Trust levels and editing course forums first post

Hi @angileptol @BeaTrisy

One of the items on yesterday’s release note states “You can now edit a course’s short description, to give other Memrisers a better idea of what your course is about.”

But in these course forums, it’s currently impossible for course creators to edit the original [Course Forum] post after a few weeks. (The edit pencil disappears.). So could the ability to edit older original posts be included here?

Thanks, - Ian.

Hi, Ian!

Course Forum and memrise learning site are 2 different thing / platforms.

I can help you with editting your forum original post if you need to

Thanks - but could you tell me know how you would do this? I think I’d prefer to have the option to make edits myself, without bothering anyone else.

Perhaps a work-around might be to completely abandon the original thread and create a new one every time there’s a need to edit a course description that’s included in a [Course Forum] original post.

Hi @Atikker,

Hi, thanks for the reply.

It would be helpful to know how to edit my own [Course Forum] original posts that provide learners with descriptions of my courses. Please could you let me know how to do this myself?

I’m the creator/contributor to about a dozen Spanish courses and I don’t want to bother you or any other Memrise staff members with unnecessary requests.

If I’m not going to be allowed to edit my own course descriptions, it will probably be much less time consuming for me to simply create a new thread every time I need to update an [Course Forum] original post description that I’ve written previously for my own courses.

@ian_mn You need to reach to the next level of trust

Hi @Atikker

I’m having trouble understanding what you’re saying. And I’m wondering if this is what you’re trying to direct me to?

Hi @ian_mn,

The discussion in this thread may help:

As @Atikker was explaining above, the forum rules place restrictions on who can convert posts/topics to wiki status. I think currently only regulars and leaders can do it or else you need to ask a staff member. There’s a bit more explanation in this topic:

If you would like some of your forum topics to be converted to wikis, just post links to them here and tag either @Atikker or me so they can be converted. [Hope that’s ok with you. @Atikker :sweat_smile:]


Hi @alanh

Thanks for taking the time to the reply.

I’m surprised that the straightforward option that used to allow me to edit my own course descriptions on the course forums (relating to my own courses) has now been discontinued.

All this jargon about “reaching out to the next level of trust” and “converting topics to wikis” seems just to complicate matters unnecessarily. I’m sure there must be reasons for this complexity behind the scenes, but I don’t particularly want to spend time learning about these new procedures. I hope you will understand.

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@alanh @ian_mn @Atikker It is not ian_mn’s responsibility to learn the “trust” settings, like you would expect him to then waste his time reading more unrelated topics just to trigger a setting change. Clearly, the “thresholds” for topics viewed or posts viewed are set inappropriately if they are excluding an active member like ian_mn from earning so-called trust level 3. Admins should adjust the levels, because you don’t need users to read posts in languages they are not teaching/learning.

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That screenshot is from if anyone cares.

The thresholds are weird. I know this because despite the fact that I am not a course creator, and am not taking care of a course forum, about two weeks ago I suddenly “earned” a higher “trust” level. It is absurd that I now have the power to change thread titles, and ian doesn’t. I guess I earned this “trust” level by starting a word game thread. Or maybe by scattering likes here and there. Or maybe it’s because instead of working on something important, I procrastinated by scrolling through the forum. Like that should make me trust-worthy?


Obviously, this thread has branched into a different topic. Maybe someone with Trust Level 4 status would like to do housekeeping and split this to a new thread asking admins to adjust the thresholds.

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from where did you get that idea… I just said that @ian_mn needs to[quote=“Atikker, post:5, topic:10066”]
reach to the next level of trust

Is it my respeosability to waist my time? I have a life too, you know!!!


I sincerely apologize Atikker, that was not my intent when I did the @ with all the names. I re-read my posts, and I now realize that they can be read as having a tone that I did not intend.

I meant that an ADMIN should CHANGE the thresholds between the so-called levels of trust.