Web Beta Programme Feedback

The GIFs at the end of the lesson, which have already been mentioned, are distracting and should be optional.

Speed review can no longer be sped along by pressing the Enter key, making it much slower.

Ideally, there should be lots of options for how you want the interface to look, with things such as text size and theme being adjustable.

Please don’t make this roll out mandatory. Using javascript to modify the interface just to get the old style back shouldn’t be necessary.


Yes, the fix has definitely worked… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: .I haven’t experienced any freezing for the last four sessions.

A special thanks to you and the Memrise Team for resolving this problem so promptly. Please feel free to delete my posts listing all the previously frozen terms as these posts are no longer relevant and are just taking up space at this point.



I also don’t like the GIFs at the end of the lesson.

Also, I wish there was a pause button for the speed review. I sometimes do speed review as a fidget, but when someone interrupts me, I just have to let the timer/hearts run out.


My solution is not to do the Speed Review but to see how quickly I can do a normal review - bearing in mind a lot of the courses I do, have long phrases that I actually want to read and learn, rather than just look for one or two key words, which, in my mind, isn’t testing my learning but observation.

Hi! This turned out to be a bug - we weren’t showing attributes on the new speed review. Attributes are columns marked “Show as Tests” in the course editor, and are things like the part of speech.

It’s now been fixed in production.

Could any of you who are doing a course with attributes try out the new Speed Review on it and check it seems good now? Thanks!



But I discovered (and reported) the non show of all attributes was under normal learning and review

Limited Attributes showing

Thanks for putting the attributes back in the speed review. But, unfortunately, the green text on a green background makes them difficult to read.

Thanks for the efforts, Memrise, but the new Speed Review doesn’t feel as improvement at all. To begin with, you didn’t really need to redesign it from scratch (yet again), you could just improve upon and fix that you already had. Now inevitable bugs and errors come. Here are other problems with the new beta:

  1. Design and layout. You have to remember that you’re designing your desktop version for ahem desktops or laptops and not providing yet another mobile experience. And most of modern screens are widescreens. The new review screens fail to fit in various instances as the flashcards seem to be oversized while it keeps the text rather small. I believe, the goal was to fit long words and phrases without problems, but there are better ways to do it (see your great mobile app). Also, there are problems of fitting the screen without a vertical scrollbar on laptops with FHD, UHD or 4k screens. See comparison below - FHD vs FHD (125% enlarged). Now imagine a problem on a 4k laptop with even bigger display enlargement. New layout even has a horizontal scrollbar (I have a browser side panel enabled).

Old Speed Review had a more rational layout and didn’t have any problems fitting on all kinds of displays. No additional horizontal bar for time progress which helps for widescreens. The main problem with the old layout was not fitting longs words – it could be solved by simply making the flashcards somewhat wider or adaptive (again see your mobile app).

  1. Enter Key no longer works. In new beta you cannot use Enter to quickly proceed to next words or session. You must wait for the full animation to run which takes a full second. Then you must spend even more time by clicking though a couple of screens, select among session options all of which is not speedy at all. Speed Review is supposed to be a fast and smooth way to repeat words. Ideally it would allow to use only five keys: numbers and enter. Currently this process is constantly disrupted. Also you cannot quickly proceed to the next speed review session at the end – you have to navigate and specifically select it on the screen. This was a bit of a problem with the old version as well where the next type of session would randomly change. IT would be great to have a setting for the next session in the options – random or the same.

  2. This screen. Really? It only irritates people as you can clearly see from other responses. Just throw it away.

To sum up, it seems there were only two big problems with the old Speed Review – words not fitting and session change at the end. You solved the first one by making huge flashcards which fail to fit some types of display and completely broke the fluidity of the learning process by disabling Enter key and new session selection screen. I wish you could simply update the old version, but if you are really inclined with going with the new design, then it seems you have a lot of work and troubleshooting ahead. Good luck.


For me this option is in a different place and it looks a bit different, but it seems to turn on the same features?

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I no longer see the additional information on quick review which tells me the pinyin or the English on the custom Chinese courses that i do. I would really like this feature to work as it did before by default.

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Just got the changes today, all fine by me apart from the weird clips when you lose all the hearts on speed review - (the woman with the lipstick etc) for me these are pretty jarring and don’t fit in with the rest of the site.

Also, I did one speed review and it said I’d completed my daily goal, my daily goal is 15 mins so this can’t be right.

Thanks for your work on Memrise, it’s a great site and has really helped me learn Italian.


Another example of software not being tested before being deployed. Adding cosmetic features at the expense of core functionality and lack of quality assurance are the basis for a failed product. The developers are killing this product. Last time, there were basic flaws introduced that took many months to resolve. Once my course has finished, I will stop using Memrise even though I have paid for a lifetime membership.


May be in the minority here but the video clips played at the end of tests are incredibly cringe and obnoxious. Please give us an option to turn these off.


I second this. Please bring back the selection by number option in speed review.


Hi @Vikestart. The option highlighted in the photo above on the Learning tab is to turn on Memrise Labs, our Alpha mode.

You can find the Beta opt in/out toggle on the Profile tab.

The approach to rebuilding the core Learn and Review sessions is to release them to Alpha first. Alpha is an opt-in experience that less than 1% of users participate in, which allows for feedback and adjusting the build. Rebuilt modes are then being progressively release to Beta and will be into the new year.


Hi, just recieved the update today.

The biggest issue I’ve found is that my numberpad doesn’t work for speed review. This has affected my speed and general comfort in completing these and I hope that can be rectified. If not, then I’m definitely going to opt out soon.

Also, I’d like the option to keep heart regeneration and I also cosign others in saying that the post-lesson gifs should be removed as they unnecessarily increase screen load time and add little to the experience.


Hi @knwlss. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback.

Addressing the points that you’ve raised:

  1. Design and layout - the responsiveness of the design to different form factors is something to improve. It works well with most used form factors but it’s good to know about these issues.

  2. Enter Key no longer works - we’ve updated keyboard shortcuts for Speed Review to accommodate accessibility needs of some users:

  • The key combination Ctrl/⌘ + ⏎ replaces ⏎, which has another use
  • a user can press the Tab (⇥) key to move between answer options (and other interactive elements on the page)
  • once an answer option is highlight by the item having a bottom border, the Enter (⏎) key can be used to submit the answer
  • Ctrl/⌘ + forward slash ( / ) brings up the Keyboard Shortcuts Menu
  1. Success/Game Over animations - There’s been a mix of feedback from users in different places on this feature. It’s something we’re sure to keep an eye on as we gather feedback and work on improving the experience. We’re currently building the next mode in Alpha which is Learn With Locals.

@Elizabeth_Polk85 if you press the [ x ] in the top right hand corner of the header which says ‘Exit the session’ when hovering the cursor over it, that will exit the session. That works instead of pause and all of your answers and points in that session will be saved in your learning progress. You can then start a new session.


Bug: Speed Review no longer recognizes input from the numpad.

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Those pictures at the end of the session need to go away.

They’re just outright terrible and annoying. >_>

It’d be slightly better if it was an animated character instead of random real-life people…