Web Beta Programme Feedback

Is autoplay broken for all tests are just the first one?

There are some browser restrictions we have to work around here so just want to check.


Weā€™re working on this one for you!



Weā€™re working on Difficult Words as our next mode where we plan to add these test types. Stay tuned


I have a thread for this, still waiting for reply:

In all of them. In the old tests it was only the very first question that didnā€™t autoplay.

Thatā€™s true as well for the main page where it is limited by 3 digits now, although I was referring to the count in the review sessions where the limit is two digits. I understand it is easier to design elements with a fixed digit count in mind, but 99 max. count is to small very often while where is little reason to limit that count on the main page where you have plenty of space to display total number.

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my biggest qualm with the beta mode is the fact that I HAVE to take audio tests for my one course with audio. I have tried turning it off, yet still my entire ā€˜reviewā€™ is just audio tests. I am almost fluent in French and German, so simply donā€™t need it. I use memrise to iron out some creases in my recall and spelling, and like to listen to music while iā€™m reviewing vocab.
Itā€™s driving me absolutely crazy.


Using learn new words, the last listening test you do for each new word is typing out the word you hear. The first time this specific test type occurs, the cursor autofocuses on the answer box and you can type immediately. If you get two of these listen then type tests in a row, the second (and any subsequent) tests do not autofocus on the answer box, and you have to manually move your mouse and click the answer box before being able to type your answer. This resets once you have done a different type of test like multiple choice in the middle. Iā€™m sure this is just a bug but it gets annoying when you have to do it multiple times in a row at the end of each session as I wouldnā€™t otherwise need my mouse at all.

It would also be great to be able to use the backspace key if you have added a wrong word on the putting words in order tests. This is the only other instance I need to use my mouse to get through a lesson.

I am using google chrome on a mac.


Is it possible to make the colors less jarring and huge on the PC version? My other concern is that when I hear audio for the word, the ā€œspeakerā€ image flashes a different shade of yellow, and it is very distracting.

And please keep the typing exercises. :slight_smile:


Donā€™t accepting right phrase ā€œHow do you say ā€¦ in Englishā€ in first lesson of English in Beta version.

I am not a fan of this Beta: i donā€™t find memes in the review session, which doesnā€™t correspond to the aim of this learning website! Moreover I liked the reviewing difficulty when i had to type the word completely, when now i need just to click on the word. And why is there no report option, when the program doesnā€™t accept my ā€œcorrectā€ answer, i canā€™t finish even a session.


Big issues I have with update so far:

  • I have created a course and it used to be useful to change answers from within the question when actually doing the course but that option seems to have been removed
  • I canā€™t turn off some of the exerices
  • It doesnā€™t always show your answer when you got it wrong. I find it very helpful to be able to compare my (incorrect) answer with the correct answer prompted.
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This time my feedback contains praise.

I usually came here to criticize, when distractedā€¦ but! I really like the NEW SPEED REVIEW especially in mobile web setting.

I donā€™t know why exactly, it has more the feel of speed review on mobile app - I always prefer.

Before, when speed reviewed on mobile - everything was too small, hard to react - it feels as if there is some additional ā€œbuffer timeā€ (or how to call it) in between entries, which calms down the anxietyā€¦

Generaly: good impression

I can now safely use web based speed review alongside my app both on iOS mobile (you know that for strange reason you do not provide SR on iOS)

limitation of my feedback

  • My good impression is based solely on experience on iOS mobile access through browser (Brave browser - Chrome based browser)
  • I tested it on courses with rather short ithems (mere words, not sentences)
  • It is limited to SR only, I didnā€™t even try preview yet

On ā€˜arrange the words in the correct orderā€™ exercises, the ā€˜enterā€™ button on my keyboard is not working to submit.

Itā€™d be better if the listening questions for Classic Review gave the translation after you selected the answer.


The layout of the on-screen Cyrillic keyboard varies depending on the exercise. I find that quite annoying. I prefer a constant layout, as close to a regular Cyrillic keyboard as possible.

What I donā€™t like: After completing a revision activity like a Classic Review and I want to go to a different level to do a review of that/look at a particular level, I have to click the X/Leave session but then it takes me to Home with all the courses I have, I want it to take me to just the course I was already on. Also on the speed review, I really wish you could regain a heart after getting X amount of questions right - it really helped the session last longer and build the motivation for winning back a heart.


Beta work slower than older version (PC) I choose older versionā€¦

the typing element seems to have been removed when going through the learning new words for the first timeā€¦this is a big let-down. I donā€™t learn by flashcards aloneā€¦my learning style needs the typing element. Please bring that back!


I liked being able to see the new words Iā€™d just learned or the words Iā€™ve just reviewed with the English on one side and the new language on the other side, so that I could go down the list and test myself on them again (covering one side). Iā€™m not able to do that anymore on the new beta system as it just lists all the words Iā€™ve learned or reviewed with the translation underneath that I canā€™t just cover up.