Based on what current Ben position in-short:
“Comment to be received, Decision to be unchanged, Mems to be deleted.”
Sorry I cannot attend the call, but please do not delete the Mems.
The user-created Mems help me a lot for my Japanese learning (now I am a N3). The beta and the mobile app which removed the Mems feautre is not working at all. The reason why people do not access the Mems is because it works and success to put them into the long term memory.
However in short term, the build-up is very important for your first impression and that library will also benefit to the overall community, especially for the new-starter learning. It is like how to ride a bicycle or how to use the chopsticks, will you always go back after you learn how to use it? You dont need, but the materials and the experience developed by ppls will always benefit the latecomer.
Also, while you want to introduce something new, it doesn’t equal you need to eliminate the old one. I strongly believe they can be exist at the same time as the beta stage is. I never take the point why the new system must replace the old one?! You can simply launch the Beta as Memrise 2.0 and keep the legacy alive, right?
I prefer Memrise against Anki is because the live community and the user-created mems. It is much more effeicent to learn a language with material and experience developed by the others. And that‘s why I paid for the subscription.
Last but not the least, I understanding what Ben need is a cash cow for the development teams, but Memrise is a user-based community. Deleting the community created content, especially for years of works and volunteeary contribution by the USERS, is far beyond what you should be.
If keeping the Mems is a problem in cost. You can increase the subscription price, launch a crowd-funding / public funding campaign, or transfer the library to a open source community. But not simply deleting those great materials created by the ppls quietly!!!
If Mems gone, Memrise is dead. That “Memrise” is a language course distribution platform only, not a mutual aid community anymore.
Many Thanks.