Strict typing suddenly required - Ukrainian Course

this is a new bug, apostrophes were accepted normally up to this day.

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This looks like a “strict typing” issue. The answer isn’t actually showing a regular ASCII single quote there, it’s a right-side single quote, whereas what you typed is a plain ASCII single quote. Different characters. In a memrise course without strict typing, punctuation doesn’t matter, so it would be accepted. In a course with strict typing enabled, punctuation and special characters and accents all matter, and what you typed doesn’t match.

Is this a bug? Or a change in the course? Or a misunderstanding, where you expected all courses to work the same way but you’re taking one with strict typing? Can’t tell from your post.

a) Have you entered answers in this same course before and been marked correct when you used a regular ASCII single quote mark where the course had the right-quote, like this? It used to work in this course and now it doesn’t?

b) If this recently changed in this same course, have you tried tagging the course creator to see if they recently changed the course to require strict typing?

yes it looks like a strict typing issue but this course does not prescribe strict typing (at least it did not until now and I highly doubt the author dropped in today just to change it).
Yes I entered answers in this same course and in this same question more than once. I always used a regular ASCII single quote mark, it always worked and now it doesn’t.
No I did not try to tag the creator. Taking into account today’s earlier issues with hyphens and parentheses, I think reporting a bug here might be more relevant.

…and it looks like there are similar problems with some other courses. A problem with typing tests in arabic courses

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@Joshua, it seems the latest bug resolves pushed this strict typing problem in front instead, second thread

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Please whoever changed the name of the thread, at least do it correctly. This is a course of Ukrainian not Russian.

@lenagardariki I don’t know who changed the thread title originally, but I’ve edited it now.

Seems that Memrise is fiddling with stuff, so hopefully this issue will be resolved soon

thanks @leggi :slight_smile: Yeah I am sure all these issues will be fixed sooner or later, looks like the site has been upgraded, lots of things are supposed to work better now but so far we have tons of bugs as a side effect…

I noticed this on all my Italian courses yesterday. Up until then it didn’t matter if you put in the apostrophe or not the answer was accepted either way. I found the change to my cost when reviewing Italian there being a lot of words starting with l’ and I had got used to missing it out to be quick. I got so many wrong before I realised what was going on. It is a difficult habit to break. It’s not mentioned in the strict typing list which includes accents and on courses that don’t require strict typing the missed apostrophe still results in a wrong answer.

I assumed it must be a memrise update but I wish they had notified us of it. Really to be correct it should be put in but likewise accents too yet this hasn’t changed.

suddenly my courses require to always type in the hyphen - how come that almost always when repairing a bug three others follow…

It is the same bug, not a new one. :slight_smile: The system now considers any punctuation mark (hyphen, ellipsis…) as a word if it is surrounded by spaces. Until friday, only tapping tests worked like this but now we see the same while typing.
…and another problem is that ASCII/Unicode substitution stopped working for typing tests (so that " is no longer accepted instead of ” , for example).

I’m pretty sure there was never any sort of smart ASCII/Unicode substitution. It’s just that with non-strict typing, punctuation doesn’t matter, so it doesn’t care that you mistyped one kind of quotation mark as another.

If there was something smart that treated ASCII characters as matching similar unicode non-ASCII characters, I’m interested to know when that was instituted. I’ve never seen any signs of any such feature in all my time on memrise.

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@cos you may be right… I never tried to omit the apostrophe before and maybe I could do it.
But then you have to explain why I still can omit end-of-word punctuation (like commas) and still can type lowercase instead of uppercase. What we see now is not exactly strict-typing.

wow, people complain that they are required to type all commas as well… Hyphen suddenly required in all courses

I’ve just checked out, my answers are still accepted without commas.

Interesting that this bug several people have reported isn’t exactly the same as strict typing. It just seems to make non-strict have some of the aspects of strict all of a sudden.

I feel a bit confused because it works randomly, some courses require commas, some don’t… in a spanish course I checked, I had to type “¡” but was allowed to omit “¿”.

As an experiment, I just tried deliberately omitting all accents when reviewing a French course, and it worked. I got marked right, non-strictly.

This should be fixed now. Thank you for the report.

not sure about quote marks yet, but hyphens (surrounded by spaces) are still required.

this course: Advanced Ukrainian: Phrases - by gardariki - Memrise

…yes, quote marks are needed too.
So it is still the same state of semi-strict typing, unfortunately :frowning:

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ellipsis in the beginning prevents any answer from being accepted. Same course.

so… is there still hope for fixing those bugs or it is better just to remove all those hyphens from the course? :slight_smile: @Joshua @lien