Web Beta Programme Feedback

Please use the following template to provide all the requested details and help us investigate faster.

  • Description of the issue: Please describe the issue in detail. e.g. do you see an error message? What is the issue preventing you from doing do? What should be the expected behaviour? Does this happen only on certain courses, levels, items, learning modes or devices?

For Classic Review listening exercises, one used to be able to use the keypad or numerics to indicate which words to select in order, without using a mouse or other mechanism. In Beta, however, this no longer works with 10 or more words, as the first word is now numbered “1”, the second “2”, etc., instead of “01”, “02”, etc. As a result, if I want to numerically select 10, 11, etc, it will automatically pick 1 instead. I have attached a screenshot to indicate the current situation.

The problem occurs in all Memrise and self-produced courses in Classic Review mode.

  • Windows computer, Chrome
  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue Re-occurs every time with 10 or more words in Classic Review of Memrise and self-produced courses.
  • Screenshot:
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I think Mems are useless currently.
for improve learning, I like to see always a sentence for a word.

Section: “Set a daily goal” - hit your goal every day to win bonuses!
it is inefficient now. when I do goal, I like to achieve extra Points. but it is not currently.

Add a typing-only option please i.e. GitHub - cooljingle/memrise-all-typing: All typing / no multiple choice when doing Memrise typing courses


When you correctly answer a audio-to-text question, also show the translation please.


Bring back mems. This site is literally called memrise. I don’t always use them, but when I do, they’re invaluable.


I second this. Sometimes I can type the word because I correctly guess the spelling based on sound, but still have no idea what it means and would not consider this as part of me understanding that word. So I would say in addition to also showing me the translation, not counting correct transcription of an audio word as progress to understanding it, but more as listening practice.

This is specifically regarding issues with Korean learning on memrise for me, and so I’m not sure if there’s an issue in any other languages. When I do any typing the korean answer (as an answer for “type what you hear” or “type the correct translation”), sometimes when I start typing, other characters appear before the part that I have typed. And more often, when I finish a word and get it correct and so the audio for that word plays, the last character also gets repeated in my answer at the end of a word. And so I have to delete the last one and press enter to get through, as it thinks it’s incorrect after it gets added. This used to happen in the classic mode but seems to be far more common in beta, I would say it happens around 70% of the times I’ve written a word.

I’ve attached a demonstration below (Example 1) of what the word turns into after I’ve typed the correct word that only has one 다 part at the end. (So the correct word is 걱정하다, after I write this it simultaneously changes into 걱정하다다 but also the audio plays for the word since it was initially correct, but it can’t move onto the next question because it now thinks it’s incorrect again).

It seems like the error is something like, getting a word correct triggers the last character to double. Not sure about the error where other characters appear before the part I type when I first type a word, but I think it keeps something from the last time I answered a typing question and places the last character of the previous word into the first space for the next word. This can happen between review sessions too and not just for ones within the same session. I have started a new session before where when I typed it already put a character from a previous session in the beginning of my word.

The second half of the picture above (Example 2) is a demonstration of this. I started typing 사이다 and it automatically put 화 before it, from the last question I typed an answer to, where the word was 회화. So it took the last 화 character and transferred it to my new question when I started typing.

I had also experience this before in the classic mode but both these errors seems to be even more frequent in beta mode.

Note: these errors do not happen when I individually select characters from the ones provided under the text box, and only when I type the answer myself. Also I am accessing memrise from a windows pc when I run into these issues.

But equally please don’t lock all listening/transcription tests into a paid-only function!

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I also use Memrise for Korean and haven’t noticed this, although I have noticed sometimes after I’ve typed the answer correctly it goes green automatically, sometimes I have to click enter, and sometimes I have to manually click Check Answer with my mouse.

Hm, not sure what the issue is then, as like I said I experience it a majority of the time I type in my answers, so it gets rather frustrating having to constantly delete parts of the word that I never put there. The part on whether the answer is automatically checked or whether I have to click it manually myself is not as much of an issue for me. It’s more so bothersome that when I type, other characters automatically insert themselves, either before the part I put or after I typed the last character correctly.

Hi everyone,

After some more testing of the beta review program, I encountered the following issues:

  1. I am asked to choose the right translation. But in essence there is no translation. Everything is in the target language:

  2. The enter button behaviour is not consistent. When I want to skip the audio, or repeat audio when given an answer, I have to manually click on the next/ correct button in some courses.

  3. When clicking on the next/correct button to skip to the next answer, it is possible to be a fraction of a second to late and click on the “I don’t know” button of the next question. I never had this problem in the old version.

  4. When I give the wrong answer, (especially with typing) I don’t get asked to repeat type the word any more. I liked this. It was for me a way to force me to learn this word better.

  5. My scores in the beta review mode are about 150% of what they used to be in the past. I have to type way less and yet score a lot more. I think the score should be weighed towards the difficulty of an exercise. Typing is more difficult and more involved then the other types so should earn more. Reconstructing sentences is a bit less, just picking the right word from a list is even less and not even doing a translation aka just pick the word you hear should be even less points.

There are also some other improvements I like to see:

  1. Proper use of mems/mnemonic: When clicking the I don’t know button, make the mem/mnemonic pop up and let the person retry. This enforces the mem/mnemonic and is also the purpose of the mem/mnemonic.

  2. Make people type the word when they first learn it when the course has typing. This aid by the learning to type thing. Now we have to remember it from only seeing it and then reproduce it all at once.

I hope you take these issues to heart and improve memrise.


Misleading screen in Classic review.

For every word translation choice, only 4 of the options are visible at first

You have to scroll down to even see that there are 6 options

sorry if this has already been mentioned, its not a big issue but improving this screen would be a nice quality of life change.

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I really need the typing back, just tapping, I learn nothing. And it’s layout is oversized and hard on the eyes on PC, to me. It looks like an app which has been thrust into the PC - except I use the PC because I really dislike the app! Unfortunately it’s made my best learning tool really uncomfortable to use. If we can get back typing, and get the scale issues of the tapping boxes, it could be a great improvement.


+1 to those two recommended improvements!

Why dont exist “pause button” and “automatic pause” in new version?

please add a button for every word for report of bug.
sometimes words need edit, we can write and describe a report for creater of course.
it is useful for everybody.


Hi @Vereschagin, I appreciate this was a while back but do you have any screenshots of this issue?


Please please please keep the typing function and add an opt-out for the multiple choice function. Multiple choice makes it just waaay too easy!!


memrise writing: choose a mem to help a remember.
but how? I again don’t remember word and never I don’t see mem until again I do wrong.

please help me for mems.