europe (EU).

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You can only call it ambition when a country is being looked upon as a an extension of your own.

Far from being political, only factual.

RT is doing a great job in Central Europe far as I can see (from Moscow)

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Who supposed to be RT?

probably Russia Today, a news channel - the German govt and the media simply hate it :wink:

I don’t really have the time to read/watch news/TV, but I remember myself watching their livefeed at the time of the so-called “coup” in Turkey (via internet). There were not bad, seemed rather neutral…
They covered the political spectrum by inviting expert opinions: they spoke with some neo-con from the States, some (leftist) French diplomat, etc., the speakers were US-Americans and British/Oxbridge. They did not have a TV coverage in German, I think… But, as said, I am not really watching their news channel, I don’t think I’ve opened their sites ever since then

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It is a tv enterprise carrying great ideas about Syria being near Russia’s border and US provoking the war in Ukraine. Sorry if I was mistaken.

Ok, clear now. However we also had some bad experiences facing the USSR here in Hungary, i find the today’s western pressure on Russia too hard, it’s simply not fair.

Today’s german media is so superliberal, that its way too much to me. Don’t know if you know the EasyGerman youtube channel, it’s really useful for my german language studies, but also full of political propaganda.

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They are all the same, they are all terrorists who give their blessings to killing innocents and displacing them.

of course, they will tell you that they are doing this for the right cause, but the truth is different:

I wanted to say this since this topic was launched, and I am saying this today. Have nice dreams!

Old thread but here’s a summary of every trump twitter interaction ever.

@realdonaldtrump: I am going too nuke everyone and also I eat babies. I hope you all die of lack of access to healthcare. I hate Muslims and gays.

@deplorablegreg: Yes I agree with this.

@freespechwarrior1488: Lol yeah that’s my president. GET TRIGGERED, LIBCUCKS!

@libsaresheep: This will probably negatively affect me but leftists won’t like it and also trump did it so I’m just mindlessly happy at this.

@impeachtheannoyingorange: Haha silly orange man spell ‘to’ wrong what a silly and funny orange man

@themoderateliberal: Wow guys I don’t like Nazis either but anti-Nazis are just as bad, if not worse because they hate free speech. Nazis are people too :,(.

@trumpisbad: Lol dae remember when the white supremacist most powerful man on earth tweeted ‘covfefe’. Lol what a funny and totally not scary situation this is!

@berniebro25: Bernie can still win guise!

Seriously, these kind of people are why my username exists.

EDIT: Wow @realdonaldtrump is an actual memrise user. Even I’M surprised at that, and my username is ‘AllYourOpinionsAreWrong’. And my avatar is Poop Daddy from the Emoji Movie (voiced by Patrick Stewart). Also my bio was just dramaalerts YouTube bio copy/pasted before bios were removed.

Please, do not add more chaos to this forum.

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ahem … why not? I am unable to locate you as memrise user (the user name seems to be valid only for the fora), therefore, are you a chaos factor, or not??:rofl:

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