for those 1. with a real interest in the culture of China, in its extraordinarily rich and diverse history of ideas, and also 2. understanding French
here the links to the courses - in audio format - at the University of Geneva, of one of the most respected contemporary sinologists, Jean-François Billeter:
I’m not sure of all the ins and outs, but if you’re simply referring to somebody’s soul, especially in a spiritual sense, you can often use the single character: 灵 or 灵魂. (Both of these can also be used to mean ‘spirit’.)
心灵 is also a simple, common way to say this same idea, but not related to faith or religion. It is also translated ‘heart’.
I believe the others may all have similar ideas, but are a lot less common. (A Chinese friend just confirmed this, too.)
I’m not using the information from those two websites, but here are some thoughts from the Pleco dictionaries:
大志 (da zhi - big mark/sign/aspiration) you want to make a big mark "high aim, lofty aim, exalted ambition, high aspirations"
雄心 (xiong xin - male/powerful/mighty heart) you have a mighty heart "great ambitions; lofty aspirations"
报复 (bao fu - to hold and to bear/carry on the back) the things you want to hold and carry "aspiration; ambition"
野心 (ye xin - wild heart) you have a heart with no boundaries “wild ambition; careerism”
i was just hurrying to tell you it might be a component in a compound having to do somthing with sliding (movement) regulator or with a “(apply the )brake” 制动…
That doesn’t look like a real character. And which “hao”? A picture of the character in its context would be helpful. Now it looks like you have an associate who tends to write 别字 or you can’t read their handwriting (which is understandable).
The closest I can get is 囚 or 贝 or 巾 or 内 or 內 or 见.
it is some real character, but from mainland China 20 years ago… from a production plant design… And I cannot figure out what is that for…someone claimed on some uni site that is it an obsolete variant for “good” (but only one internet source and one young Chinese economist who wasn’t very sure about are not exactly hard evidence ). Anyhow, the plan does not have any other such adjectives, nowhere, so it cannot be that…
What do you mean by “input”? Do you mean how to type it?
For the second link, it’s difficult to select those characters because they’re a link. Try starting to the left of the “play” arrow icon and then clicking and dragging to the right.
no, i know how to type it… but by typing it i get only one version… the links were there to see the two charaters used… copy-paste does not function, i’ve tried - i get only one version "visible!