Web Beta Programme Feedback

“Difficult words” are the words you get wrong during a review. If you want to have more then you need to make more mistakes. The actual maximum number of difficult words per course is twenty, I believe.

The beta looks ok, but the photos of guys who appear after completion of speed review are just cringe

can you give an option not to show them at all?


HI memrise and thanks for iterating on your product and taking feedback during beta period.

I just want to echo what many others have said re. the desire for larger characters during speed review! I’m studying Tibetan and just like all the chinese and japanese language students have expressed, the new style in the beta leaves my squinting and makes it much harder to read! Please enable / re-enable larger font sizes. I’m on a 13" laptop and there’s a lot of empty screen and I’d be so happy if more of it were filled with the characters of the language I’m studying.

Thank you!

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Came here to leave the same feedback. Gifs at the end of the new speed review made me switch back. very disturbing


New speed review looks fine for the most part, but I originally thought the video at the end was a pop-up ad and I had no idea what relevance it had to what I was doing, I’m not keen on that at all. I also had to scroll down to find buttons to get out of the speed review after I finished it, the video was taking up a load of space. Might be the zoom I have my computer on but it took me a bit to figure out how to get out, not particularly user friendly.

I seem to have received this update already through the Labs (Alpha) mode. :slight_smile: The new “Learn With Locals” looks amazing, I like it!

I only have one request. It would be very nice if you would make the “answer”/“translation” part of the title at the top in bold, like this:

It would go a long way in making it easier to see at a moments notice whether you are tasked with selecting a translation or just selecting the phrase you are hearing. :slight_smile:

One additional site note: It seems that the “I don’t know” button changes height when you select a correct answer. It becomes a bit shorter, which makes the flower progress icon jump up and down. Would probably be better to keep that button’s height consistent so the flower icon stays in one place.

The boxes are too small for the longer sentences, words are split onto different lines and difficult to read quickly in the language I’m learning. I was going to purchase the program, but the fact that you’re turning this into a children’s website will send me elsewhere. I do not want to watch a silly, sad video after the speed review. I want to move on.
Now that I’m not distracted by the line moving up the page, it’s been moved - which is opposing my eyesight trying to read the questions left to right. It’s extremely distracting. Leave it the way it was. I don’t want bells, bubbles, or cartoons yelling yeah or crying. A website devoid of instant gratification celebrations for immature learners. Thank you.

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I have the following issues with the Beta:

  1. I disable the enable/disable box as instructed above, but the Beta is not disabled.
  2. In the Beta version the readings of Japanese-Kanji are not shown during the speed test as in the old version.
  3. The word-cards could be bigger (hard to see kanji)


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why was the amount of points you get for a speed review changed? I can now easily reach my daily goal of 15 minutes by a single round of speed review, which didn’t use to be the case before. I now think twice about reviewing or learning new words since it brings me so much few points per time and brain invested even though I feel like I learn far more from them.


Me encanto la evaluacion y los 3 corazones de vidas, intente varias veces no he podido terminar porque siempre perdia mis 3 vidas, tal vez indicar cual es la meta y si fallo varias veces una oportunidad de repaso.

I use memrise every day but I’m disappointed by new features like Game Over animations that are lame and distasteful. They are a big turn off and lower the quality of the app. Please consider removing them.


On the Android App, I got all mine right (long sessions to read too!) with no loss of :heart:, but got no medal, cup or applause.

I was always told praise should be twice as often as criticism.

I guess the difficulty or challenge also depends on how few or many words (or pictures) you review in each speed session.

There has been a fair amount of feedback about the gifs on the Speed Review. The idea of the gifs was to bring joy around learning sessions and for some people they do that but not as well as we’d like them to. Like many things in life, you have to experiment with a product to learn and build an amazing experience.

Well, you’ve given feedback and we’ve listened. The gifs will be replaced for now with a heart :hearts:, aligning the experience more closely to Memrise on mobile.


Hi @Adam_Spooner68,

I have just tried the Speed review on the web and got a complexly different experience.

The Web had a much quicker clock

The Web did not stop at 10 items to review and at 47 I felt exhausted and just gave up trying.

And of course the look of the web was different.

So basically they seem very different


Incidentally I got a crying man at the end (not too bad), but in line with my previous comment, a congratulations for reaching so many right results might had been nicer - so I approve of your plan to give some sort of congratulation.

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Hello guys,

I want to provide a little feedback message about the new Beta design/functionality. Forgive me for being blunt; the new Beta design doesn’t provide a good user experience, especially on the Speed review page. This new running strip looks like a main element on the page and pokes its head out when you’re trying to repeat memorized words. It’s big, it’s gaudy, it’s too active, and it takes all your attention when it’s moving. So, instead of repeating words, I follow this bothering big running strip. According to that, the Speed review has become almost useless for me and it is a bad user experience in my humble opinion. The previous version didn’t throw so much attention and didn’t bother me at all.

The worst thing is that I haven’t succeeded in reverting to the previous version. I did all steps mentioned on the instruction page but I still have this new Beta version on the Speed review page. I even tried to logout and login again, but it hadn’t worked. And this is sad :slight_smile:


I like that theres options and stats, but its kinda crowded.


I agree with these comments I do understand that learning can be enhanced with humour but the video footage gets a bit annoying after a while. The new system does not allow ‘heart regeneration’ (as someone else described it). This was always a useful feature because often you could type in a word which would be a synonym and lose a heart because it was not the exact word the system was programmed to respond to. eg forstå and skjønne are both Norwegian words meaning ‘understand.’ There are many such examples which makes it likely you will make a wrong selection and without the ‘heart regeneration’ feature it is difficult to achieve 100% scores

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One small additional note - at the end of the Speed Review session new results screen doesn’t provide and indication of unreviewed words left.


[Resolution] This has been updated, so that the Enter key once again functions to submit an answer or move to next test once an answer is submitted.


The points awarded for completing the Speed Review are out of all proportion to the mental effort required!
Having come to the end of a course and not wishing to progress to the next over the Christmas period, I took rather more Speed Reviews than normal. It’s amazing how many points I earned (in the short time my wife made breakfast) - just flicking through the questions early on Monday morning with so little thought process . The result is that I was catapulted to the top of the leader board at the start of the week. Not my normal place – I much prefer to languish in the corner at the back of the class. I don’t think it reflects the learning process I’ve been through to achieve this distinction.
Please review the points allocation process for the speed review.