Unable to complete courses, web (grammar unavailable)

Hello, @KanaTsumoto!

I have been unable to complete the Japanese 0 for British speakers course for a while now, and now that I’ve made it to the end of the Japanese 1 for British speakers course, I was saddened to learn that I was also unable to complete this course.

Seeing as I had previously completed Dutch 1 and 2, I was curious as to why I was unable to finish the Japanese ones but not the Dutch ones.

Just out of curiousity, I checked to see whether i would be able to make any progress on the app. And the issue seems to be the grammar (beta) lessons, as these are apparently currently only available in the app and not on the on the web.

Will these grammar lessons become available on the web anytime soon? (In which case I will just delay doing them until then). Or will I have to complete these lessons on my phone?

If you have any notion of the timeline or when these lessons will be implemented into the web version, it would be great if you could share it. If not, I’d greatly appreciate knowing this as well :slight_smile:

In either case, thank you for the great courses!

Kind regards,
Marius Henius Dreijer.

Hi @MariusHD,

This subject has been explained in another topic. I put the link below:


Thank you so much!

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