Web Beta Programme Feedback

In the beta version when learning new words, Mems don’t show up automatically and there doesn’t seem to be any way to show them without turning off the beta. The mems are a major reason I chose Memrise over other SRS products so it would be terrible to lose that feature. I hope there are plans to include Mems going forward.


I miss “Help me remember this” when I studying and trying to memorize new word.


Hi @robdahl - thanks for your feedback. Mems aren’t going away! There are some issues with the current version of the feature, so we’re being thoughtful in how they will be redesigned and built in the Beta version of Learning sessions. They aren’t disappearing though. Whilst the new version is in Beta without mems, the current version of Learn, Classic Review and other modes is available by turning off the Alpha and Beta versions; the controls for these can be found in settings and on the learning settings tab.



There’s so many requests about typing tests, but could you make customisable learning settings for every need, so people could do review sessions in the way they please the most? Those who want to type will type, those who want to click will only click, and others will be allowed to make a mix of typing and clicking. Such customisation can solve so many problems.


So I am unable to review, speed review, or learn more than 8 words at a time on the android app. I changed settings, unchecked beta and uninstalled/reinstalled the app. Yesterday adjusting number of words to review or learn worked fine.

In beta, when typing and do it wrong… it doesn’t show me what I typed and where I made mistake. This is BIG problem.


You should bring back the mems. Mnemonics are very useful for learning new words and are the reason I use Memrise.


Some more issues in the new Beta. As before, all comments relate to community-created content and Memrise Official Courses to learn Danish. Issues encountered in Classic Review AND Learn New Words, on Windows 10, Chrome webbrowser.

  1. Recently, learning sessions have been reduced, meaning that one cannot complete the learning of a new set of of 5 words within one session. This is super annoying - please turn this feature back to its old state (5 words, from start to learned to completion).

  2. In writing exercises, sometimes one has to click “Enter” to indicate one is finished, but other times it progresses automatically once you’ve written the complete and correct answer. The latter was the old, normal way, of completing a writing exercises. Above all, the fact that both options happen randomly in the same learning session is super annoying. Please revert to one option, preferably the latter/old way.

  3. Frequently, the coloured batch on the right-hand side indicates a word is learned and memorized to completion, with a bright green colour, BEFORE performing the task. AFTER successfully completing the task, it is has the grayish, blurred green colour, indicating the word is NOT learned and memorized to completion. This does not always happen, but seems to occur randomly. Again, like the above two issues and my previous comments, this indicates a total lack of learning understanding within the new Beta.

  4. Sometimes, there are sentences one types that go automatically to “orange”, indicating the answer was taken as close-to-correct, while it was correct. See attachment of such a situation. Then, even more annoyingly, the new Beta code puts me in a loop where I can type the correct answer but never go to green, meaning I cannot complete my learning session (and thereby not progress learning new words!!) nor finish my Classic Review session, without clicking “abort session”.

I’d strongly recommend that the coders involved in the new Beta properly listen to the comments made here - the functionality of Memrise within the browser appears close to broken due to changes being made without understanding why and how people learn languages.

please restore “automatic check writing”.
“automatic check writing” is good, because I want to learning meaning, no writing.
now, “check writing” is Strictly.

With regards to the typing vs multiple choice in classic review debate, I’m going to throw another wrench in there…

If users can choose a mix of the two as I’ve seen mentioned above (not only typing and not only multiple choice), would it be possible to add some sort of filter to reduce the chances of some words coming up for typing?

For example in one course for Country Flags, I can get multiple choice selections for short country names like “Kenya”, “Iran”, “Gabon”, etc… :+1: and then I’ll get hit with having to type “Federated States of Micronesia”, “Saint Vincent and the Grenadines”, “South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands”, etc… :astonished:

These longer names are more prone to typos, so even if I know the correct answer, a typo would skew the stats. Having to type them out in an “all typing” review is fine of course, but in a mixed review, such long words should perhaps require typing less frequently.

I chose a Country Flag course as an example but the same holds for other courses as well.

I experience this with the web interface in various browsers.

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Hi @eel_in_a_hovercraft

type “Federated States of Micronesia”, “Saint Vincent and the Grenadines”, “South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands

Which course is it?

Is the Creator or Contributor active?

In one similar course I’ve been involved in initials are allowed, eg

FSM or FSofM etc.

Or not allowing typing may be the answer.

We can move these post perhaps.

Hey @DW7

The course is ► Country Flags ◄ by azrael42. No idea if he’s still active or not. There are a few issues with the course beyond the beta programme so I won’t go into them here.

