Web Beta Programme Feedback

Hi @Vikestart. The option highlighted in the photo above on the Learning tab is to turn on Memrise Labs, our Alpha mode.

You can find the Beta opt in/out toggle on the Profile tab.

The approach to rebuilding the core Learn and Review sessions is to release them to Alpha first. Alpha is an opt-in experience that less than 1% of users participate in, which allows for feedback and adjusting the build. Rebuilt modes are then being progressively release to Beta and will be into the new year.


Hi, just recieved the update today.

The biggest issue Iā€™ve found is that my numberpad doesnā€™t work for speed review. This has affected my speed and general comfort in completing these and I hope that can be rectified. If not, then Iā€™m definitely going to opt out soon.

Also, Iā€™d like the option to keep heart regeneration and I also cosign others in saying that the post-lesson gifs should be removed as they unnecessarily increase screen load time and add little to the experience.


Hi @knwlss. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback.

Addressing the points that youā€™ve raised:

  1. Design and layout - the responsiveness of the design to different form factors is something to improve. It works well with most used form factors but itā€™s good to know about these issues.

  2. Enter Key no longer works - weā€™ve updated keyboard shortcuts for Speed Review to accommodate accessibility needs of some users:

  • The key combination Ctrl/āŒ˜ + āŽ replaces āŽ, which has another use
  • a user can press the Tab (ā‡„) key to move between answer options (and other interactive elements on the page)
  • once an answer option is highlight by the item having a bottom border, the Enter (āŽ) key can be used to submit the answer
  • Ctrl/āŒ˜ + forward slash ( / ) brings up the Keyboard Shortcuts Menu
  1. Success/Game Over animations - Thereā€™s been a mix of feedback from users in different places on this feature. Itā€™s something weā€™re sure to keep an eye on as we gather feedback and work on improving the experience. Weā€™re currently building the next mode in Alpha which is Learn With Locals.

@Elizabeth_Polk85 if you press the [ x ] in the top right hand corner of the header which says ā€˜Exit the sessionā€™ when hovering the cursor over it, that will exit the session. That works instead of pause and all of your answers and points in that session will be saved in your learning progress. You can then start a new session.


Bug: Speed Review no longer recognizes input from the numpad.

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Those pictures at the end of the session need to go away.

Theyā€™re just outright terrible and annoying. >_>

Itā€™d be slightly better if it was an animated character instead of random real-life peopleā€¦



Sorry for not reading through the existing thread before posting, as several of my points are likely to be redundant, but Iā€™d still like to share my thoughts. I tried the new Beta version yesterday and found it to be shockingly disappointing, as it has seemingly done away with many helpful aspects of the ā€˜originalā€™ while adding nothing of value in their place.

To be more specific, in my Japanese study sessions, I had come to rely on being able to view the kanji (Chinese characters) for each item of vocabulary as well as the reading in hiragana/katakana (phonetic characters). Itā€™s already clear that the new ā€˜speedā€™ review function doesnā€™t allow for this (unless itā€™s to be added later).

Furthermore, it was encouraging in these same sessions to be able to ā€˜win backā€™ lives/hearts in order to make it through a complete 100-item session. For now, at least, that doesnā€™t seem to have survived the update, though Iā€™m not sure what would prompt such a change.

Finally, I enjoyed being able to hit the ā€˜enterā€™ key to move more quickly to the next item in the ā€˜speedā€™ sessions, as this saved considerable time overall; again, that didnā€™t seem to carry over into the new Beta.

Though I havenā€™t checked it yet on the new version since Iā€™ve already opted out, Iā€™d also like to note that itā€™s always been helpful to be able to hear the pronunciation for each word/phrase for those vocabulary sets where audio was included. Iā€™m not sure whether this has also been disabled.

In conclusion, Iā€™m always happy to embrace worthwhile changes and was excited yesterday to see what Memrise had cooked up, so to speak. However, I have to say that this sort of streamlining or simplification (adding inane, irritating gifs in place of multiple useful features users had come to rely on over time) harms rather than improves the product overall.

As a longtime and avid Memrise user, I sincerely hope to see these aspects added to the new version as other users become equally frustrated by their omission.

