Web Beta Programme Feedback

Hi there, it seems that the new speed testing doesn’t allow numeric keyboard input.

Also as a request it’d be great for longer sentences to have a longer time to guess. Such short times with words are fine but with long complex sentences it can be difficult.

Also korean characters are showing up quite small.


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sometimes, i want find a word into course but there is not a search input for it.
I want ignore a word, but I cant find its into 2000 word in a course. its difficult.
please add search input into course.


If you are a Contributor you can search, otherwise the only two options I know are:

  1. ignore the word first time you come across it (thus saving learning it and revising it) or

  2. laboriously looking through a course, level by level. This is a lot easier if it’s single words arranged alphabetically.


There’s another way: the word list tool. Using the tool you can quickly generate a list of all words in a given course, along with the name of the chapter. This way you could identify the level the word is in and then ignore it.

I posted more info and instructions here:


@Olaf.Rabbachin @DW7
thank you.
but I think both ways are difficult.
memrise should adds a input search in courses. it is important and usefull for all people.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Error message: Whoops. Could not load the session. Sorry. 403 (FORBIDDEN) error calling web API /progress/register/

Are Memrise taking feedback on this and trailling this with the chance to change it? I really miss being able to regain a heart if I got something like 25 in a row correct - it adds suspence and motivation and makes me play longer (its easy to run out of 3 lives so soon) - also the words that come up don’t seem so random in order but in progression from their levels (as in level 2/3/4/5 words after each other)


What I miss in Speed Review is how I could re-gain a heart after answering a certain amount of questions correct - it would motivate me more to focus/make it more exciting. Without it I crash out too soon which is demotivating. It also seems that the order I get words in aren’t random but seem to be in order of level?

I wish there was a way to set the number of items to be tested on in a speed review - like one can with a normal review.

After a while I get really weary and would like to end on a high rather than crashing out.

In other I’d like to be tested quickly but not have to keep going until all hearts are lost.

I am not aware of a way to even quit a session (gracefully).

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Please, don’t eliminate the month/general classifications, they are so useful.


Is it just me or has the size of some items shrunk again? I can make due for languages that use an
alphabet I’m familiar with (English, French, Irish, etc…) but the smaller size is a problem for quickly reviewing languages like Korean or Japanese.

This had been fixed a while ago but it’s back. Is there a setting I failed to notice and the smaller size is just the default?


Please use the following template to provide all the requested details and help us investigate faster.

  • Description of the issue: Please describe the issue in detail. e.g. do you see an error message? What is the issue preventing you from doing do? What should be the expected behaviour? Does this happen only on certain courses, levels, items, learning modes or devices?

I used to use the number keypad to answer speedreview faster. Now I can only use the arrow keys, or the numbers on the top row of the qwerty keyboard.

  • Your device and browser details
    Ubuntu 20.04
    keyboard: Microsoft ergonomic keyboard 4000

  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Start speedreview (make sure num lock is on so you can use the keypad).
  2. Press numbers to select the correct answer (nothing happens)
  • Do you have any screenshots of the problem? Please upload them here.

Hey, sorry about that, my fault undoing that change when optimising styles for mobile.

Just deployed a fix so font size should be back to the larger version.

Let us know if you have any issues :slight_smile:

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Exactly the same issues are happening to me! I hope they get fixed soon

Hello. I’m a paying member of Memrise for some years now. I have important feedback about beta.

I’m studying Japanese. So everyday I log into Memrise, choose one of my completed Japanese courses as warm-up, and then review it over and over for about 15 minutes (with muted audio). I did these silent typing tests to keep my eyes strong at recognizing Japanese text/symbols (there are thousands of them). In some courses I’ve went from completing them in 10 minutes to just 1 minute, so I really appreciated having the final timer as it was a sign further progress for me.

This study method was perfect for me because Memrise only gave me typing tests because it noticed that I was strong at these words (full bloom flower). The silent typing tests forced me to get faster and faster at processing those symbols into words. I was only given multiple choice questions for when I was weak at the given word.

“Speed Review” was all multiple choice so it was bad/slower for me on PC. I never select it unless on mobile.

But now, because of beta, “Review” mode is different. It treats me like I’m always a beginner. Typing, multiple choice, and listening tests are always mixed together. So now I can no longer do typing only tests, and also the final time is gone, something which I highly valued full typing tests.

Japanese has thousands of different Kanji to memorize so typing tests are very important for learning how to read faster. And typing was way faster on PC than doing multiple choice questions. So please bring back typing only mode with the timer? Each mode had its use, including typing only mode, but now that one is gone.

I hope my explanation makes sense.
Thank you for your time.
I love Memrise.

Edit: Okay I turned of Memrise Labs and now its back to normal. I will use this mode for now because of reasons exaplained above. When making the Beta please don’t overlook the improtance of the timer and also the typing only test. They are important tools for keeping minds sharpest.


I would also like to ask for a setting to keep review tests only showing typing exercises unless I get a word wrong, as it is currently. I find this mode really helps my learning, and it’s one of the reasons I only use the web interface over the app for review sessions.

  • Description of the issue: When I have a task where I need to choose the right audio recording, like this:
    I cannot make a selection using the numeric keypad.
  • Browser: Mozilla Firefox 78.7.0esr, OS: GNU/Linux.
  • To reproduce:
    • Start a classic review.
    • Reach a task where you get to choose the right recording.
    • Try to use the numeric keypad to make a selection.
  • Screenshot: see above.

Thanks for your really helpful, detailed feedback sj18dg37s.

We’re looking into what to do now!


Hey iruben91!

What happens when you get a word wrong is another difference from the old mode - currently it is always inserting a multiple choice card later in the session, and that’s one thing we’re looking into fixing, so it can insert typing tests again.

It sounds like you actively would prefer to always insert Multiple Choice in that case?


Hi abacabadabacaba!

That screenshot is of the old learning session audio multiple choice. To see the new one, you need to turn on “Memrise Labs” in the learning tag on the settings page (this is the opt in “alpha”).

We haven’t launched Classic Review in beta yet (where you have to opt out) while we get this feedback from you all and work on it.

The new audio multiple choice looks like this, and I just checked the keyboard shortcuts work fine!