I hadn’t tried initials before but I did after your post and some obvious ones did work (like US for United States). Turns out “sgssi” worked for “South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands” but “svg” did not work for “Saint Vincent and the Grenadines”. They don’t come around often enough for me to have tested multiple abbreviation variants (like “svatg” or “svtg”). It ends up being just guessing and trial and error. Accepted initials are not indicated in the course.

Might be a failing of the course itself in this particular case but the general idea remains (and can apply in other courses): I feel some words are just too long to require typing in a mixed scenario if there is a “choose vs type” ratio and all the short ones end up being multiple choice.

Perhaps a switch like “disallow typing this word in mixed review session”. Don’t know if such a thing would need to be set by the creator/contributor or if it could be set by the user… Or maybe it could even be automated given certain criteria (length, number of words/characters).

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Hi @eel_in_a_hovercraft, I was hoping this would be easy to solve and to move your posts.

Country Flags says

“See the forum of the sister course “Country Capitals 2.0” for a comment on the mem issues.”

but I can NOT find the forum.

But @azrael42 is not active here and no Contributors are listed.

I think as the course is a very old (original) one, he must be referring to the lovely old Forum system RIP.

Perhaps someone will come to the rescue? Cc @panickedrill

The only other fudge I can suggest is create a text file by copying long names from the course, so when it comes up you can quickly copy it.

There used to be a way to create short cuts eg “svg” would autofill with “Saint Vincent and the Grenadines”.

Or just ignore those ones !!!

Or seek out another ► course ◄:

Accepted initials are not indicated in the course.

Incidentally the ideal way to know is if the country is listed as
“Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, SVG” and both made alternatives.

After the recent upgrade (where the user is given many different options after each learning set) there is now no longer any way to pause in the middle of a learning session to see the progress of the level as before. Also there isn’t a way to pause and return to the main course menu to select a different level for example. Pretty annoying that the only option is now to exit the course and re-enter it to select a different level.

Macbook, Chrome browser

Picture attached is to show you how the pause button is missing. there used to be an “X” button and pause. ![Screen Shot 2021-04-03 at 9.21.44 PM|690x395]

In the old version you could explore the ‘next levels’ (i.e., the next batch of flashcards) and remove words you’re already familiar with.
I think having the ability to check the next material after a session is extremely useful to orientate yourself and remove stuff you don’t need to learn, in the new version you have to basically go back to the course, click on details and then scroll down to wherever you left off to see what content comes next. The new implementation is especially problematic for long courses (such as JLPT N3 or N2 vocab which numbers in the thousands each.)
Edit: I would like a post-session button to preview/alter upcoming learning content.

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In the beta, there is a problem with multi-image courses. When the user is asked to select the correct image among many, the answer is treated as if it were wrong, even though the user selected the correct image. The green frame around the image appears, implying that Memrise recognizes that the user chose correctly.

Yet, this screen is shown next:

The screen that normally only appears when the user didn’t get the answer right appears. The progress bar also doesn’t advance, meaning it is almost impossible to finish the lesson since the user can’t make any progress with this type of question.

I assume this happens because the image in the multiple-choice task is not identical to the one shown in the second card.

If it helps, this is what the database entry looks like. There are three images in total for this particular entry:

Could you please look into that?



When I learn new words the mems that help us remember have gone. That is a really important way that helps me learn. It gives me visual cues as well as great audio rhymes that people have come up with. This new beta layout has changed even more since last week. Is this a glitch or have Memrise decided to get rid of this feature? Really need it back please!


Yes @AbsentiaLunae, you are right that the system no longer works.

I have already reported this issue here with the ALPHA version :arrow_down: :

I raised a similar issue ► here


That’s interesting @AbsentiaLunae . I tried to recreate that issue in my maps course (A World Geography (with audio) - by alanh - Memrise), which has multiple images for most of its’ items, but it seemed to work fine during classic reviews (on the web version).

Correct answers for all items that I knew had multiple images were accepted ok regardless of the type of test. If I gave an incorrect answer, in order to generate a ‘difficult word’, and then did a ‘difficult words’ test, it also behaved ok. I was presented with a variety of test types and, when presented with a multiple choice test which showed a different image to the one I had previously answered incorrectly, it accepted my correct answers ok.

@ale_c , This seems to be behaving inconsistently. Could someone please check it out?


I totally agree. it was one of my favourite parts of memrise and really helped me remember the words!!! please can we have it back haha

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