As ever, I greatly appreciate the immense learning opportunities Memrise delivers to its users (for free, no less) and all of my feedback is meant to be constructive.

Thank you!


Thank you for your response, Adam. Itā€™s a real pity the Enter key no longer works and you have to constantly use a Ctrl+Enter combination. Doesnā€™t make a lot of sense to be honest. Isnā€™t there another way to accomodate one group of users without puting another one, much bigger, at inconvienence?

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In the new beta rollout, when doing a speed review for this course:https://app.memrise.com/course/861672/kaniwani/

I have to choose the correct kanji reading. When i have the correct or incorrect answer, the game gives me a feedback with the reading in kunyomi. But in the beta rollout, this doesnā€™t happen anymore.

I hope you can look into this!

Thank you for your time,

I like the new look in Speed review. The font could be bigger for those studying characters (Chinese). Also, I miss the option from the old version to have pin yin (romanization) appear after you select an answer. This is essential for practicing tones in Chinese.

Quickly looking through here it looks like there may be a problem where two of the same correct answer are provided and one of them is marked wrong, which I thought I might have seen but wasnā€™t sure.

Which brings me to my suggestion both for the current and beta speed tests. It would be nice to be able to review wrong answers, either during the exercise or afterwards. Often they fly by so quickly that Iā€™m not entirely sure what was wrong with my answer.

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:arrow_up: Just one thought.

The speed review is probably designed for MemRiseā€™s own official courses.

If the issue is on a Community created course, then it may be an issue with how the changes have affected the course, which may or may not be possible to amend.

If itā€™s on official courses, then hopefully they will be addressed.

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Iā€™d just like to add that I too enjoyed being able to use the Enter key after selecting an answer with the number keys in order to move on more quickly. Ctrl+Enter does work but this requires me to remove my fingers from the number keys at the top of my keyboard, which is quite disruptive to the flow of the Speed Review session.

However, I really enjoy this new Speed Review overall, looking forward to seeing how it develops!


I hate the GIFs - there should be an option to turn them off.

As a senior, I have no problem with the single words or short phrases, but Iā€™ve hardly finished reading the longer sentences when I find my time is up. Could the timing be in proportion to the number of words in the question or a user option to set the time allowed to answer.

Also Iā€™ve probably selected a larger font somewhere and the ā€œYou just reviewed ā€¦ā€ panel overflows its allocated space:
Screenshot 2020-12-10 at 08.44.27


The font for Japanese in the Speed Review is way too small to be read quickly. It needs to be big like the old font. I think another poster said the same thing. (When Japanese text is combined with English text, the Japanese is always more easily read if it is several font sizes larger than the English, as Japanese characters are more densely packed than English letters).
Also, I am distracted by the high contrast look of the interface and would prefer softer tones, but that may just be a personal thing.
Once the beta is adopted, can people stay with the ā€œclassicā€ interface?

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I feel exactly the same :confused:

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In the Beta of the Norwegian Speed Reivew, the points add up much MUCH faster than in the former speed review. Completing the former speed review might earn you 4,000 points; this one earns you 14,000 or so. Itā€™s an extraordinarily fast way to get oneā€™s daily goal, and totally out of proportion with the rate at which points accrue in ā€œlearn new words,ā€ ā€œreview wordsā€ etc.

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This could be due to the fact that Memrise seems to have consolidated XP across platforms. I usually work >90% with the app where I noticed that the amount of points/XP awarded was increased a few months ago. Back then there was a statement by Memrise that they were in the process of harmonizing just that.

I just did two speed reviews on the web and they produced pretty much the same XP as the SR on my (Android) app. I. e. >10k for a session with ~80 words (which was when I had no more hearts).

What does bug me a lot though is the fact that the NumPad can no longer be used to pick items. @ale_c, @MemriseSupport: did you guys remove that on purpose, resp. can you bring it back ā€¦?


I have the same problem in all my courses: the beta version of speed review does not allow for the use of the number pad. This is a drag. I hope this can be fixed. Thanks!!

how to increase number of difficult words for review?
now number is 4. I want to increase 50.
please add a option for it in new version.