Web Beta Programme Feedback

I’m doing a french course and sometimes i want to do a specific part of it, eg the theme ‘travel and tourism’ etc but whenever i press learn new words it always takes me to the first theme. Would it be possible to be able to choose which theme to ‘learn new words’ on, or at least when you press ‘learn new words’ it could carry on with the theme you have just been doing? Because for me, no matter which theme i have just started, after one session it restarts to the first theme. Hope this makes sense!!

Hi @gold808686 and welcome to the forum,

Yes, when you use the yellow “Learn New Words” button, I think the default setting is to take you to the earliest level in the course that still has words that haven’t been fully learned - at least that’s where it sends me.

To do this, I don’t use the yellow buttons on the dashboard and, instead, click on the course title which takes me to the course homepage. From there, I click on the Level that I want to learn and then click on the green “Learn these words” button.

Hope this helps.


Yes, this is true. During classic reviews multiple choice tests work fine. The problem only occurs when trying to learn new words.


Thanks @AbsentiaLunae. OK, I’ve got it now. Yes, I just tried it with ‘learn new words’ on an image-based test course I have. The bug only affected one of the five items I tried to learn - other multiple-choice tests were OK. With the one item that initially showed green but was then immediately presented again as if wrong, I was able to proceed by clicking “Next” and could complete the set of five items.

Hopefully, @ale_c will be able to fix it for us.


In the hope this comment will be read. In Classic Reviews of the Danish (English > Danish) courses there exists the following two problems. When having to pick words to formulate the correct translation, backspace no longer works to remove the last word picked (on Windows 10, Chrome browser). Also, as the numbers disappear from the words you have picked, it is not useful to be able to use those numbers to remove them. For example, in the attachment the correct translation order was to press 2-5-1-3. Accidentally, I pressed them in the order 1-2-5, which I would like to correct by pressing backspace 3 times. In the old version of Memrise, this was entirely possible, but it is not anymore. The new option, to press 1-5-2, is illogical, as those numbers are no longer shown after I have selected them for the first time.

I’m studying Estonian in the “E nagu eesti” course on Chrome. Whenever I’m doing a Classic Review and I’m prompted to type in an answer, nothing is correct. Every typed response is being considered incorrect.

Hi @amiles93

Could it be accented words and strict marking?

If you post a link, perhaps someone can have a look for you.

I noticed this as well. It’s weird…

I suppose they’ve changed this so that you need to recall the words while learning even more new words. Effective if you’re in for long sessions, but if you want a short session of learning 5 words, then it’s bad.

I just tried the new beta version after pausing for a month and some.

  1. i like the new interface. it’s clear, refreshing.
  2. i see something i don’t like which has been part of the app since i’ve been using it: on the android app, one learning session doesn’t bring the word to ‘fully learned’. you need to do 2 learning sessions for the word to be ‘fully learned’. In the old web version, one learning session was enough. In the new web beta version you now also have to do 2 sessions to achieve that.
    I used to prefer the web version because of the one-session system. If the web-version will now have the two-sessions system too, that will really be a bummer. It feels so uncomplete and like you didn’t do enough during the session :confused:

I too find it a bit annoying I have to do two sessions to achieve 5 words but I think it is best, as it’s easier to remember within a session than returning to it later, so a delay helps me learn.

I know that’s what watering (aka review) is for but I’m learning French on a long simple course and just refreshing my memory, so I am not doing any watering.

I feel exactly the same. Particularly with - what I do consider a bug - the fact that, when learning i. e. 7 words (with Android), you’ll need several sessions to get those fully learned (after 2 sessions with 7 words, you’ll be left with only 3 or so fully learnt!). FWIW, this only applies to community courses.

In official courses it’s not much better, again, relating to Android: sometimes (rather feels like most of all times) you’ll only need 3 iterations to “fully learn” a word, sometimes more. This always either leaves me with “partially learned” words or I have to fumble around, sometimes by marking 1-2 words as difficult, then fully learning them in a DW-session.

@MemriseSupport: is there any chance that you guys would rethink this behaviour?
As in many other cases: I don’t understand as to why you don’t create a user setting for things like this! If you fear to over-strain users, why not have regular and expert-settings?

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I feel that way too. Memrise would be so much better if there were more settings. For example the amount of words you learn in a session. The largest amount currently is 10. Perhaps i’d like to learn 15? Given, it might not follow the psychological learning system 100%, but one could mark the amounts as ‘suggested’ and 'individual or something.
The same goes for revision sessions. 10, 25, 50, 150 - what happened to 75 and 100?
I personally think it would be nice to be able to choose between the one-session system and the two-session system. As @DW7 said, some might prefer a slower learning pace than others.

The situation with the 7 words a session and only 3 learning instances to be fully learned definitely sounds like a bug.


I just went through the Hindi alphabet and I found it really irritating to have to switch between typing an answer and picking from 4; I wish that I could just keep typing the English transliteration. I also wish there was a way to switch back to the courses available that I had just been browsing without having to go through several pages to return to the Hindi category.

You can of course do as few or as many sessions as you want.

I just make sure I log in and do one session every day. :wink:

Some days I do so many, I complete a level. :smile:

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Hi @Metruis, if you find a course you like (community courses have to be searched on the web), then start it by answering one question, then it will be at the top of your list on the web or in the App.

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It is marking me and my students wrong (orange) on all items where the answer includes punctuation. Examples: ¿Te gusta?, ¿Cuántos?

I’m talking about the experience of testing out several courses to find one I like, not returning to one I was already playing. I would have liked to try multiple alphabet courses, as I really didn’t like the one I completed, without having to go through several screens to return to the options I haven’t yet tried.

Hi @Metruis, I think I know what you want to do (something I often do).

Just to clarify what I meant …

What I do is to open the course list on the web (computer) on one tab and then open any course I want to look at in new tabs.
(then close the tabs of courses I don’t like, etc)

So I can always return to my first tab with all the courses.

If I’ve still misunderstood you, I apologise.

  • Description of the issue:
    The German translation of the beta message contains a mistake.
    The correct imperative of “lesen” is “lies”, not “lese”, which is the subjunctive.

  • Your device and browser details
    Windows 10, Firefox

  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Open Firefox and set whatever is necessary to cause Memrise to respond automatically in German. (I have not seen a manual language setting, so please excuse the vagueness in this step.)
  2. Log in with a valid account
  3. Possibly: Activate Beta in account settings if not already set
  4. Check Memrise

It’t also that with the 5+5 division to complete learning a word, all typing exercises are in the second exercise. When learning, the most effective way is to mix the exercise types, so one uses different parts of our memory to effectively learn. Now, the first session is entirely passive (choosing between options), without any active memory use.

Really a weird, and pedagogical wrong!, choice to divide this up (and also the reason why I preferred the web version over the mobile version). But maybe the developers can turn this back into a single learning session for each word, including passive and active learning, in both web and mobile apps?

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